Seren Tem
Standing at 5'6", Seren is athletic in build if not somewhat slender. While her profession often calls for muscle she does not possess, the lady is suitably strong for her frame. Her arms are well toned to accommodate the hammer and hoof. Strong legs from years of equestrian activities are well balanced by gently curving hips, and a lean torso. The faintest of freckles blanket her shoulders, more apparent than those on her face.
Seren's skin is fair, tanning coppery in the sun and rosy with embarrassment. She bears a few scars on her arms and small burns on her hand from mishaps with the furnace, most several years old. Warm brown eyes are shrouded by dark lashes, the brows above fairly straight with only the slightest arch. Her features are soft, edging on delicate with a thin nose and full lips. A strong jawline and high cheekbones often give the farrier a perturbed if not cross appearance, though a quick smile all but remedies such thoughts.
Her hair is a deep mahogany, the occasional locks highlighted with auburn and chestnut hues. It is often fashioned into a simple braid or loose bun to accommodate the labors of her profession. When untied her naturally wavy hair measures to mid back.
The woman wears inexpensive clothes, opting between a servant's shift or breeches and a tunic, depending on her work. On occasion she can be caught in a dress, though it bears the mark of age, the homespun material simple and unassuming. More often than not she can be seen in calf-length boots of deerskin or rough leather.
Seren's skin is fair, tanning coppery in the sun and rosy with embarrassment. She bears a few scars on her arms and small burns on her hand from mishaps with the furnace, most several years old. Warm brown eyes are shrouded by dark lashes, the brows above fairly straight with only the slightest arch. Her features are soft, edging on delicate with a thin nose and full lips. A strong jawline and high cheekbones often give the farrier a perturbed if not cross appearance, though a quick smile all but remedies such thoughts.
Her hair is a deep mahogany, the occasional locks highlighted with auburn and chestnut hues. It is often fashioned into a simple braid or loose bun to accommodate the labors of her profession. When untied her naturally wavy hair measures to mid back.
The woman wears inexpensive clothes, opting between a servant's shift or breeches and a tunic, depending on her work. On occasion she can be caught in a dress, though it bears the mark of age, the homespun material simple and unassuming. More often than not she can be seen in calf-length boots of deerskin or rough leather.
Skills and Abilities
Smithing - Seren has spent most of her life in the forge as an apprentice then member of the blacksmith guild of Vel Anir. She is well versed in the process and techniques necessary to forge horseshoes, equine equipment and tack, as well as general items such as armor and weaponry.
Farrier - Seren specializes in the shoeing of Vel Anir's horses and mostly contracts those customers.
Equine Veterinary Skills - As a farrier she is knowledgeable of horse anatomy, particularly of the hoof and leg. She has been called to inspect a lame or felled horse regardless of the iron on its hooves and is reliable in her ability to treat said horse for its condition.
Riding - Seren is a capable equestrian, though she has not had many opportunities of late to continue her education
Farrier - Seren specializes in the shoeing of Vel Anir's horses and mostly contracts those customers.
Equine Veterinary Skills - As a farrier she is knowledgeable of horse anatomy, particularly of the hoof and leg. She has been called to inspect a lame or felled horse regardless of the iron on its hooves and is reliable in her ability to treat said horse for its condition.
Riding - Seren is a capable equestrian, though she has not had many opportunities of late to continue her education
Seren is most consistently characterized as quiet and mild mannered. Indeed she is often content watching a scene unfold before asserting herself into a situation. She tends to choose her words carefully and prefers observation before conversation.
When conversing is preferable, particularly in social settings, Seren possesses dark humor and simpering wit, which is typically unexpectedly bestowed given her penchant for introversion. She keeps a small group of close confidants but is friendly to most when given the opportunity.
At her core Seren is a thoughtful and empathetic woman with a strong sense of morality. She rarely raises her voice or invites conflict but will maintain her convictions and defend those in need.
When conversing is preferable, particularly in social settings, Seren possesses dark humor and simpering wit, which is typically unexpectedly bestowed given her penchant for introversion. She keeps a small group of close confidants but is friendly to most when given the opportunity.
At her core Seren is a thoughtful and empathetic woman with a strong sense of morality. She rarely raises her voice or invites conflict but will maintain her convictions and defend those in need.
Biography & Lore
Seren was born in the city where she still resides, the third child of the Tem family. Her father, Lief, was a weaponsmith in the guild known for his intricate armor. His father, Mathias Tem, was a renowned weaponsmith and guildmember, known throughout the city for his skill and presence. Seren's mother, Mara, trained the city's military horses until her career-ending accident when Seren was twenty. Both of her parents have since passed, drawing Seren closer to her elder brothers, Bale and Oren.
Oren, her senior by four years, followed their father as a blacksmith, his skill in weaponry providing him easy access to the city's smithing guild. Their familial legacy and impressive craftmanship in the guild allowed Lief to bring his daughter to forge to hone her skills as a teenager. She was accepted as an apprentice, though they kept her at that rank for a year and a half longer than her male counterparts, before advancing as a guildmember.
Oren, her senior by four years, followed their father as a blacksmith, his skill in weaponry providing him easy access to the city's smithing guild. Their familial legacy and impressive craftmanship in the guild allowed Lief to bring his daughter to forge to hone her skills as a teenager. She was accepted as an apprentice, though they kept her at that rank for a year and a half longer than her male counterparts, before advancing as a guildmember.