Astral Vampire
"It haunts me every night. An intrusive thought that claws at the back of my mind like an animal caught in the hunter's trap. Is this flesh my own? Or am I merely the parasite within? Who am I?"
—Book of Lilette
Revenants are an ancient vampiric people that are otherwise difficult to categorize, being both sentient victims of Vampirism and hosts to the parasite which infected them. Some Revenants theorize that the parasite forms a symbiotic relationship with it's host, turning them into keen predators while feeding off of something within the blood their host consumes. Others however, claim to inherit memories that are not their own, theorizing that the Host and Parasite become one being.
This question drives some mad, while others embrace the path of transhumanism.
Legend claims that the truth lies berried amidst the ruins of their ancient homeland, a fallen kingdom called "Edan", located somewhere to the east. All attempts at finding it have failed thus far, though rumor has it that a mysterious order of Red-clad knights have traced their origins to Malakath.
This question drives some mad, while others embrace the path of transhumanism.
Legend claims that the truth lies berried amidst the ruins of their ancient homeland, a fallen kingdom called "Edan", located somewhere to the east. All attempts at finding it have failed thus far, though rumor has it that a mysterious order of Red-clad knights have traced their origins to Malakath.
Revenants often speak the language of their birthplace, but a few however have passed down an ancient language thought to be all that survives of their homeland's legacy.
It is called "Old Edanian"
The Edanian tongue is rarely heard outside of Revenant circles, of which relatively few exist, but it can be recognized in spoken form by it's guttural sounds and hissing accent which belie the grandiose and poetic structure of the Edanian dialect.
The language itself is thought to have been directly influenced by the introduction of vampirism to the larger culture of the Edanian homeland, with each word comfortably formed around the use of fangs where pronunciation of foreign languages would otherwise suffer.
Because of these fangs however, Most Revenants are often short spoken or hushed when communicating with other species for fear of discovery, though some revenants would claim it a matter of "convenience" rather than true fear.
It is called "Old Edanian"
The Edanian tongue is rarely heard outside of Revenant circles, of which relatively few exist, but it can be recognized in spoken form by it's guttural sounds and hissing accent which belie the grandiose and poetic structure of the Edanian dialect.
The language itself is thought to have been directly influenced by the introduction of vampirism to the larger culture of the Edanian homeland, with each word comfortably formed around the use of fangs where pronunciation of foreign languages would otherwise suffer.
Because of these fangs however, Most Revenants are often short spoken or hushed when communicating with other species for fear of discovery, though some revenants would claim it a matter of "convenience" rather than true fear.
Revenants, like most vampires, tend to have pale complexions regardless of their pre-vampiric skin tone, save for darker hosts whose change is often unnoticeable.
The only way to truly identify a revenant from afar is through the eye. Upon turning, a revenant host's eyes change from their original state, taking on one of a select few colors depending on the sub-strain provided by the parasite, though the resulting shade can be unpredictable. One commonality they all share however is the slight "Glow", which is most noticeable in the shade or a dark room. It is subtle, but revenants and hunters alike can learn to spot the difference in time.
Upon closer inspection, Revenants will have fangs in the form of elongated canines that are never long enough to be exposed whilst behind closed lips, but can be difficult to hide while speaking or especially smiling.
Another commonality they tend to share regardless of their sub-strains is a discoloration of the hair, typically ranging from Ashen and Silver or Gold. It was thought that Revenants who share the same "Bloodline" will inherit the same color of hair, though there have been some exceptions, and there are cases of Dark haired Revenants.
The only way to truly identify a revenant from afar is through the eye. Upon turning, a revenant host's eyes change from their original state, taking on one of a select few colors depending on the sub-strain provided by the parasite, though the resulting shade can be unpredictable. One commonality they all share however is the slight "Glow", which is most noticeable in the shade or a dark room. It is subtle, but revenants and hunters alike can learn to spot the difference in time.
Upon closer inspection, Revenants will have fangs in the form of elongated canines that are never long enough to be exposed whilst behind closed lips, but can be difficult to hide while speaking or especially smiling.
Another commonality they tend to share regardless of their sub-strains is a discoloration of the hair, typically ranging from Ashen and Silver or Gold. It was thought that Revenants who share the same "Bloodline" will inherit the same color of hair, though there have been some exceptions, and there are cases of Dark haired Revenants.
Revenants seem to temporarily drain their victim's arcane abilities after feeding, and so the parasite is believed to feed on magical energies or perhaps even the life force of other creatures, filtering it from the blood of their host's prey, and using the byproduct to give power the host power.
While these effects can prove devastating if a Revenant is allowed to feed on a mage during battle, the effects will only last minutes at a time, though it may turn the tide of magically focused combat. A mage should be careful that they never lose an entire mouthful to a Revenant, lest the drain take hold.

Very few ever seen the parasite itself, but those who have, claim that it is not unlike the human heart, though bearing tendrils where there should be veins, and a mind of it's own when prodded.
The Parasite, called an "Astral" or "Animator" by Revenant hosts, feeds on the heart of a deceased body, growing until it has reached the size of the heart itself, replacing it in both function and form. This has led to the half joke among Revenants that they are indeed "Heartless", despite most clearly expressing emotion.
It is for this reason that Revenants often prioritize the defense of their "Heart", as a blow to their symbiotic "Animator" can be fatal as the real thing, and cannot heal itself the way it can heal the host.
The "Animator" is thought to be what allows the host to revive, as it requires a dead body to animate, killing it's host or implanting itself in a recently deceased victim before resurrecting the host and infecting them with Vampirism, creating a host's dependency on the Animator for survival, as it redirects all blood flow, ingested or otherwise, through itself.
Because of this, any Revenant separated from their Animator will most likely die(immediately), though it is possible for the animator of a deceased host to supplant itself in a new body, provided that it has freshly passed and that the animator has immediate access to it. While it may prolong the animator's survival, the new host will take on an unpredictable amalgamation of memories from both the previous host and the new one, driving the host mad.
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