

Biographical information
Unknown Unknown The Forbidden City
Physical description
Weird Male 3'4” at the shoulder 14’ tusk to tail 170lbs Blood Red Foliage Green
Political information
The Hive Full Time Eater
Out-of-character information
Hollic 4/9/19 Avatar


What little remains of his goblin heritage, Scabbers is now hardly recognizable as such. Having grown immensely from his prior form, he also gained a tail and a dislocating jaw similar to a snakes. Chitin covers his back and arms, while a pair of tusks jut out from his lower jaw.

Skills and Abilities

Iron Gut - Scabbers eats. Everything. If it is new and strange, much like a human child, it is going to be taste tested. His iron gut comes from eating and evolving from a bird that devoured carcasses.

Chitin Plate - A common theme among the Hive, armor plating covers the former goblin but leaves his belly and similar parts exposed.


It would be a far cry to say that Scabbers is charismatic, but he does lead a small team of explorers and skirmishers around. Technically the biggest and meanest of his little troop of murder hobos.

Biography & Lore

Scabbers does not remember much before the Hive. He believes he was a goblin leader before hand, which explains the group that roams with him. Beyond that he does not care to remember as the Hive has given him and those under him a bigger purpose.


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