Sam Fairbridge

Sam Fairbridge

Biographical information
The Basement of a Wizard's Laboratory - Crobhear Lake 21 Crobhear Lake, but mostly travels
Physical description
Sentient Arcane Servant None, goes by 'they' Five foot three. Very light None Pure white dots that expand, grow dim or bright None
Political information
Scribe and Travelling Merchant - Selling Scrolls and Books
Out-of-character information

First given animation by the wizard Balestro Fairbridge as a dutiful specter servant, and first given true sentience by an accidental spill over of raw magical energies in an experiment that claimed that same wizard's life, Sam Fairbridge gained personality, wit, and sentience from this singular event. From the former life of a dutiful mage's assistant, summoned to perform simple tasks for it's master, to a thinking, feeling, spirit of physicality meshed with bone, Sam existence is unquestionable to themselves. Inheriting the wizard's laboratory as a place to learn and grow as a person, although trapped for years by this place of learning and research, Sam thinks and exists for themselves, in a world they have a deep and unfailing curiosity over. Determined to do something with their existence, Sam now travels with the raiment of their former master and understanding of that wizard's profession. To grow in knowledge and wisdom is their cause, to enrich their understanding of the truth of their existence, and discover more than the trappings of their former life, and the life of their master. A reasonable magic user of their own, Sam is a scribe of books and magical spells, and plies their trade in the world which may view him as simply apparition, as simply an undead, as a freak occurrence that should not be given respect, courtesy and understanding.


Wearing robes of their former master which carry various wards and enchantments to better assist the process of weaving arcane energies, and protecting their visage with a cowl of blackness born from an effort of will to hide their spectral body, Sam carries themselves discretely as best can be provided by their broad wizard's hat. Accompanied by a backpack of various arcane pieces of equipment they decided to take from the laboratory that birthed them, and wearing various tools of the scribing trade upon their person, Sam is clearly of the wizarding world, perhaps more than those born of the flesh than of the arcane as Sam is.

Skills and Abilities

Inexhaustible - Sam maintains a patience and diligence to their work, a concentration which is cool and unfailing to the tasks that they assign themselves. From reaching arcane tomes, translating texts, scribing works, or simple tasks that might take days or weeks of patience, Sam finds little distraction from the need to do something other than what occupies them. While curiosity drives them, and an earnest if cool disposition towards their fellow denizen of the realms propels them forward, Sam is able to take on the most time consuming and laborious task without complaint. Some might think this was due to their nature as an arcane servant, although Sam themselves thinks that this is a product of their dedication to whatever task is given. Whatever the reason, Sam is able to apply themselves as a true scientist might, logically, methodically, without need for distraction, inexhaustibly. Sam is able to walk for great distances without rest or distraction beyond their own calm flow of thoughts.


Not quite a tabula rasa, not quite a typical person with a rich history of interactions during their life, until recently Sam only really had themselves for company. Applying themselves to books and study of the arcane and all the fields the wizard Balestro had acquired in his library come laboratory, Sam is not quite shy, but simply unknowing of how to properly act. Nevertheless, a sense of fair play and generosity lives within their sense of self, and as they travel through the realms, has endeavored to never take advantage of another's good will. Sam does not envy anyone, and has the spirit of understanding in themselves, even if they find themselves coming up short for answers beyond the academic. Deeply interested in books, new people, curious places, novel sights and experiences, Sam is a patient traveler who journeys at their own pace, in their own way. While it can seem that the person that is Sam Fairbridge is somewhat distant, the truth of the matter is that they think deeply of the world and lightly of themselves, especially since their exploration of the world is so new to them.

Biography & Lore

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