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Lord Aituk
The Land
The Exalted
The Pariah
The First
Terrifying, and said to scare away mortals by mere presence alone- Lord Aituk is the embodiment of the Vampire, pale skin with terrifying, snake-like eyes like those of his strain. Currently, his weaker, corpse-like appearance is on hold, until he can regain his awful strength.
He is the last of his strain of Vampirism, which stemmed from somewhere deep within Falwood.
A typical Vampire by traits alone, save for his distinct ability to hypnotize and command legions of dark creatures.
His strength can break stone and bend steel and iron with little effort exerted, even after being weakened for so many years.
His speed is that of many Vampires, especially due to his age. He is faster than some humans can perceive at it's peak, and far too quick to react for most regular, unprepared humans.
Sentient creatures can resist him with some degree of difficulty, but wolves, bats, and lesser monsters fall at his command, and could succumb to his will.
His strength can break stone and bend steel and iron with little effort exerted, even after being weakened for so many years.
His speed is that of many Vampires, especially due to his age. He is faster than some humans can perceive at it's peak, and far too quick to react for most regular, unprepared humans.
Sentient creatures can resist him with some degree of difficulty, but wolves, bats, and lesser monsters fall at his command, and could succumb to his will.
Lord Aituk was once a man, or perhaps, a Sand-Elf.
Time and great care has eroded his name from history, his wicked deeds. The ancient Vampire Hunters who feared him so greatly, rightly believed that they did not kill him by burning him in holy fire. They bound his body in a silver-lined coffin, and entombed him in the Forbidden City.
To protect the great secret of the monster, the builders and the Hunters were either killed or committed suicide to avoid the secret location being discovered, and to prevent his worshippers more importantly from finding his tomb.
And so it was, the Vampire Hunters and the Builders of the Tomb, only lay a singular warning in the ancient tongue across the hidden entrance.
At the time, it was the common tongue- roughly translated, it meant "DEATH AWAITS ALL".
Aituk was known for his vile deeds, his insatiable hunger, and his command of the legions of the damned. A great war was fought against him, and only by guile and happenstance were the Vampire Hunters and Humans and a coalition of many races able to put Aituk away. The details of the war and the history of it all were swallowed by the sands over time. Wars came and went, rulers and came and went, and Aituk was forgotten. He died a second time when his name was last spoken.
No one has spoken Aituk's name, given or his real name, in over a millenia.
Aituk has waited for a thousand years, burning forever in his silver coffin, plotting his revenge on the mortal races.
Time and great care has eroded his name from history, his wicked deeds. The ancient Vampire Hunters who feared him so greatly, rightly believed that they did not kill him by burning him in holy fire. They bound his body in a silver-lined coffin, and entombed him in the Forbidden City.
To protect the great secret of the monster, the builders and the Hunters were either killed or committed suicide to avoid the secret location being discovered, and to prevent his worshippers more importantly from finding his tomb.
And so it was, the Vampire Hunters and the Builders of the Tomb, only lay a singular warning in the ancient tongue across the hidden entrance.
At the time, it was the common tongue- roughly translated, it meant "DEATH AWAITS ALL".
Aituk was known for his vile deeds, his insatiable hunger, and his command of the legions of the damned. A great war was fought against him, and only by guile and happenstance were the Vampire Hunters and Humans and a coalition of many races able to put Aituk away. The details of the war and the history of it all were swallowed by the sands over time. Wars came and went, rulers and came and went, and Aituk was forgotten. He died a second time when his name was last spoken.
No one has spoken Aituk's name, given or his real name, in over a millenia.
Aituk has waited for a thousand years, burning forever in his silver coffin, plotting his revenge on the mortal races.
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