The Corag, also known as Corag Saurians or Stargazers are perhaps the most culturally and biologically significant of the Saurian races. Much smaller in stature and much weaker in the strength the Corag live much shorter lives than their larger cousins. However, the Corag are much more intelligent, agile and boast increased visual range over their counterparts.
Corag are the only Saurian race that can claim to be truly united for most of their history. Most of the entire Corag species has united to form a massive egalitarian commune that stretches the entirety of the Boglands - unimpeded by the rest of the Saurag tribes. This has only been achievable, however, due to the Corag nature as a tree climbing species.
Corag are not only smaller in stature but possess a natural grip in their fingers that allows superior grip to tree branches. Corag tails are also much more flexible than the tails of other Saurians, allowing them to use it as a climbing device. This natural ability allows them to escape the dangers of the swamp floor where they would otherwise be eaten or enslaved by the larger Saurians.
Instead the climbing advantage has allowed the Corag to develop down much more peaceful roads. Not only this, but living in the treetops has allowed them greater astrological insight than any ground dwelling Saurian can hope to achieve. This alone has given Corag a major advantage in negotiations with other Saurians but in event where negotiation isn't enough they are not to be taken lightly.
Peaceful existence coupled with so much growing room has allowed the Corag to become the single largest Saurian race in the Boglands. Further, the Corag have evolved to develop scales that change their hue and color much more drastically than other Saurians - being able to blend completely into their surroundings. This, Their numbers, matched with excellent skills in archery, blow darts and a unique range of toxins has made combat with them near suicidal. Instead, most Saurian tribes barter with them - exchanging access to spawning pits for astrological knowledge or help scouting enemy tribes.
But perhaps the single most outstanding advantage wielded by the Corag is their unity. The small Saurian creatures have created the most complete communication system in the Boglands - using zip lines and trained avians to ferry messages from treetop village to treetop village. Rumors claim that a Corag can transfer a message from one end of the Boglands to the other in less than a day - a feat that would be impossible on the ground.
This has led the Corag to forge unmatched trade networks in the Boglands and develop a much more sophisticated society. Where other Saurians are very tribal the Corag have developed an entire merchant class and simple social programs to assist members of their short-lived species.
In many ways Corag villages never sleep as the short lived creatures need not rest more than an hour a day. They are also considered hyperactive by other Saurians. This hyperactivity only leads to higher production output that has greatly increased the knowledge they possess over their counterparts.
Much to their namesake as Stargazers, Corag take astrology very seriously and some of the most accurate and spiritual astrologers in the Boglands are Corag.
Corag are not only smaller in stature but possess a natural grip in their fingers that allows superior grip to tree branches. Corag tails are also much more flexible than the tails of other Saurians, allowing them to use it as a climbing device. This natural ability allows them to escape the dangers of the swamp floor where they would otherwise be eaten or enslaved by the larger Saurians.
Instead the climbing advantage has allowed the Corag to develop down much more peaceful roads. Not only this, but living in the treetops has allowed them greater astrological insight than any ground dwelling Saurian can hope to achieve. This alone has given Corag a major advantage in negotiations with other Saurians but in event where negotiation isn't enough they are not to be taken lightly.
Peaceful existence coupled with so much growing room has allowed the Corag to become the single largest Saurian race in the Boglands. Further, the Corag have evolved to develop scales that change their hue and color much more drastically than other Saurians - being able to blend completely into their surroundings. This, Their numbers, matched with excellent skills in archery, blow darts and a unique range of toxins has made combat with them near suicidal. Instead, most Saurian tribes barter with them - exchanging access to spawning pits for astrological knowledge or help scouting enemy tribes.
But perhaps the single most outstanding advantage wielded by the Corag is their unity. The small Saurian creatures have created the most complete communication system in the Boglands - using zip lines and trained avians to ferry messages from treetop village to treetop village. Rumors claim that a Corag can transfer a message from one end of the Boglands to the other in less than a day - a feat that would be impossible on the ground.
This has led the Corag to forge unmatched trade networks in the Boglands and develop a much more sophisticated society. Where other Saurians are very tribal the Corag have developed an entire merchant class and simple social programs to assist members of their short-lived species.
In many ways Corag villages never sleep as the short lived creatures need not rest more than an hour a day. They are also considered hyperactive by other Saurians. This hyperactivity only leads to higher production output that has greatly increased the knowledge they possess over their counterparts.
Much to their namesake as Stargazers, Corag take astrology very seriously and some of the most accurate and spiritual astrologers in the Boglands are Corag.
All Saurag races have two legs and arms ending in clawed digits as well as a long tail with spines running down the back. Saurian faces are always elongated that can vary in both length and width. Some posses forked tongues while others have tongues that end in a more blade-like tip.
All Corag male Corag's have a head frill but no neck frills while females have the opposite.
Corag are small, weak creatures standing rarely over five feet.
Corag are digitigrade and so their legs appear to "bend backward" above the ankles and just below the knees. When running the species seems to lean forward into their run - decreasing their overall profile.
The species is capable of seeing in the ultraviolet spectrum due to the low-lighting provided by their habitat. Corag scales can change to any color in the visible range and use this to more accurately portray emotion in conversation.
All Corag male Corag's have a head frill but no neck frills while females have the opposite.
Corag are small, weak creatures standing rarely over five feet.
Corag are digitigrade and so their legs appear to "bend backward" above the ankles and just below the knees. When running the species seems to lean forward into their run - decreasing their overall profile.
The species is capable of seeing in the ultraviolet spectrum due to the low-lighting provided by their habitat. Corag scales can change to any color in the visible range and use this to more accurately portray emotion in conversation.
Living in the swamps at the center of the Nagai island, the Corag habitat is extremely wet, humid and murky. Winters bring torrential rain that raises the water level of the swamps which slowly regress as the winter nears its end.
Corag live exclusively in treetop villages or sometimes in the communes of other Saurian species as apart of some trade. They are omnivores.
Corag live exclusively in treetop villages or sometimes in the communes of other Saurian species as apart of some trade. They are omnivores.
- Excellent all-round vision
- Intelligent and Productive
- Extreamly weak
- Natural camouflage abilities
- Fast breesing but short-lived
- Bacteria filled mouths (rotting bite)
Saurag are a deeply religious race who believe they are the spawns of what they call the ancients. It is said in their oral traditions that the Ancients were a behemoth race of reptiles that discovered the secret of immortality. The Ancients grew larger and taller until they were so heavy they shook the sky when they walked. Eventually they grew so large that they shook the gods of the sky - i.e the stars - from their homes and they descended upon the world. In anger the stars destroyed the ancients with fire.
Some stars, however, had fallen in love with the Ancients after they'd watched them for centuries in the sky. These stars, knowing they could not save the ancients from the wrath of their brethren, mated with some of the ancients. The spawn of this mating are what the Saurag believe their origin to be and consider themselves a divine race.
As such they highly value "Spawning Pools" - black lakes of tar believed to be the dissolved bodies of the ancients. These pools are used to lay clutches and those born outside of the pools are often ostracized.
Some stars, however, had fallen in love with the Ancients after they'd watched them for centuries in the sky. These stars, knowing they could not save the ancients from the wrath of their brethren, mated with some of the ancients. The spawn of this mating are what the Saurag believe their origin to be and consider themselves a divine race.
As such they highly value "Spawning Pools" - black lakes of tar believed to be the dissolved bodies of the ancients. These pools are used to lay clutches and those born outside of the pools are often ostracized.
The language spoken by the Corag is known as Saurian. This language bears several similarities to its cousin Nagaish in that several of its sounds rely on varying hisses and clicks of the teeth.
However, unlike Nagaish, it relies heavier on growls and roars. The spoken language also contains a slight visual element that deals with the hue of a Corag's scales that can only be seen and understood by other Saurian Species. Corag are considered accented by otber Saurians due to their more excessive use of color in communication.
The spoken language is unintelligible species originating outside of Nagai. It has been documented that Saurag and Naga who don't speak each others language are capable of very simple conversation.
The written form of Saurian is surprisingly complex, including over two hundred unique glyphs and symbols. Many of the symbols are pictographs of an item or place rather than a set of letters organized together to form a word as is with the human language.
This makes written communication for the Saurag races slow and mostly ineffective. For this reason oral tradition keeps most Saurag history and writing is used mostly by the Skyspeakers to record astrological information - though even this practice rarely utilizes proper Saurian glyphs.
However, unlike Nagaish, it relies heavier on growls and roars. The spoken language also contains a slight visual element that deals with the hue of a Corag's scales that can only be seen and understood by other Saurian Species. Corag are considered accented by otber Saurians due to their more excessive use of color in communication.
The spoken language is unintelligible species originating outside of Nagai. It has been documented that Saurag and Naga who don't speak each others language are capable of very simple conversation.
The written form of Saurian is surprisingly complex, including over two hundred unique glyphs and symbols. Many of the symbols are pictographs of an item or place rather than a set of letters organized together to form a word as is with the human language.
This makes written communication for the Saurag races slow and mostly ineffective. For this reason oral tradition keeps most Saurag history and writing is used mostly by the Skyspeakers to record astrological information - though even this practice rarely utilizes proper Saurian glyphs.
The Corag hold beliefs of the gods and ancients that more closely aligns with astrological realities - such as planetary alignment - than other Saurians due to their ability to see the entire night sky.
Other than this distinction the Corag hold the same beliefs as other Saurian subspecies.
Other than this distinction the Corag hold the same beliefs as other Saurian subspecies.
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