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O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.
Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis,
et velata
michi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.
Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!
Some Whisper This Was THE FIRST Incantation of THE FIRST Council of Corruption...

This is a race, made ONLY from elves. The specimen vary depending on the race of elf which was turned, however all are endowed with the sickly antithesis of angels, sporting their own, bat-like wings from their once elven bodies. All possess the capabilities for Blood Magick, in the crudest sense at the least. If near a San’Layn, one would taste iron wetting their tongue, as if mysteriously drawn from the tastebuds, schizophrenic states arising in their presence. Many argue the San’Layn to be vampires, yet this is uncertain.
The language of the San’layn (Elvish for Sun Slain) is that of whispers in the deep, mental connections shared between one another in order to transmute thoughts back and forth. There are times when the beings may be able to hold the connection with others, conversing with those not of the race, however this is not to be confused as complete mental intrusion (mind reading, mind control) as they may only imprint images onto the consciousness. In rare cases has it been described that the race control minds upon invoking certain rituals, however these claims are largely based in myth. When hearing the voice of the San’Layn, one may always note of the slithering hiss which runs in their words, drawn out like the ring of a deep gong, slowly subsiding into the deep.
“The being's extremities were large and obtrusive, where a humanoid's nails would be large claws gripped a hunk of flesh I'd of no idea of whose or whats, so bloody was the creature that it masked recognition of what it was consuming. I'd thought it best to leave upon realization, however after finishing what seemed like its meal, it began to chant in a hissing, bass filled monotone voice, strange incantations which reverberated between the canyon walls, and my head began to swim among a sea of whispers, so strange and suffocating that I felt as the rock itself, too heavy to move. Instead my eyes fixated upon this hypnotizing scene, and my survival instincts fled in the face of a large, blood filled pool raining down which had been vomited up by the beast, and out of it another rising into existence. I soon realized that the original creature was not in fact, alive anymore, but rather, not even a creature at all! It had shed its skin, renewing itself through means of which I couldn't comprehend. The newborn had risen to face its previous self, large bulbous eyes studying its shell, a grotesquely pressed nose gripped the middle of its head as if it were about to fall off, clinging desperately for purchase. Large down-turned nostrils spat out the blood it was covered in. Its lips were thin and stretched in demonic smile, so tight was the skin it seemed as if stitched onto the gums. Canines zigzagged in asymmetrical proportions, as if they were carelessly attached, yet the bone-like substance they were comprised of shined crimson in daylight, so as to compliment the terror-inducing image. It was studying its former self as if unaware of my presence, but then claws beckoned for me to approach.”

Excerpt from Curious Cases Across the Continent Vol. 3 by Dralten Hummington
Only recorded sighting of a San’Layn. Recorded.
Nomadic, Legends speak of the birthplace in Amol-Kalit.
Each of the seven scour the land in search of their Champion, to serve as apprentice for when the knowledge will be passed onto the next generation.

Hissut’s Gifts: The ability to see through the tormenting chaos, connecting minds, enhancing their five sensesAnd allowing for the feasting of blood to nourish their bodies
Bel-Ayya’s Gifts: Large extremities and claws of bestial nature,
The gift of enhanced magickal ability, and correlation of contents in the mind
Tabin-Ur’s Gifts: Wings of a bat, as thick as a dragon’s
Shape-shifting between humanoid appearances and their bestial ones
To speak with the souls that whisper from the pit, and to bring them forward.
Affinity of the Dead: While they are not all necromancers, it is much easier to learn the craft, given their racial traits. They may be undead, this is uncertain. Even they do not know. They share enough kinship with the dead, so it would seem this way. It is not certain. They’ve learned nothing is ever truly known. (Ran as undead against people with powers of combating this nature)
The Damning Elements: Fire and lightning, pure light and that which comes from it, will never be their friend again, forever corrupting in their essence. They cannot cast of these natures either and will be greatly harmed by sources of these essences, there are only specific circumstances where they may be friends with the flame and thunder, and they are as babes suckling mother’s breast when in this fashion.
A Thousand Voices: They are insane, afflicted with a thousand voices; a thousand pains
A thousand thoughts, and One the same, their souls drained
Their minds filled up, To the brim like a cup
About to overflow in excess, tranquility an arrested bless.
Powers and abilities wane as seventy years progress, each year progressively worse, until the last they are but walking corpses, raving mad, guarded by pupils, and every seventy years, they must return with one. Only seven can exist at one time, or so this has been way of The Ritual…
“Every Seventy Years, the Council of Corruption meets in the deserts of Amol-Kalit,
There they decide the fate of each member, revive their draining energy,
For only Seven may be alive, in order for their kind to survive,
Three trials of Combat to touch Six Pupils, the Seventh Master sacrificial premiere,
All bringing forth pupils to bare, The ones who fail, So too their teachers,
Seven sacrificed bodies, Three pupils who’ve one the RIGHT
Three teachers spared, One who gains without MIGHT
The Code MIGHT IS RIGHT sowing seeds for the next FIGHT!”
-Hymn of The Ritual
The Code, the standard each must live by…
What is known is sparse and limited, mostly bedtime stories told by the desert people of Amol-Kalit. They all speak of a group of Seven, who set about to assault the heavens, seeking forbidden knowledge of the Astral Realm, from those cast out and sent to Hell.Nothing is certain, no one truly knows.
“Myth has it they first came to being after a group of seven elves went deep into the desert and made a pact with the Three in search of power, under the visage of the Six to ring true their resolve.Annuk banished their souls to the Pit of the Earth with Pride
And crumbled their bodies by running them down with his chariots invoking Envy
Iasimu sprouting wings lightning would always find to forever physically mark her Wrath
Naspar opening their thoughts and minds for all to see and hear to forever reflect in Sloth
Munnun growing their digits to disproportionate lengths and sizes for their Greed
Maskat endowing eternal hunger sated only with their own flesh for their Gluttony
Narmaka stripping them of their skin inch by inch in face of their Lust.
The Three took these sins and turned them to gifts.
Hissut enhanced their physical senses, in wake of the chaos their minds echoed in ecstasy
Bled visions of the ways in which they could transmute other’s flesh into their own
Bel-Ayya sprouted harrowing claws for easy hunting of their prey
And to dip their claws into the reflecting pools whenever they prayed
Tabin-Ur took their wings and wove them as thick as dragon’s hide
Then their bodies reformed with enough nutrition and time
Before he gifted third trait, since Bel-Ayya gave a gift for Greed, a costing power, not free,
Power to bring forth the Souls of the Dead, and take from The Pit of the Earth for a fee...
… Then they returned to wreak havoc, deaf to helpless cries, all life walking the earth they despised, forever jealous of their own demise, laughing helplessly while spreading the lies, that they held more power than the Gods in mortal minds, for those who are awake in the moon's rise...”
-Amol-Kalitian Bed Time Story
“Reborn under the sun, corrupted in its mightHearken the call and run, their black outweighs all night
In the dark now they lay, Coaxing dreams so cogent
Their thoughts as bright as day, Your blood they find potent
Clear the dreamers ring true, like a wisp, smoky fume
They come for you, whispers… Whispers… Foretell your doom...”
-San’Layn Proverb
Members of the Council of Corruption
Kre'Ya'Dis (Kreyadis Nightwing)Zera'Shuul (NPC)
Magna'Tu (NPC)
Champion of the North (PC)
Champion of the Northeast (PC)
Champion of the Southwest (PC)
Champion of West (PC)
The Self Recorded HistoryThe Ritual: The Rule of Seven Must Be Obeyed
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