1. Sandbox
  2. Thomas Lockwood

Thomas Lockwood

Biographical information
Malakath 27 Lockwood Estate
Physical description
Human Male 156cm 52.4 kg brown pale blue Caucasian
Political information
sergeant-at-arms (Formerly)
Out-of-character information
Temeraire 16/08/2024 Unknown AI Generator

Thomas hails from the Lockwood family, a minor noble house in Thansis noted for their strong military connections. Before becoming ascended and adopted by House Malennis he served as a Knight in the Malakath military. He is the rider of Taliesin a dragon whom he met during his career in the military, saving him from captors and subsequently being sponsored by Malennis to bond with him after all other options were exhausted. His dragon has a reputation for being a little peculiar in their mannerisms and attitude.


Thomas is a young man, with a bright complexion and athletic build. However, he isn't unmarred with several scars scattered across his arms from injuries sustained during his service.

Preferential to dark green uniforms and clothing he will dress for the occasion and rarely leaves home without at least a spare should his current attire be damaged in battle. He will typically adorn his clothes with simple brass jewellery heralding the colours of his biological family accompanied by sapphire jewels.

Skills and Abilities

With a military heritage and training beneath an experienced knight, Thomas is a capable and experienced fighter; he is proficient in martial weapons and has expertise in Polearms and great weapons. Yet his greatest assets remain his observational and tactical abilities. However, his lack of aviation experience remains a distinct weakness.


Brave, polite, and honourable to excess. Thomas was raised to be steadfast in his convictions and loyal to his Kingdom, but with a conscience, and he will exercise it. Thomas has lived the life of a soldier, he knows to respect his superiors and appreciates wisdom where he can find it but is willing to challenge it - often at his own expense.

In his downtime, Thomas is an avid reader of archaeological studies and often hosts guests for games such as dragonchess and light conversation.

Biography & Lore

Aged 14, Thomas began training as a knight, serving as a squire under Jacqueline Montante. As a tutor, Jacqueline taught him to wield the polearms, great sword, and longsword. At his father's behest, Jacqueline taught Thomas the military tactics necessary for The Mantle - a rite of passage designed to test the skills of Lockwood children.

Aged 17, Thomas would undertake this trial. He was taken into the care of his uncle, who took Jacob into the wilderness on trips to hunt dangerous wildlife and provide security for merchant caravans - teaching him basic survival skills and lessons on the savage realities of the outside world.

One night, he was challenged to defeat a local pack of dire wolves devouring large quantities of livestock and thus weakening the supply destined to feed soldiers and dragons fighting in the borderlands. Realising early on he was outmatched and outnumbered by his quarry, Thomas would monitor the pack and forge a plan to outwit his opponents. Ultimately successful in his trial, Jacob resumed service in the Malakath military as a sergeant-at-arms.

Later in his career, Thomas would distinguish himself by intercepting a suspected attempt by Thagretis-sponsored mercenaries to smuggle a young moon dragon from Thanasian. After successfully liberating the dragon, it was quickly established the wyrm had received significant injuries, presumably sustained during its capture. Ferrying the dragon back to Malakath, he advised and delivered it to House Malennis, where it could be treated and its identity ascertained.

A month later, Thomas received a missive summoning him back to House Malennis. Upon his arrival, Thomas was advised that the dragon he brought had been restored to good health. However, the wounds it had sustained matched a claw and tooth rather than steel. Furthermore, they were unable to ascertain the dragon's identity and while not hostile, attempts to bond with it had similarly failed.

They had hoped Thomas might succeed where they had failed. Despite recognising the honour Thomas was hesitant. The commitment to a dragon would assuredly prevent him from pursuing his current career in the military and mean turning his back on his father's aspirations and yet refusing the attempt would be a slight not only against one of the major houses but the kingdom too.

With that in mind, Jacob decided to accept the offer, secretly hoping for a repeat of the failed attempts thus far. Fate, however, would have other plans.


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