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The Highest
This is where info on The Highest goes
Dhavohr, God of Leadership
Dhavohr is frequently portrayed in iconography as a sturdy, broad man astride a mule, with long, dark hair streaked with grey, and warm, brown eyes. His browline is strong and his expression commanding. His clothing is simple and warm, and he carries a club-like scepter. He is often depicted with one or more of the other deities of The Highest by his side, implicative that leadership is rarely effective without support.
Qizmir, Goddess of Penance, Love, Fertility, and Health
Qizmir's info here
Ohtar, God of the Seasons, Harvest, and Nature
Ohtar's info here
Sobris, God of Protection and the Military
Sobris' info here
Emotl, Goddess of Birth and the Afterlife
Emotl's info here
Aharus, God of Freedom, Truth, and Luck
Aharus is frequently portrayed in inconography as a pretty young man, with curly black hair, the barest hint of fuzz on his jaw, and pure, unmarred skin. He wears a blood red silken blindfold around his eyes, a soft tan drape around his waist, and carries ceremonial knife. Occasionally he is shown to be cutting his own throat, or having it cut by a faceless monster. Always, he seems impassive, accepting of his fate.
Zydaos, Goddess of Trades and Shops
Zydaos' info here
Venos, God of the Hearth, Brewing, and Entertainment
Venos' info here
Dhavohr, God of Leadership
Dhavohr is frequently portrayed in iconography as a sturdy, broad man astride a mule, with long, dark hair streaked with grey, and warm, brown eyes. His browline is strong and his expression commanding. His clothing is simple and warm, and he carries a club-like scepter. He is often depicted with one or more of the other deities of The Highest by his side, implicative that leadership is rarely effective without support.
Qizmir, Goddess of Penance, Love, Fertility, and Health
Qizmir's info here
Ohtar, God of the Seasons, Harvest, and Nature
Ohtar's info here
Sobris, God of Protection and the Military
Sobris' info here
Emotl, Goddess of Birth and the Afterlife
Emotl's info here
Aharus, God of Freedom, Truth, and Luck
Aharus is frequently portrayed in inconography as a pretty young man, with curly black hair, the barest hint of fuzz on his jaw, and pure, unmarred skin. He wears a blood red silken blindfold around his eyes, a soft tan drape around his waist, and carries ceremonial knife. Occasionally he is shown to be cutting his own throat, or having it cut by a faceless monster. Always, he seems impassive, accepting of his fate.
Zydaos, Goddess of Trades and Shops
Zydaos' info here
Venos, God of the Hearth, Brewing, and Entertainment
Venos' info here
The Chosen
Info on The Chosen goes here
Hennan the Tenderfoot
Hennan the Tenderfoot
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