1. Sandbox
  2. Veer Thola

Veer Thola

Biographical information
The Spine 21 Mobile
Physical description
Snatcher Male 8' Very lean build. None Red Gray
Political information
Professional criminal
Out-of-character information

Veer is the only known Snatcher, a rare sentient creature whose one instinct is to take. What they decide to take can range from your wealth, to your life. Veer often gets through fear and dread what he cannot get through guile, and engages in activities such as kidnapping, theft, and assassination.


See image

Skills and Abilities

Wings - He has bat-like wings that allow him to fly and use them as a defense, since the wings' hide is more durable than the rest of his body.
Venom - His fangs have an extremely dangerous venom; bites from a Snatcher are extraordinarily deadly.
Superhuman strength - Being a large creature, his strength levels far surpass humans.
Stealth tactics - Veer knows how to use darkness and silence to his advantage, blending in at night or in shadowy areas while stalking his prey or target.
Cunning - Snatcher is full of tricks. He will sometimes fight with a calculated, deceptive approach if he is confronted directly. However, he will more often fly away from large groups of enemies or even a single enemy that is more powerful than he is.


Veer is egotistical, sadistic, deceitful, and ambitious. He genuinely enjoys making the lives of others painful or hard, and also delights in the fear he spreads. Selfish and cowardly to the end, he won't risk his own hide even if it is the honorable thing to do. Of course, this cowardice is by far his greatest weakness, as there are many creatures out there working against him, and some of them are much more powerful than he is. That being said, being well-prepared for his malevolent activities will often get him to back off or retreat.

Biography & Lore

Veer Thola was born 21 years ago in The Spine, where he grew up. He became a target of Orc hunting parties in his childhood, without knowing why, and having already encountered other aggressive, predatory creatures, he developed a deep hatred for many forms of life (he believed other creatures were what made his life hard.). After failing to find any other Snatchers to fit in with, Veer instead turned to taking from other species to get by. Before long, he was good at it, and it made him feel truly alive, despite how terrible his actions were.


Credit for image: Rick Heinrichs; The Watcher In The Woods (1980)

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