Samantha Calloway
Appearance & Personality
Sam is exactly as she appears, a filthy dirty hungry little street rat with a smudged face that forgot what smiling was like. She's dressed in rags that offer little to no protection from the elements.
Underneath the dirt and grim her hair is a bright red and she keeps it short and out of the way. Her face is home to a veritable mess of freckles and striking green eyes.
She doesn't smile for any reason whatsoever, it's like her face had literally forgotten how. With a face incapable of showing any form of joy or sincerity her words have become her bond. Thus she never makes promises, her yes means yes and her no means no and she will not give her word unless it was true.
In spite of her otherwise lack of expression two emotions show up very well and often on her face, fear and sadness. She's had a tough life at the bottom of the food chain, lower than the dirt of the lowest of the underworld. But in spite of the cruelty of her life she still holds hope and love for the world, even if the world hates her she can't help but to love it back.
Underneath the dirt and grim her hair is a bright red and she keeps it short and out of the way. Her face is home to a veritable mess of freckles and striking green eyes.

In spite of her otherwise lack of expression two emotions show up very well and often on her face, fear and sadness. She's had a tough life at the bottom of the food chain, lower than the dirt of the lowest of the underworld. But in spite of the cruelty of her life she still holds hope and love for the world, even if the world hates her she can't help but to love it back.
Skills & Talents
Survival Instinct: She has an uncanny ability to somehow find ways to survive in the worst of conditions. She can read a room for the mood and tell when would be the perfect time to run and where the best escape routs would be. She is also adept at dodging when the need arises, not being hit is a talent of hers.
High Appraisal: She has a nose for telling the value of a particular trinket or item. She also has memorized the legal and black market prices for such items.
Short Stuff: She's small and quick, able to fit into tiny holes and passageways quickly. She uses her size to its full advantage while going through urban crowds and alleys. She's agile with the balance of a cat, and can almost climb like one too.
Urban Compass: She knows how cities are, how they work, how to find what you need and where to look. She never gets lost even in an unfamiliar town or city.
Stomach of the poor: She's forced to live on little, so she's made do with little. It doesn't take much to stop hunger pains, but they never stay away for long.
Illiterate: Given that she's had no education, formal or informal, she cannot read or write.
Malnourished: She's never had a lot to eat, and has often been forced to live on only a few crumbs for the whole day. For some reason her energy is fine, but her strength has definitely suffered.
High Appraisal: She has a nose for telling the value of a particular trinket or item. She also has memorized the legal and black market prices for such items.
Short Stuff: She's small and quick, able to fit into tiny holes and passageways quickly. She uses her size to its full advantage while going through urban crowds and alleys. She's agile with the balance of a cat, and can almost climb like one too.
Urban Compass: She knows how cities are, how they work, how to find what you need and where to look. She never gets lost even in an unfamiliar town or city.
Stomach of the poor: She's forced to live on little, so she's made do with little. It doesn't take much to stop hunger pains, but they never stay away for long.
Illiterate: Given that she's had no education, formal or informal, she cannot read or write.
Malnourished: She's never had a lot to eat, and has often been forced to live on only a few crumbs for the whole day. For some reason her energy is fine, but her strength has definitely suffered.
Biography & Lore
Samantha Calloway was born to the life of an urchin. Her mother an old used up whore left on the streets without a husband to care for her or her daughter. Sam grew up trying to make a living, caring for her sick mother while trying to get by herself. She quickly learned to steal and hawk goods off for a price, but it was still never enough.
Her mother used to tell her stories about her father, he was a devil with the face of an angel, a powerful nobleman that lives in Elbion. Apparently even though her mother made a living sleeping with men, she somehow managed to remember which one finally got her pregnant and ended her up in the streets. Her mind was slipping long before Samantha was delivered.
Even so, Sam humored her mother as she worked to keep her alive. With they money she raised and stole she bought medicine for her mother and food for both of them. For twelve years they were able to get by on that lifestyle.
Disaster struck. She was finally caught in the act, caught with her hand in the pocket of who she realized wasn't merely a wealthy young merchant, but Tzuriel Alanthis, one of the most powerful merchants across Arethil and dubbed the "Merchant King".
She was promptly imprisoned for her crime, but since she was still a child and the man was sympathetic to her she was given a light sentence, only half a year. But during that time, with no one to care for her, her mother passed away from her illness. When Samantha was finally released she was broken, but oddly freed from the shackles of caring for her mother. Though even with her new freedom life didn't improve for her. She was still at the bottom, nobody cared for her even among the scum of the city.
She begs, she steals, she hawks stolen goods from time to time. But unless something changes, she will live and die with her head bent to the mud.
Her mother used to tell her stories about her father, he was a devil with the face of an angel, a powerful nobleman that lives in Elbion. Apparently even though her mother made a living sleeping with men, she somehow managed to remember which one finally got her pregnant and ended her up in the streets. Her mind was slipping long before Samantha was delivered.
Even so, Sam humored her mother as she worked to keep her alive. With they money she raised and stole she bought medicine for her mother and food for both of them. For twelve years they were able to get by on that lifestyle.
Disaster struck. She was finally caught in the act, caught with her hand in the pocket of who she realized wasn't merely a wealthy young merchant, but Tzuriel Alanthis, one of the most powerful merchants across Arethil and dubbed the "Merchant King".
She was promptly imprisoned for her crime, but since she was still a child and the man was sympathetic to her she was given a light sentence, only half a year. But during that time, with no one to care for her, her mother passed away from her illness. When Samantha was finally released she was broken, but oddly freed from the shackles of caring for her mother. Though even with her new freedom life didn't improve for her. She was still at the bottom, nobody cared for her even among the scum of the city.
She begs, she steals, she hawks stolen goods from time to time. But unless something changes, she will live and die with her head bent to the mud.
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