Sapphire has a lithe build, being thin and tall.Her hands are soft, devoid of calluses, though usually concealed by gloves. Her face is soft-featured, her eyes downturned, with well-defined brows. Her lips are thin, giving her smiles a certain harshness to them. Her face is usually concealed under a hood, her hair almost always left to fall across her shoulders. Wearing ragged clothes has given her an inconspicuous look. She almost completely lacks scarring, but from two marks on her back from sword slashes.

Skills and Abilities
Bone-Breaking: Seen more as a curse than a gift, Sapphire has the ability to break the bones of anyone she has prolonged contact with. At first the individual will feel an unnatural cold in their bones, followed by the fracturing and eventual shattering of the bone closest to where touch is initiated. Sapphire has no control over this, and the speed at which it takes effect can vary. As an example, gripping a person's arm for longer than a few seconds can cause the fracturing and breaking of the bones beneath the skin. The ability cannot penetrate thicker armor, which interrupts the process of bone shattering.
This ability is the work of dark magic, and continual use has effects on Sapphire's psyche and personality. Prolonged use leaves her feeling cold and ruthless (moreso than usual)
Acting: Having experience lying about her identity and hiding her abilities, Sapphire is a decent actor.
Lacking in combat experience: Sapphire has no formal combat training and relies on instincts and luck to survive
Coldness: Sapphire has no problem turning on people if it serves her interests. While she does not enjoy wronging people, she looks out for herself first
This ability is the work of dark magic, and continual use has effects on Sapphire's psyche and personality. Prolonged use leaves her feeling cold and ruthless (moreso than usual)
Acting: Having experience lying about her identity and hiding her abilities, Sapphire is a decent actor.
Lacking in combat experience: Sapphire has no formal combat training and relies on instincts and luck to survive
Coldness: Sapphire has no problem turning on people if it serves her interests. While she does not enjoy wronging people, she looks out for herself first
Sapphire is quite a reclusive person, for good reasons. Not wanting to unnecessarily hurt anyone, the woman tends to avoid close human contact if at all possible. She is fearful of her abilities and what they can do to people. As someone who has caused a lot of accidental pain, Sapphire is sometimes quick to feel guilty when she feels she has done wrong.
She is, however, resilient. Motivated and strong, Sapphire is willing to fight tooth and nail to survive. While guilt sets in when she hurts the innocent, Sapphire has no problem attacking those who threaten her. She can be ruthless and has shown to have a bit of a temper in the past. That said, she will try to resolve conflicts without using magic. The girl will only use her abilities when absolutely necessary, or if her anger gets the better of her. In addition, she's often cold towards strangers, and has come to expect the worst from people
Things weren’t always so bad. Sapphire had a loving family. She was happy, trusting and humorous. Always someone who took initiative, Sapphire was a hard worker, and quite hyperactive as a child. Perhaps she will regain part of who she once was. If so, she has a long way to come.
Biography & Lore
Through the streets of an old hamlet outside Alliria, a young girl was being dragged by the hair to what was to be her execution. The girl, whose back bled from the blades that urged her to the gallows, was being tried and executed as a witch. For this girl broke the bones of any man, woman or child she touched. And as she laid her head on the chopping block, the executioner lifted his axe. It was at this point that Sapphire broke one of the man’s fibula
The girl left her town that day, left the family she’d been torn from, the people of her village who had shunned her, and ultimately sentenced her to death. The mob that chased her from town was immense, pitchforks and torches hot on her heels. The girl fled, with nowhere to run and no one to turn to. Eventually, the mob stopped chasing.
With no option to return home, Sapphire wandered. Hers was a difficult childhood. She’d grown up accidentally breaking people, with no clue as to why, and no way to control her abilities. The girl was terrified of people, and what she could do to them. Deep down, she knew her family feared her too. Yet they never dared harm her. They loved her as much as any family could, given the situation. But they could not protect her from the world, and they inevitably could not protect the world from her.
Sapphire knew returning to her family was pointless. They were probably better off not having to protect her anyway. She saw herself as a burden on them. So the girl runs, hoping to find answers about her curse, with the hope of somehow controlling it.