Saiadee Trask
Appearance & Personality
Saiadee is a small girl, still a child really. Her skin is pale with a generous sprinkling of freckles, a fair face framed by long black hair that travels down to her waist. She has strong bones and sturdy physique in spite of her frail stature from her strong Nordic heritage.
She dresses in simple cloth and fur clothing of the northern mountain villages with a light fur lined cloak and hood.
She is strong willed and resilient as the harsh mountainside she lives on, and as relentless and deadly as the snow storms that strip the land of all life and bury it in eternal snow.
She is straightforward and blunt, with little care about the potential harm her words may inflict. If people are weak enough to be harmed by words then they should receive no mercy.
She is kind to those who are kind to her, and a dangerous enemy to those who oppose her.
But she is not cruel, she treats people with respect and only when the favor isn't returned will she take action.
She dresses in simple cloth and fur clothing of the northern mountain villages with a light fur lined cloak and hood.
She is strong willed and resilient as the harsh mountainside she lives on, and as relentless and deadly as the snow storms that strip the land of all life and bury it in eternal snow.
She is straightforward and blunt, with little care about the potential harm her words may inflict. If people are weak enough to be harmed by words then they should receive no mercy.
She is kind to those who are kind to her, and a dangerous enemy to those who oppose her.
But she is not cruel, she treats people with respect and only when the favor isn't returned will she take action.
Skills & Abilities + Weaknesses
Nordic Resilience: An inherited trait of a hardy people, she is uniquely resistant to the hardships and weathers of the wilderness, especially intense cold, but including even hardships from wildlife and survival instincts. Pain or fatigue aren't felt as sharply as they might to other peoples and on top of it all an indomitable will to go on even when everything is at its absolute worst. [Ability]
The Young Ruler: In spite of her age she has shown an unprecedented maturity and intellect that put to shame many of the elders in her village. She knows what it takes to be a wise leader and a cunning planner, she knows how to provide for a people and even knows her way around politics in her own crude way. [Skill]
Strategist: She has shown an incredible aptitude for tactics and warfare strategy, from large scale battle to small skirmishes even without formal education. She can read a situation and respond with the best strategy available with whatever resources she has. [Ability]
Too Young: She's never let age be an issue for her, but there are some limitations to her being only a young girl. She cannot withstand the full strength of a grown man for long. She cannot run as fast as an adult because of her shorter legs, even if she can still match them in stamina. [Weakness]
Childish Sentiments: She tends to be very open with her emotions, and sometimes her passions can override her better judgement. Tears are weakness and it's a weakness she's yet to overcome, even in the face of intense pain or loss. [Weakness]
The Young Ruler: In spite of her age she has shown an unprecedented maturity and intellect that put to shame many of the elders in her village. She knows what it takes to be a wise leader and a cunning planner, she knows how to provide for a people and even knows her way around politics in her own crude way. [Skill]
Strategist: She has shown an incredible aptitude for tactics and warfare strategy, from large scale battle to small skirmishes even without formal education. She can read a situation and respond with the best strategy available with whatever resources she has. [Ability]
Too Young: She's never let age be an issue for her, but there are some limitations to her being only a young girl. She cannot withstand the full strength of a grown man for long. She cannot run as fast as an adult because of her shorter legs, even if she can still match them in stamina. [Weakness]
Childish Sentiments: She tends to be very open with her emotions, and sometimes her passions can override her better judgement. Tears are weakness and it's a weakness she's yet to overcome, even in the face of intense pain or loss. [Weakness]
Biography & Lore
Some stories begin when the hero is a child and then goes up through to their adulthood, explaining their background and how they were raised as a preface to why they are the people they are now.
Not so in this tale, for this is a tale ABOUT a child, and how she was raised by the fierce ice blooded people of the mountains.
In the culture of her tribe, if a child was born in a blizzard they are said to be blessed by the gods, and Saiadee was born in one hell of a gale. Her parents were both warriors of the tribe, but wise in their knowledge and experience since they had become adventurers in their youth and seen much of the world and its people.
They respected the tribes traditions but they taught Saiadee to have an open mind, that there is other things out there, other people to experience and other sights to see than the village and the Spine.
Under their guidance and stories Saiadee grew into a strong young girl. She could fight better than the other kids and she knew how to get people on her side. Whenever the kids had mock battles Saiadee would formulate a cohesive strategy with her teammates to crush the other team that would predictably just charge straight in to overwhelm them with their strength.
At first her strategizing was ignored and they would lose. But when the others actually started to listen to her they were able to turn the battles around even when all the strong kids got picked for the other team.
Saiadee really came into her own in the tribe when she turned twelve. The village was going through a famine and just barely scraping by. An enemy tribe saw their weakness and decided to raid them to alleviate their own suffering under the famine.
Her tribe was almost in a panic, but when she learned the situation she was able to catch her father by the ear to tell him to gather the warriors, that they could fight them off. Her father wasn't a fool, he gathered the warriors because he knew his daughter, if anyone, could get them out of this dire situation.
The others grumbled about putting a child in charge and rightly so, but they listened to her plan anyways since no other alternatives were forthcoming.
The warriors on both sides were weakened by hunger, the advantage lay with the enemy because of their greater numbers. But they had home field advantage with walls guarding their village. They were like a deadly turtle in its shell, they could rally forth from the wall at any point, engage the enemy, and then retreat before the fighting got too thick, all the while the women would use bows to harry the rest of the invading force.
Their warriors were able to work in shifts, when one team went out the fight the other team could rest.
Mid battle her father realized what his daughters plan was. She was using the famine itself to win this battle! Because they were allowed to take turns and rest they were able to outlast their attackers, and due to the constant attacks their enemies had no chance to rest or recover, eventually their hunger left them too exhausted to fight and, and the battle was won.
Saiadee was hailed the hero of the hour and given the honorary title of tactician, a title never held before in their tribe. While generals and strong warriors win battles on the field, it's the strategist that wins the battle before it begins.
Not so in this tale, for this is a tale ABOUT a child, and how she was raised by the fierce ice blooded people of the mountains.
In the culture of her tribe, if a child was born in a blizzard they are said to be blessed by the gods, and Saiadee was born in one hell of a gale. Her parents were both warriors of the tribe, but wise in their knowledge and experience since they had become adventurers in their youth and seen much of the world and its people.
They respected the tribes traditions but they taught Saiadee to have an open mind, that there is other things out there, other people to experience and other sights to see than the village and the Spine.
Under their guidance and stories Saiadee grew into a strong young girl. She could fight better than the other kids and she knew how to get people on her side. Whenever the kids had mock battles Saiadee would formulate a cohesive strategy with her teammates to crush the other team that would predictably just charge straight in to overwhelm them with their strength.
At first her strategizing was ignored and they would lose. But when the others actually started to listen to her they were able to turn the battles around even when all the strong kids got picked for the other team.
Saiadee really came into her own in the tribe when she turned twelve. The village was going through a famine and just barely scraping by. An enemy tribe saw their weakness and decided to raid them to alleviate their own suffering under the famine.
Her tribe was almost in a panic, but when she learned the situation she was able to catch her father by the ear to tell him to gather the warriors, that they could fight them off. Her father wasn't a fool, he gathered the warriors because he knew his daughter, if anyone, could get them out of this dire situation.
The others grumbled about putting a child in charge and rightly so, but they listened to her plan anyways since no other alternatives were forthcoming.
The warriors on both sides were weakened by hunger, the advantage lay with the enemy because of their greater numbers. But they had home field advantage with walls guarding their village. They were like a deadly turtle in its shell, they could rally forth from the wall at any point, engage the enemy, and then retreat before the fighting got too thick, all the while the women would use bows to harry the rest of the invading force.
Their warriors were able to work in shifts, when one team went out the fight the other team could rest.
Mid battle her father realized what his daughters plan was. She was using the famine itself to win this battle! Because they were allowed to take turns and rest they were able to outlast their attackers, and due to the constant attacks their enemies had no chance to rest or recover, eventually their hunger left them too exhausted to fight and, and the battle was won.
Saiadee was hailed the hero of the hour and given the honorary title of tactician, a title never held before in their tribe. While generals and strong warriors win battles on the field, it's the strategist that wins the battle before it begins.
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