Samael Farrionson
At a first glance, Samael stands at an average height and build for a Human male. However, after several years of being trained by a mentor within the Monster Slayers, his build and physique are easily seen should clothes be missing from his form. Muscular enough to be considered physically strong, but lean enough to keep an agile foot for the faster creatures of the night. Two of his most notable features are his silver eyes, and deep black hair color. Both are distinctive traits to his species of the Kavosh. Namely being a "Pureblood" where his parents and ancestors are known to be distinctly Kavosh only. Samael also has a couple scars. Namely ones on his stomach, chest, and arms. Caused by wounds received in training. Strangely, Samael has a singular Rune Marking on his chest, directly over his heart. Its properties are unknown at this time.
Skills and Abilities
Rune Magic - Delving into the Runic forms of magic, they are extraordinarily useful for a man of his profession. Namely being able to set up magic based traps, snares, or even "mines" in which kill only a specific creature should they activate it. At the current time, Samael's proficiency with such runes is quite vast for his age. Living in a world where people shun you for your past potential time bomb tendencies, as well as an innate magical proficiency, leads for a child to learn how to control their powers quickly to prevent their death. While once forced by his Father, and then actively seeking out knowledge of Runes and their purposes, has only increased the older he has become. While nowhere near a Mastery level user, He does have an aptitude to them.
Aura Magic - A uniquely different kind of power that Samael is privy to, is Aura Magic. Specifically his Aura has the ability to nullify magic. As a child, He was unable to control any portion of this. His father, a practitioner of Aura Magic investigated exactly what his power does. Namely, It causes rapid deterioration or spells, seals, or Magical based properties. Seals that were meant to hold something or prevent an escape for years, would be broken open in mere minutes, or spells thrown within close proximity to Samael would dissipate rapidly. Such as a fireball degrading into nothing but smoke. Over time, Samael has been trained to subdue his aura to a great capacity. Able to lessen the impact so that magic works normally around him. However, in times of stress, high emotional duress, and the like can make him lose concentration and release this aura around him. While at other times, Tapping into his inner emotions, pulling from things such as Fear, Anger, Pain, Joy, Lust, Happiness, etc, can inflate his ability to become more powerful. On the outer reaches of this aura, it will barely affect magic, however, the closer one moves to the Samael, the source of this aura, the more quickly magic will dissipate. The severe down side to having an aura this powerful, and able to shut down many forms of offensive magic, is that is also shuts off helpful or defensive magic. Should magical items enter within this influence, they only temporarily lose the ability to use magic. Such as a Rune Enhanced sword. It suppresses it for the duration it is within the influence, but when out, it will gain its "ability" back. Another, rather fatal, drawback of this powerful aura, is that powering the aura with emotions, takes immense amounts of power from Samael. Powering it too much too fast, or for long periods of time can severely fatigue him, cause head-splitting migraines/Headaches, Lightheaded feeling, nausea, various heart problems, and even death should it be used too much.
Tactical Mind - Having been trained by another Monster Slayer, Samael has a rather tactful mind. With creatures that could easily kill him with a snap of their fingers or a single stroke, one has to take careful measures with their approach to each situation. A setback for him, is that Samael has had this ingrained too deeply within him. Causing him to treat anyone, and everyone as though they were a creature. Always looking for a way out, how to best fight them, find weaknesses and the like. Preventing him from making any kind of meaningful connections to people. Distancing himself from others.
Weapon Aptitude - As a hunter of monsters, one needs to be versed in the usage of various weapon types and styles. Namely Swords, Daggers, Axes, Bows, Crossbows, and Traps or ensnarement based weaponry. While he may not always have these on his person at all times, nor will he need every one of them at beck and call, having a general knowledge of how to use such weapons is good for him in the grand scheme of things.
Half as Long, Twice as Bright - Being a Kavosh, means Samael has a natural affinity for magic. Specifically potency with applications of it. Should he make a rune with simple parchment and Ink, his rune would be many times more powerful than that of any other person attempting the same effect. Namely this is only a detriment in younger years where a child who is unable to control their power could become a time bomb. However in later years, it shows up as powers that are channeled, or drawn from can fatigue the user much faster in some cases. While as a pureblood, Samael doesn't have a small "pool" of energy to draw from like his Half-brothers and Sisters would, but more so just goes through his "mana" much more rapidly than what other humans could perform. So in magic based fights, or when using magic for longer periods of time, Nine out of Ten times, Samael will be the first to use up his power source.
Aura Magic - A uniquely different kind of power that Samael is privy to, is Aura Magic. Specifically his Aura has the ability to nullify magic. As a child, He was unable to control any portion of this. His father, a practitioner of Aura Magic investigated exactly what his power does. Namely, It causes rapid deterioration or spells, seals, or Magical based properties. Seals that were meant to hold something or prevent an escape for years, would be broken open in mere minutes, or spells thrown within close proximity to Samael would dissipate rapidly. Such as a fireball degrading into nothing but smoke. Over time, Samael has been trained to subdue his aura to a great capacity. Able to lessen the impact so that magic works normally around him. However, in times of stress, high emotional duress, and the like can make him lose concentration and release this aura around him. While at other times, Tapping into his inner emotions, pulling from things such as Fear, Anger, Pain, Joy, Lust, Happiness, etc, can inflate his ability to become more powerful. On the outer reaches of this aura, it will barely affect magic, however, the closer one moves to the Samael, the source of this aura, the more quickly magic will dissipate. The severe down side to having an aura this powerful, and able to shut down many forms of offensive magic, is that is also shuts off helpful or defensive magic. Should magical items enter within this influence, they only temporarily lose the ability to use magic. Such as a Rune Enhanced sword. It suppresses it for the duration it is within the influence, but when out, it will gain its "ability" back. Another, rather fatal, drawback of this powerful aura, is that powering the aura with emotions, takes immense amounts of power from Samael. Powering it too much too fast, or for long periods of time can severely fatigue him, cause head-splitting migraines/Headaches, Lightheaded feeling, nausea, various heart problems, and even death should it be used too much.
Tactical Mind - Having been trained by another Monster Slayer, Samael has a rather tactful mind. With creatures that could easily kill him with a snap of their fingers or a single stroke, one has to take careful measures with their approach to each situation. A setback for him, is that Samael has had this ingrained too deeply within him. Causing him to treat anyone, and everyone as though they were a creature. Always looking for a way out, how to best fight them, find weaknesses and the like. Preventing him from making any kind of meaningful connections to people. Distancing himself from others.
Weapon Aptitude - As a hunter of monsters, one needs to be versed in the usage of various weapon types and styles. Namely Swords, Daggers, Axes, Bows, Crossbows, and Traps or ensnarement based weaponry. While he may not always have these on his person at all times, nor will he need every one of them at beck and call, having a general knowledge of how to use such weapons is good for him in the grand scheme of things.
Half as Long, Twice as Bright - Being a Kavosh, means Samael has a natural affinity for magic. Specifically potency with applications of it. Should he make a rune with simple parchment and Ink, his rune would be many times more powerful than that of any other person attempting the same effect. Namely this is only a detriment in younger years where a child who is unable to control their power could become a time bomb. However in later years, it shows up as powers that are channeled, or drawn from can fatigue the user much faster in some cases. While as a pureblood, Samael doesn't have a small "pool" of energy to draw from like his Half-brothers and Sisters would, but more so just goes through his "mana" much more rapidly than what other humans could perform. So in magic based fights, or when using magic for longer periods of time, Nine out of Ten times, Samael will be the first to use up his power source.
Iron Arming Sword - A simple one handed sword with a crossguard and plain grip and pommel. Just a typical sword for your every day use.
Silver Longsword - A prized weapon of many hunters. Used to take down creatures that have a weakness to silver based ores or artifacts. Due to its extremely soft metal composition, its rarely used on typical adventures and is reserved for specific creatures.
Hatchet - A simple hatchet with pain wood handle. Meant to be only used in very rare circumstances of gathering wood, and the like. However, it can be used in a pinch as a close range melee weapon.
Daggers - Having an assortment of daggers to be able to have a quick stab and release style of fighting. Typically used on larger creatures to provide pain in a specific area so that the real strike can be sent through. Can also be used as utility tools for cutting rope, twine, nails, hair and the like.
Bow & Arrows - A typical bow, with just your average arrows. Nothing like armor piercing due to creatures typically not having armor, but can use broad heads to help with passing through thicker hides, or matted fur.
Half Armor - A set of armor using a various mix of small pieces of plate, Chain mail, and hardened leathers. Namely the chest being a mix of chainmail, and leather, with additions of either leather, or metal bracers, with paints of cloth and leather. Boots can be worn with leather knee guards, or wear full greaves. A metal helmet can be worn as well as a chainmail coif, or leather head wrap.
Silver Longsword - A prized weapon of many hunters. Used to take down creatures that have a weakness to silver based ores or artifacts. Due to its extremely soft metal composition, its rarely used on typical adventures and is reserved for specific creatures.
Hatchet - A simple hatchet with pain wood handle. Meant to be only used in very rare circumstances of gathering wood, and the like. However, it can be used in a pinch as a close range melee weapon.
Daggers - Having an assortment of daggers to be able to have a quick stab and release style of fighting. Typically used on larger creatures to provide pain in a specific area so that the real strike can be sent through. Can also be used as utility tools for cutting rope, twine, nails, hair and the like.
Bow & Arrows - A typical bow, with just your average arrows. Nothing like armor piercing due to creatures typically not having armor, but can use broad heads to help with passing through thicker hides, or matted fur.
Half Armor - A set of armor using a various mix of small pieces of plate, Chain mail, and hardened leathers. Namely the chest being a mix of chainmail, and leather, with additions of either leather, or metal bracers, with paints of cloth and leather. Boots can be worn with leather knee guards, or wear full greaves. A metal helmet can be worn as well as a chainmail coif, or leather head wrap.
Samael is a tactile mind. While this is mostly coming from his training as a Monster Slayer, even as a child, he was quite aloof. Being an only child to a Pureblood father, and a Half mother meant that from the moment he was born, he was hated, and even considered a bad omen by many different people. Which explains why he doesn't have very many friends, or people he can trust. Typically coin is all he can do to get people to talk to him, and even then, it can still be difficult. However, there seems to be an inner child of the young man that is still there. Privy to his artistic skills that developed at a younger age. While this led to his Father and his mentor teaching him Rune Magic, his artistic hands and an eyes that could see the world in a different light, allows him to be privy to things that others may miss.
(Authors Note: Will expand upon this the more I RP him)
Samael is a tactile mind. While this is mostly coming from his training as a Monster Slayer, even as a child, he was quite aloof. Being an only child to a Pureblood father, and a Half mother meant that from the moment he was born, he was hated, and even considered a bad omen by many different people. Which explains why he doesn't have very many friends, or people he can trust. Typically coin is all he can do to get people to talk to him, and even then, it can still be difficult. However, there seems to be an inner child of the young man that is still there. Privy to his artistic skills that developed at a younger age. While this led to his Father and his mentor teaching him Rune Magic, his artistic hands and an eyes that could see the world in a different light, allows him to be privy to things that others may miss.
(Authors Note: Will expand upon this the more I RP him)
Biography & Lore
Born in a pirate, and criminal infested city of Cerak At'Thul, Samael grew up as an only child. His father, Farrion, is a Pureblood much like his son. While his mother, Allyn, is is a half blood. Almost securing the possibility for any child they have to be a three out of four chance to be a pureblood. Samael was not in luck. His aptitude for Magic manifested rather quickly. However, due to the limitations of his magic, the perceived chance of him ending up as a pile of blood and guts was nearly non-existent. An extremely rare ability for him to nullify magic. Instead of blowing up due to using too much magic too much, it seemed more along the lines of after throwing a fit, or being stressed, it caused the child to fall asleep. In a very rare case, for days on end. After learning how to control, and suppress this aura, it became more manageable for Samael to have a normal sleeping schedule as well as living as close to a normal life as he could.
However, it was not Fate's will to be that way.
While none of his parents died to nefarious means, It was actually one of the very few friends Samael ever had as a Teen that caused him to join the Monster Slayer Corps. Eramis, a young girl that was some half breed, was only steps away from being an orphan. Mother who could have cared less about her "problem," and a father that wasn't in the picture. As a young man, having a crush upon her, they had left the city to go into the woods themselves. Having their own alone time to just be friends. When attacked by a Harpy. A creature with the body of a desirable woman, but wings of a bird of prey, and talons that could shred even the thickest of flesh. Samael was unable to do anything. Running away from the monster did the two attempt. However, it was Eramis who had fallen. Breaking her ankle on a misplaced step.
That one step, that one instance of not being able to fight back against the things that go bump into the night, led to Samael to leave his family, and leave his home in search of these Hunters of the Monsters and Demons of the dark. Finally finding an older man. While past his prime, was still fighting the good fight. Master Darathol bequeathed much to the young man. Teaching him in years, what some students would take decades to learn. Magic was a breeze for the young man. With teaching in his mental and physical progress that was really only needed to be expounded upon.
It was barely a year ago, that Samael had completed all he could in his training, and was given the rights of a Monster Slayer. Fully fledged, but still young within his deployment as one such. The only thing he needs now, is the years of experience required to be better than he is now.
However, it was not Fate's will to be that way.
While none of his parents died to nefarious means, It was actually one of the very few friends Samael ever had as a Teen that caused him to join the Monster Slayer Corps. Eramis, a young girl that was some half breed, was only steps away from being an orphan. Mother who could have cared less about her "problem," and a father that wasn't in the picture. As a young man, having a crush upon her, they had left the city to go into the woods themselves. Having their own alone time to just be friends. When attacked by a Harpy. A creature with the body of a desirable woman, but wings of a bird of prey, and talons that could shred even the thickest of flesh. Samael was unable to do anything. Running away from the monster did the two attempt. However, it was Eramis who had fallen. Breaking her ankle on a misplaced step.
That one step, that one instance of not being able to fight back against the things that go bump into the night, led to Samael to leave his family, and leave his home in search of these Hunters of the Monsters and Demons of the dark. Finally finding an older man. While past his prime, was still fighting the good fight. Master Darathol bequeathed much to the young man. Teaching him in years, what some students would take decades to learn. Magic was a breeze for the young man. With teaching in his mental and physical progress that was really only needed to be expounded upon.
It was barely a year ago, that Samael had completed all he could in his training, and was given the rights of a Monster Slayer. Fully fledged, but still young within his deployment as one such. The only thing he needs now, is the years of experience required to be better than he is now.