Lodin Hjornsson, also known as The Bloody-Nine or Ninefingers, is a Nord from The Kingdom of Nordengaard. A named man of the north with a past riddled with violence and scars to match, including the missing finger that gave him his name.

Lodin is a big, physically imposing man, with a tangled mass of dark brown hair, unkempt beard and deep sullen hazel eyes. He has a great many scars that litter his body, a testament to a life of violence. His grizzled face is also badly scarred, with a bent nose that has obviously been broken many times, and ears both cauliflowered. Lodin's most noteworthy wound, source of his name, is the missing middle finger on his right hand. The finger was bitten off by himself while in a mushroom fuelled trance of fury on the set of battle as a method of psychological warfare. Hence, The Blood-nine.
Skills and Abilities
- Expert Warrior
- Immense Strength
- Tough as nails
- experienced and cunning tactician
- Masochist
- Sadist
- Skilled Hunter & Tracker
- Nordinfirr Scent
(rough Draft)Lodin being a nord shares many traits with the nordenfiir, like their animal like senses. He also inherited their large build, immense strength, toughness and resistance to the cold. He is a skilled fighter that favours heavy strikes and brute force, but has a healthy respect for blades for one could never have enough blades. Lodin is seen as a violent, aggressively brutal man, with a fatalistic view of the world. He is a formidable warrior and he doesn't hide his love of hurting or killing people. However, he also displays small hints at being a reasonably affectionate and compassionate man underneath pending on the company he is with. His violent nature was fuelled at a early age through brutality of his older nodenfiir half-brother Ivar who had abused him most of his childhood and early adulthood. If life at home wasn't hard enough, the Norden in Faarin treated him like an outcast and he was subject to much cruelties due to his racial standing as a Nord. He has a hatred for the Norden especially those from Faarin.
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