Born in the wastelands of Sheketh, Saen has been the leader of a tribe of Tyrian for nearly twenty years.
Though long ago, the Tyrian people went upon a great pilgrimage from their old home to where the city of Tyr now stands, not all of their people made it. Thousands perished, and more were simply lost to something called the 'bleakness', but some survived and even managed to thrive within the wilds of Sheketh.
It is one tribe of these men and women which Saen has now lead.
Bearing no real name or identity past the ways of their ancestors, Saen's people are an incredibly tight-knit and well organized tribe. The lands upon which they live are incredibly dangerous, populated by Fire Drakes, Lava Salamanders, Giants, and other uncountable horrors.
Over the centuries they have managed to survive and thrive despite the dangerous. Moving through the land almost as a part of it, utilizing small sacred sites within the mountains as temporary homes. Never lingering in one place long enough for any of their dangers to see or hear them.
The tribe, and those within, are far more traditional adherents of the old Tyrian ways. Whereas some of their people have lost the ancient ways, Saen and his clan remember much of what was lost. They worship the ancestors, keep to the old magics, and hold the traditions of their people sacred. In a way, it is their belief that their role and duty is to uphold these traditions. Where their urban brethren might forget, the Tyrian's of the wilds never would.
Their ways are sacred, and there is nothing else to be said about it.
Saen is vehemently of this belief, standing as a strong pillar of leadership for his people and insisting that the old ways be kept to. Despite his general stoic and rigid nature when it comes to dealing with outsiders, Saen cares a great deal for his Clan. Treating them as his family, and seeing his life's purpose as preserving both their safety, and the way they live.
Skills and Abilities
Saen, though hardly the oldest member of his tribe, is one of the eldest tribal leaders to still take his role. This is not because of any sheepishness on the clan's part to replace him, but simply because he is still the most capable.
The Old man is an incredibly effective hunter, strategist, and leader. Holding all the qualities of a man who you would want in charge. Though hardly perfect, Saen has over the years learned to temper many of his faults and learned many lessons to stifle his ambitions. He is a man who truly wants nothing more than the best for his people, and in pursuit of that has bettered himself.
A born warrior, Saen is a more than capable fighter as well. Often finding it necessary to defend both himself and the tribe throughout his years.
Though like all Tyrians, Saen carries the gift of the blood his skill with the ancient magics is no better than most of his clan. Knowledge of the Old Ways aids within his use of the talent, and he far outstrips most of his kin in the City of Tyr, but in comparison to his beloved wife or some others in the tribe his understanding within the great gift is that of a child.
The Old man is an incredibly effective hunter, strategist, and leader. Holding all the qualities of a man who you would want in charge. Though hardly perfect, Saen has over the years learned to temper many of his faults and learned many lessons to stifle his ambitions. He is a man who truly wants nothing more than the best for his people, and in pursuit of that has bettered himself.
A born warrior, Saen is a more than capable fighter as well. Often finding it necessary to defend both himself and the tribe throughout his years.
Though like all Tyrians, Saen carries the gift of the blood his skill with the ancient magics is no better than most of his clan. Knowledge of the Old Ways aids within his use of the talent, and he far outstrips most of his kin in the City of Tyr, but in comparison to his beloved wife or some others in the tribe his understanding within the great gift is that of a child.