Sekido Sei
"All anybody can ask for is a good death."
Warriors are created often out of necessity; in its basest form, the ability to fight is merely a step up from the ability to hunt and track an animal. For the mountain folk high up in the foothills of the world's Spine, to hunt is to put food on the table, no matter the size of the creature. Raised in what others call poverty, Sei, the son of Sekido was free from the notion of coin. He hunted hares as young as six and later elk, when he could start using the longbow. -Anonymous-
Liberty would not last long, not when winter set; the people of the village could not sustain on mere meat in the snowy cold. Grain, ale and other things needed coin and the young folk who could not find work in the village must provide for their parents.
As the eldest of his siblings Sei joined with the other young men of the village and set off for Aliria for work, for coin and for all the world had to offer. Those with no talent for the bow found work as labourers or as clerks for merchants; Sekido Sei found himself soon as an archer for a warband in dire need of rangers, with seven other men. Even their lack of battle experience could be tempered out with training, and there was many a-year before the next battle, or so claims the warlord. . .
Quick-witted for simple folk, Sei's fluency with the art of the silver tongue has not changed the earnest individual, whose primary motivation for his work is to keep food on the table for his family. His line of work and the breaking of his once closed perspective however, has changed his personality; naivety was replaced with cold cynicism, snuffing his original cheerful spirit. Some call him a jerk for it, others with less socially acceptable names; for Sei his sarcasm is merely a defensive mechanism he adopted to cope with the knowledge that he now hunted men, not beasts.For those cursed with the scars of war however, they are one and the same. Sei has yet to taste the harsh well of war, seeking no part in major conflicts or battles, an odd position for one who traded in steel and iron. Maybe it's time he found a new line of work?
Born to two normal human parents, Sei was extremely lucky that his Kavoshi features did not see him an early death in the cold wilderness. With long, messy hair tied up into a warrior's bun his features mesh comfortably with each other to give a handsome appearance. Thick eyebrows, angular cheeks and jawlines as expected from his bloodline, were it not for his solid blue-grey eyes he could easily have his pick of the village women. With a deep, bass voice Sei's features was the final nail in the coffin of great irony; the Gods laugh, and Sei does all he can to laugh along.Short as he is, Sei is built with a lean, lithe body built for dexterous movements. His upper chest however, is well built from his skill as an archer and as such he can throw a good punch for his size. Dressed in simple robes and pants, Sei adds color through sashes wrapped around his waist as a simple belt, where he keeps his coin purse tucked away. His defining fashion feature however is in the long scarf he carries with him. A versatile tool, it can protect against the elements or even be fashioned into a face mask for more covert appearances.
When dressed for battle the archer adds a wooden lamellar forearm guard for his right hand, with layered pieces stretching to his shoulder, where it connects to a chest piece. A maile shirt goes in between his clothing and armor to dampen physical attacks. Black leather boots and shin guards keeps his feet well protected from the elements.
Skills and Abilities
As a huntsman Sei's proficiency with the longbow is shown through the devastating effects of his quick draw. Having practiced regularly to be as familiar with his weapon as his own body, the archer can loose four arrows in a span of fifteen seconds accurately up to a two hundred meters against a man-sized target. One could attribute it to skill, although Sei's secret is within his own innate abilities as a Kavosh. With plenty of magic in him the archer's main forte is enchantment: with a few whispered words and an hour spent focusing on a bundle of arrows Sei can guarantee his arrows will adjust themselves to meet their mark no matter the winds. Through his own personal studies and experimentation he has discovered that he can also enchant his armor and weapons, although the more powerful the enchantment the more complicated the ritual, draining his mental stamina for hours. Imbuing arrows with elemental effects, strength of steel or to home in on a designated foe are some of the basic level enchantments Sei can perform. More difficult magics include the addition of more elemental effects on top of a currently existing one, explosive effects, and limited flight control heavily relying on focus and concentration on the arrow in flight.It is for this matter that Sei's arms and armor have an almost supernatural level of effectiveness compared to their standard competitors, although Sei's brand of magic also affects the body. Having a spider's agility or the ability to breath underwater is always useful to have in the right situations- if Sei has knowledge of what lies beyond a wall he could even theoretically pass through with no resistance, although this has only been done once, requiring a still mind that Sei often pursues.
As a swordsman the Kavosh is competent in his own rights; carrying a straight sword by his hip, along with a multitude of daggers and knives Sei is prepared for an encounter with a melee fighter. While no true master his agility and magical prowess makes him a wily and dangerous foe when cornered. Like all archers however, being stuck in a close engagement is not a preferable situation.
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