Sahari Ashforn
Sahari is the only daughter of Sifa and Altheem Ashforn, a minor noble house serving House Luana within Vel Anir. She is a respected Knight of the Vel Anirian western army and serves within Captain Holstag's company.
She wears her battle-worn armor and the crests of both House Ashforn and Holstag's Company proudly, as well as her heritage. A natural beauty, Sahari was blessed with a strong frame and good looks - most notably are her eyes. Common within the Ashforn bloodlines, the whites of her eyes are a pale blue surrounding a bright, almost backlit and unnatural shade of blue. This is, in fact, due to elven ancestry several generations ago.
Skills and Abilities
On top of being a fierce and strong warrior, Sahari is skilled with short swords and pikes. She also possesses the gift of her ancestors and is an experienced Warg, enabling her to enter the mind of nearby creatures or people to borrow their bodies and senses for short periods of time. This ability was kept well under wraps until after her position within the army was solidified in order to keep her from being forcibly placed within the Dreadlord academy.
Sahari has been honing her skill as a Warg since the age of six, and now at 29 has well mastered it.
Sahari has been honing her skill as a Warg since the age of six, and now at 29 has well mastered it.
Easy going and amiable, Sahari or "Sparrow" as she is called within the Company has been loyally serving the Vel Anirian army since her arrival to the city at age 19.
Biography & Lore
The Ashforns are, technically, very distant cousins to the main Luana branch, but the bloodlines have been so long and far removed that they aren't really considered blooded relatives at present day. Having resided in the lands of Suaiit for several hundred years, they were a wealthy merchant family that specialized in luxury textiles. Unfortunately their home suffered cataclysmic destruction by a waking Ancient Terrahorn that demolished the landscape in its month-long gorging before returning to hibernation. The Ashforns lost everything and scattered to far corners of Liadain. Sahari and her parents sought refuge with the Luanas where they rebuilt a smaller business and, over the coarse of ten years, re-established themselves as a wealthy but minor merchant noble family.
Never wanting to feel so helpless again, Sahari immediately joined up with the Anirian Guard and eventually earned herself the honorable title and role as a Knight under Captain Holstag's command. Recently promoted to Lieutenant, Sparrow now leads the Crosswind Squadron within Holstag's company.
Never wanting to feel so helpless again, Sahari immediately joined up with the Anirian Guard and eventually earned herself the honorable title and role as a Knight under Captain Holstag's command. Recently promoted to Lieutenant, Sparrow now leads the Crosswind Squadron within Holstag's company.
Sparrow is introduced in RP: "Shedding Skin"
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