Anathema is a dagger gifted to Yoru as a part of the deal between himself and Beliyal, a demon that took interest in his bloodlust towards his family's killers. It has the power to not only steal Mana, but also physical attributes such as speed and strength. To clarify. It cannot take magic, but it can steal magical CAPACITY, so long as the amount of mana stolen (all of it, if possible) does not overflow Yoru's own innate mana pool. In return, he became weak and sick, which drove him to begin killing to take properties that would make him healthy again. His first kill was the doctor who stood over him taking care to help him get better, a choice he somewhat regrets. However, it gave him the body of a regular human, and he became as healthy as the doctor, any illness and weakness fading. So, in a very morbid way, the doctor achieved his goal.
It has the power to not only steal Mana, but also physical attributes such as speed and strength. To clarify. It cannot take magic, but it can steal magical CAPACITY, so long as the amount of mana stolen (all of it, if possible) does not overflow Yoru's own innate mana pool. However, there is a limit. If he steals from someone incomparably different from him, such as stealing a strongman's strength, the process will crash and revert him back to an utterly helpless weakling. Thusly, Yoru much prefers to work on himself and keep up a strict routine in order to best play the cards he's been dealt. Sadly, Anathema can also absorb weakness, which is why using it can be a gambit if there are humans shields or such in the equation. Yoru also carries a Katana that he uses instead in order to finish victims, usually beheading them if time allows or otherwise quickly stabbing them in the heart.
Anathema is a dagger gifted to Yoru as a part of the deal between himself and Beliyal, a demon that took interest in his bloodlust towards his family's killers. They made a deal in which Yoru came under Soul Contract of the demon and was gifted a dagger that he was told would make him stronger than anyone else. Yoru agreed and a few months later took revenge on the robbers after finding them at a bar, absorbing their strength to get his current physique and then cutting off their heads with a cleaver in order not to absorb their weakened state. He now works as a mercenary under the control of Beliyal, who sends him to kill people he views as boring.