Sadie Lusce
Sadie is an old soul trapped within a shy of 2,000 years old fae body. Sadie is the oldest sister to five others with one older brother. To the outside world, she takes on the role of how a Night Court female should act. Obedient to authority and near silent in the company of males. Only her family knows how she can truly smile and tease. And how cunning she can be. Somehow she talked her way into getting her own room.
And she'll never admit how much she likes reading trashy-romance novels.
Like all members of the Lusce family, Sadie can be spotted in a crowd by her red hair, though it seems to be more orange than scarlet. And her hair tends to fall straighter than that of her sisters. Like all Duanann, her form seems flawless. She is tall and slight, fair skin with a shimmering hue. Eyes are golden and are rumored to make many a male and female fall in love with but a glance.
Her clothing choices tend to match that of her dear brother. Her look kept immaculate and of the latest fashions and styles. It appears as though she has a very refined and innovative taste.
Her clothing choices tend to match that of her dear brother. Her look kept immaculate and of the latest fashions and styles. It appears as though she has a very refined and innovative taste.
Skills and Abilities
Sadie, like her brother, has a rare elemental dual affinity of air and water. Only her siblings know this about her. Most think she only has air. And while Sadie can never drown, suffocate, or freeze she will also never be able to do great feats with either ability due to the dual nature (unless both moons are full). Sadie's magic is at its strongest during the night, stronger still when a full moon is showing. She will often have to excuse herself when both moons are full for the safety of others with how wild her magic gets. On these few nights air will cancel out her ability to use water and she can do great feats, often uncontrolled, with air.
Sadie's animal shape is a red-tailed hawk.
While her magic is strong, she would consider her true talent her mind. Sadie loves to read. From a young age, she would beg her brother to look at any war maps in his possession. She has an innate talent for strategy and learning new languages.
When she isn't playing the role of dutiful older sister or learning more about science, the arts, or history, she can often be found reading trashy-romance novels. Though she will vehemently deny this.
Sadie's animal shape is a red-tailed hawk.
While her magic is strong, she would consider her true talent her mind. Sadie loves to read. From a young age, she would beg her brother to look at any war maps in his possession. She has an innate talent for strategy and learning new languages.
When she isn't playing the role of dutiful older sister or learning more about science, the arts, or history, she can often be found reading trashy-romance novels. Though she will vehemently deny this.
Sadie is a true introvert, which was hard navigating in a family so large as the one she grew-up in. When not expected to be at public events or family gatherings, she can often be found squirreled away in her room reading a book on languages, history, strategy, or the arts. Even though she appears very stern and stiff, with the weight of being the eldest female of the family and the noose of marriage forever the topic of conversation about her future, she has a very tender, loyal, and protective heart. Especially to her family.
And only her family knows how to bring out her smile or make her forget, for a moment, her duty and the pressures placed upon her lithe shoulders.
And only her family knows how to bring out her smile or make her forget, for a moment, her duty and the pressures placed upon her lithe shoulders.
From Sadie's dearest family friend.
To: Sadie Lusce
Just in case I am not there next time...
From: Rhaener Nadir
To: Sadie Lusce
Just in case I am not there next time...
From: Rhaener Nadir

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