
A sturdy boy with a farmer’s hardy musculature, lacking in elvish grace and ethereal gait. Sun-seared blonde, blue-eyed, darkly freckled in places, boasting an almost permanent ‘laborer’s tan’, thickly calloused hands, and a physicality thickly corded from growing up a rowdy rural farmstead. Often seen either in a student’s garb or an adventurer’s dark green fatigues.
Skills and Abilities
Life at the edge of the Great Wood can be sometimes rough and it’s a poor farmboy who grows up unversed in bushcraft. Seyda is a skilled woodsman fluent in a multitude of interrelated skills, including hunting, foraging, crafting, tracking, and woodworking.
+Way of the Horse & Bow+
A bow, quiver, and a well-fitted horse can mean the difference between a lean winter larder and well portioned stew bowls. Seyda has untold hours riding horseback, versed in the minutiae of saddle archery. Shootings skills that translate surprisingly well on foot.
+Centre of Percussion+
“It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this, boy!” ‘Master’ Johan was just another aimless hermit cohabiting the long forest line bordering with Seyda’s village. A chance encounter rescuing the boy from a band of starved brigands introduced the pair, and revealed Johan’s wizardry with a blade. The flinty recluse eventually gave into the lad’s begging and schooled him in the traditions of the longsword.
Life at the edge of the Great Wood can be sometimes rough and it’s a poor farmboy who grows up unversed in bushcraft. Seyda is a skilled woodsman fluent in a multitude of interrelated skills, including hunting, foraging, crafting, tracking, and woodworking.
+Way of the Horse & Bow+
A bow, quiver, and a well-fitted horse can mean the difference between a lean winter larder and well portioned stew bowls. Seyda has untold hours riding horseback, versed in the minutiae of saddle archery. Shootings skills that translate surprisingly well on foot.
+Centre of Percussion+
“It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this, boy!” ‘Master’ Johan was just another aimless hermit cohabiting the long forest line bordering with Seyda’s village. A chance encounter rescuing the boy from a band of starved brigands introduced the pair, and revealed Johan’s wizardry with a blade. The flinty recluse eventually gave into the lad’s begging and schooled him in the traditions of the longsword.
Urbane guile and the seedier, crueler aspects of the world regularly confound and bewilder Seyda. He was raised on a healthy diet of childhood myths and legends, that painted the world in colours of wonder and sowed dreams where good was strong, evil could be defeated, and concepts like goodness, joy, were not just attainable but worthy things to pursue. Maybe it’s something to his elvish blood but for Seyda, fairy tales are worth fighting for.
Biography & Lore
A native of the rural communities dotting the long tree line marking the frontier divide between the immense greenery of the Falwood and the Aberresai plains. By his own tale, he arrived in Alliria on his own, tracking down every and any college that would take both his rube wits and what was left of his severely lightened purse.
The first week was disastrous: two tavern brawls, a chase from a merchant mistaking him for his wife’s notorious paramour, three infractions concerning horses within the city walls, an aborted duel with a minor nobleman’s son’s second cousin, foiling not one nor even three but four separate footpads trying to lift his purse, and ending with a fire in the backyard of a chemist shop.
Seyda was starving and bedraggled when the masters of St. Ninian’s College allowed a kind of scant interview. In spite of well-earned reservations, he’d attracted a strange reputation not even a month into his stay in the city, they allowed him enrollment. Now, between classes, fencing studies, odd-job labour to pay a closet bedroom at the Green Hound inn, Seyda races just to keep up.
A native of the rural communities dotting the long tree line marking the frontier divide between the immense greenery of the Falwood and the Aberresai plains. By his own tale, he arrived in Alliria on his own, tracking down every and any college that would take both his rube wits and what was left of his severely lightened purse.
The first week was disastrous: two tavern brawls, a chase from a merchant mistaking him for his wife’s notorious paramour, three infractions concerning horses within the city walls, an aborted duel with a minor nobleman’s son’s second cousin, foiling not one nor even three but four separate footpads trying to lift his purse, and ending with a fire in the backyard of a chemist shop.
Seyda was starving and bedraggled when the masters of St. Ninian’s College allowed a kind of scant interview. In spite of well-earned reservations, he’d attracted a strange reputation not even a month into his stay in the city, they allowed him enrollment. Now, between classes, fencing studies, odd-job labour to pay a closet bedroom at the Green Hound inn, Seyda races just to keep up.
Gear & Equipment
Master Johan’s old fighting steel, an aged longsword showing wear and tear in spite of upkeep. A ‘poor mans’ blade, if still dependably balanced and keenly edged. Part of Seyda’s everyday wear between St. Ninian’s and the Scholam Chalybem.
[Student’s Uniform]
Simple garb consisting of a plain white shirt, black trousers and spurred boots. Garnished with an embroidery of St. Ninian’s herald: an opened book resplendent with flowing phylactery.
[Student’s Satchel]
Repurposed leather sewn into a rough sack, reinforced with a bit of timber and hooped belts, meant to be worn across the back rather than commonly off the shoulder and hip. Usually tightly bundled with Seyda’s books and miscellanea.
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