1. Sandbox
  2. Luminancy


Light. The concept of sight. Everyone is aware of its presence or lack thereof, and many species need light in order to see. However, light is also responsible for many illusions. Take, for example, mirages and shimmering air commonly seen in the Amol Kamit. Fooled by the shimmering of light, many an unfortunate traveler has had their hopes crushed as what appears to be a pool of water was merely an illusion crafted to deceive them. Or take, for example, how light reflected off of snow can blind the unwary, leading to pain, and in extreme cases, a more permanent loss of sight.

To deceive, and to strike. Illusion and offense. These two traits are core for those who wish to manipulate light, who, upon taking inspiration from said natural phenomena, endeavor to replicate these two traits.

What emerges, however, is different than what one may expect. Taking inspiration from materials like glass and gemstones, Luminancers have learned how to treat light almost like glass, and as such, allows for not only practical and deadly, if fragile, constructs, but also great tricks of deception and illusion.

Luminancers are those who can vitrify light, turning it into a glassy or crystalline form that can be manipulated. While this allows for the ability to create constructs and illusions, this also creates a weakness in the form of a very fragile work of art. Due to such a weakness, Luminancy is often focused on illusion, offense, and even sometimes mobility.

Spell constructs that are shattered often leave behind a wreckage of what they once were, shattered into many small pieces; illusions function very much the same, except that they are much more faint.

Induction and Price

One cannot immediately delve into Luminancy. First, one must prepare their body, as the body itself cannot accept the energy needed to shape light without a medium. Therefore, prospecting users must implant gemstones within themselves in order to access said energy; specifically, within the palm of the hands.

Even then, while these gemstones allow for the collection, storage, and usage of the magical energy, they cannot produce it on their own. They must absorb it from the sunlight, with different gemstones allowing for different absorption rates and energy storage capacities.


It is possible to go further and increase energy absorption and storage by adding in tattoos of sort made from crushed gemstone. However, such a procedure is dangerous, with lethality increasing with more crushed gemstone added, as the body cannot withstand the energy coursing through these lines. Furthermore, such lines can also expand the area the casting area one can achieve, though using tattoos in such a way is limited; generally, most Luminancers tend to focus on the feet as well, and sometimes the eyes if they add tattoos for that purpose.

Casting spells of light requires taking from this magical storage that is collected; thus, a Luminancer must collect energy from the sun in order to cast spells, and without sunlight, have a limited storage capacity for casting spells. They can increase such storage by either using the aforementioned tattoo system, and/or getting a higher quality material gemstone. Different gemstones have different capacities, collection rates, and properties which a Luminancer can use; however, due to the intensive process of implanting a gemstone, such changing of gemstones is rare.


Since upgrading raw storage and absorption is difficult, many Luminancers consider the true mark of a master to be how efficiently one uses their magic and how well they can recycle the shattered shards of old spells. Each spell leaves behind such shards, and it takes some skill to learn how to gather and reuse the already developed energy in an efficient manner. A Luminancer always knows, however, that with the end of each spell, that there is also always some loss of magical energy in some invisible way.

Another mark of advancement is how such spells are structured; in following with the mantra of efficiency, structures that are just as strong- or even stronger- as it once was while using the least amount of energy is the goal, and as such, many try to find specific patterns to apply to their spells.


Since Luminancy spellcasting categories are primarily divided between constructs and illusion, lists provided are not set in stone, but rather examples of what a Luminancer at said tier could achieve.

Furthermore, these tiers are very.. informal. Luminancy’s only real distinction of rank is that of apprentice and master, and even then, the only real difference in treatment these roles have is acknowledgement that they may not be as well equipped as the rest, in the case of the apprentice, or that they have decided to teach someone the ways of Luminancy, in the case of master.

Spell Concept per ‘tier’

These provided spells are not meant to be all that a Luminancer can do; rather, they are meant to provide a guideline as to what they can do, at what power.

Constructs very typically tend to deal with the structure of forming this solidified light, while illusion is generally focusing on how the light can be bent, most often by using small, thin constructs to achieve said purpose. More advanced Luminancers begin to dabble in transmutation; this advanced form of Luminancy often focuses on the interaction of structure and energy and how light is manipulated and bent inside the structure, fusing what a Luminancer knows of illusion and construct.


Form Knife: The caster is only able to form constructs of an extremely small size, such as a knife or smaller. The largest construct considered in this tier is something around the size of a shortsword.

Blur Self: The caster is able to shape light around them to bend itself in ways that make the caster seem as if they are somewhat transparent and morpheus in shape.


Form Sword: The caster has improved upon forming constructs, and has now achieved sufficient knowledge and technique to form a construct of greater size, that can last for a few strikes.

Blur Area: Similar to Form Sword in that this upgrades a previous method, this spell is crucial in that it helps an apprentice understand mirages and the greater concept of perception with illusions.

Another benchmark is that the apprentice has begun to learn how to recycle energy.

Ritual of the Link:

Often linked to an apprentices ‘graduation’ from the apprenticeship, this ritual provides a Luminancer with a persevering weapon: by taking an already existing sword, and using it and a component charged gem of sufficient quality, it effectively transmutes said weapon into a more permanent weapon construct made of light.

Said weapon can still be destroyed, however. To counteract this, the fundamental shards of the weapon are bound to the Luminancer, requiring only the smallest amount of energy to materialize. While the sword can never truly be ‘dematerialized,’ the energy of the sword is spread out so much around the Luminancer so much that it looks as if the Luminancer sheds a small amount of light; enough to dimly light an area of darkness, if the Luminancer is not actively suppressing such an aura.

Further along a Luminancer’s journey, they learn to restructure the bonds holding this personal weapon together, allowing them to reshape it to a limited degree, but also allowing it to be made stronger and sharper. This bond ends when the bonded Luminancer dies, resulting in a bright flash of light as the energy binding the sword to be light dissipates and molten fragments of metal burst from the remains.


What most masters aim for their apprentice is, upon ending one’s apprenticeship, to have have gained a plethora of new spells.

Greater Sword: Another improvement, this one finally allows a Luminancer to reach the largest size typically used for weapon constructs, which is anywhere from greatsword size to spear size.

Mirage: At this point, the Luminancer has learned how to use light to deceive others with false objects and visual illusions, instead of simply blurring themselves. Such an illusion is small, only typically used to make it look like a gate is closed when it is in fact open, or a section of a bridge is broken when it is actually still standing.

Form Platform: Another construct, this one is notable in that the Luminancer has begun to form constructs that can last after they leave their touch. Such a platform is small, only large enough for a handhold or foothold.

At this point, a Journeyman should be able to recycle energy anywhere from a quarter to a third of the energy used in spells.


Greater Mirage: At this stage, a Luminancer has achieved greater control over light, and can cover the area of approximately a village.

Form Shield: An exception in Luminancy philosophy, this spell infuses standard light energy with hardened energy provided by a Luminancer’s bonded weapon to provide a shield that can last against a couple of strikes. Such a shield tends to be only one directional, as an omni-directional shield is too complicated for the mind to handle.

Gem Infusion: A Luminancer has learned how to transmit magical energy contained within their implanted gem into a prepared gem. However, such a transmission comes with two caveats. First, there is a loss of energy when transferring energy, as some energy is lost in the process of transfer. Secondly, the energy within the crystal takes on an elemental property, which is determined by type of crystal.

Construct Displacement: At this point, a Luminancer has a high enough control over their magic that they can launch or form constructs at a small distance away, about ten feet. They cannot form constructs that allow for advanced interaction, such as cogs, or even the interaction between bow and arrow.

A Luminancer has learned how to reuse yet even more spent energy from spells, allowing them to recycle up to half of the spell’s energy. Furthermore, typically, a Luminancer has restructured their bonded weapon enough so that the weapon cannot be fully dissipated; at this point, shards must be maintained in orbit around the Luminancer, which can be oriented and designed at the Luminancer’s fancy. Some might prefer it to look as if a swarm of tiny crystals is flurrying around their head, while others make it seem as if they are being escorted by several large chunks of light. They can also take a crystal from which energy has been transferred to, crush it, and infuse it into their bonded weapon for additional magical effects.


Invisibility: The master has learned at this point to control light to a point where others cannot see them without other distractions that mirages supply.

Fibrous Light: A master has also achieved a feat regarded as miraculous by other Luminancers: by making the energy shards so thin and long, they are able to make it flexible like rope.

Illuminated Transmutation: The master has learned how to temporarily transform themselves into beings of light; with such a transformation, they are able to move extremely quickly and phase through thin solid objects such as house walls. Furthermore, weapons simply pass through them as if they were a ghost. This form cannot be maintained forever, as the organic outright resists staying in such a state, when compared to inorganic objects.

At this point, the master has learned to reuse up to three quarters of energy from the spells they use. Furthermore, constructs will still be present up to thirty feet away from the caster.

In addition, their bonded weapons are now one of the sharpest and/or hardest weapons that can be conjured, with sharpness rivalling or even surpassing obsidian, and harness oftentimes matching diamonds. However, this is assuming that they work with the standard 3 foot sword shape. Anything longer than that, such as a greatsword or similar weapon, and they lose this masterwork quality.

Bonded Weapon

Many would consider a Luminancer’s bonded weapon to be their magic focus; however, that is not quite the case. While a Luminancer can use their bonded weapon’s core energy to help supplement spells to be more durable, like with the shield construct, or when making a large platform construct, they do not use their weapon as the main channel for their casting. That falls onto their implanted gemstones.

Rather, a luminancer’s bonded weapon is simply a supplement and faithful weapon. As stated before, it can be restructured into slightly different forms; however, the core energy is designed to remain in a certain shape, and as such, radical changes in design will not work for such bonded weapons. However, a Luminancer can enlarge or reduce the size of their weapon.

An example would be an arming sword: a Luminancer bonded to an arming sword cannot reshape it into a spear or an axe; it's fundamental form is a sword. A Luminancer can make the sword larger, into a greatsword, or smaller, into a shortsword; it can even be altered to look like a different sword, such as a falchion, lightly curved sabre, or a katana. As long as the Luminancer does not take too drastic a form change, such as attempting to recreate a sickle or kopesh, the transformation will succeed.

Luminancers can improve upon their bonded weapon in the way of more durability and sharpness; and eventually, it can be coated with crushed gemstone to give it magical properties, most often elemental- though there are some gems that provide a more obscure effect. Such weapons are always a melee bladed weapon, as they require contact with the original energy source in order to maintain their unified form, and at the beginning they are not durable enough to withstand the heavy blows that a hammer does.

A Luminancer can only bond with one weapon; the core energy of the bonded weapon does what it says, bonds to the user. Any more, and the new weapon simply shatters in a wave of energy, and in some cases Luminancers have reported cracking in their implanted gemstones.

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