

Biographical information
Alliria Middle Aged; Indeterminate N/A
Physical description
Human Male 5'11" 201lbs. Black Dark Blue Caucasian (Tanned)
Political information
Assassin; Disciple of Merke
Out-of-character information


Easily overlooked if one doesn't know what they're looking for. At a glance Severan is of average height and weight, tanned complexion and wears his hair and beard cut short and kept to standard. One might make a case that he wouldn't stand out unless he wanted to. Closer inspection would reveal that his body is composed tightly corded muscles ready to explode outwards like a spring, his eyes are dark and deep and look through most people like they don't exist.

Skills and Abilities

Unarmed Combat - Trained in the art of unarmed combat Severan is experienced in a number of styles that maximize the amount of damage he can inflict on his opponents in a minimum amount of time.

Short Blades - Knives, Daggers and Short Swords are his preferred weapons in armed combat either thrown or wielded in melee. As such his combat style can adapt from a ranged preference to a closer one.

Ambidextrous - Left handed or right? He's equally skilled with both.

Stealth - Light footed and capable of closing distance on unsuspecting individuals quickly and quietly Severan can blend with the shadows he moves between or hide in a crowd, blending with the different people around him as he closes in on his targets. Most people, even alert or trained in the art of observation would find it difficult to see him coming before it's to late.

The Touch of Merke - As an adherent of Merke, the Dark One has granted Severan a number of blessings. These are often mistaken as a form of Rune Magic due to the tattoos that he adorns himself with. In fact the tattoos are a form of Illusion used to communicate and identify himself amongst peers and other servants of the Dark Ones; if he chooses to do so Severan can cleanse himself of any identifying marks.

Merke has bestowed his servant with several aspects of Divine Magic which include Blessings, Wards and Illusions. Blessings are limited to Severan's person and allow him to enhance himself physically, mentally and to heal wounds inflicted upon himself. Wards and Illusions allow Severan to create barriers, trap enemies, disguise himself and create phantom sounds among other things.

  • The Price: As Merke is the Aspect of Silence amongst the Dark Ones he demands appropriate worship from his servants. Adherents must spend a minimum of an hour, daily in silence without interuption giving themselves over to the quiet that lifelessness would entail in Merke's shadow. Annually a Disciple of Merke must commit murder, silencing at least one person forever for the divine blessings they receive.


Quiet, contemplative. Severan rarely speaks above a whisper or a quiet lull. If he is caught in a social setting he carries himself with a predators grace, watching everyone around him and carefully choosing who to strike at first if he must. He cares nothing for people though he will work with them or for them as long as it serves his purpose knowing that the people he could be fighting alongside today might be rivals or targets tomorrow. If he has a target then killing that person will become his life until the deed is done or the mark of death rescinded.

Biography & Lore

If Severan has a history it is forgotten by anyone who knew him. His old life is less than a memory. What he does admit to is that he was born in Alliria at some point however whether this is a lie, a half truth or the whole truth is debatable as he likely answers to allay the curiosity of anyone asking.

Severan is an Assassin and a Disciple of Merke, the Dark One Aspect of Silence. He travels the world across Epressa and Liadain seeking his next mark, those he must kill to appease his God. As he travels he will, occasionally take a contract from someone with the ingenuity enough to seek him out and find him though such contracts often demand a high price to be paid in return. Though his primary master is Merke he is the tool of all of the Dark Ones and his motivations are the motivations of his masters...


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