For little less than a century before the War of the Eventide, Sára'úri served as the Istoneth in the temple at Nórë Sérë. Her tenure as the most prominent mentor to all the Aerai youth there was cut relatively short with the onset of the war and the subsequent destruction of the city. After the fall of Nórë Sérë, she was presumed dead by the Order and the collective as a whole, and this has remained the case ever since.

She wears black colours with a warn and battered plate armour, complete with a masking helm. On her she carries a short sword, on her side, and a larger sword on her back with a shield. The larger of her swords is one crafted in the crystalline forges of Sharyrdaes, where the imbuement of steel and crystal and magic takes place. When not in its sheath, the crystal laced throughout it emits a gently pulsing luminescence.
Skills and Abilities
To be chosen to serve as Istoneth, first and foremost a teacher, one was expected to not just be fluent in many regards, but to be masterful. While complete mastery is not the meaning of this, this is also something that goes in hand. Sára'úri's development was a difficult one to predict, as she simply displayed an innate ability in whatever she was tasked or challenged with. Even after she had chosen the way of the Sword and the mastery of combat disciplines, she was still faithfully academic, thirsting for knowledge of all kinds. Because of this, her skillset became well rounded and robust. Her combative skills both martial and magical are quite proficient, and her knowledge of the arcane is admirable.
Hers is a cool and distant presence. In her eyes is a sharpened and unfeeling gaze, and when she speaks it is with a frigid and commanding clarity. Though she often seems to have little to say, she is far from afraid to speak her mind. Her steps are carried with confidence, and ever does she seem as one who is poised at any moment.
Her devotion to Nykios is particular, but all the Celestial Pantheon is paramount. Not a day goes by where she does not seek to fulfill the creeds as a Daughter of Nykios, and in Aeraesar she finds no better place to carry this out. She is compelled in this, singular in her aim.
Destroy the darkness.
Her devotion to Nykios is particular, but all the Celestial Pantheon is paramount. Not a day goes by where she does not seek to fulfill the creeds as a Daughter of Nykios, and in Aeraesar she finds no better place to carry this out. She is compelled in this, singular in her aim.
Destroy the darkness.
Biography & Lore
Anyone who knew Sára'úri before the war and her disappearance after Nórë Sérë knew her as a kind and loving soul, patient yet stalwart and courageous. She was a warrior first, but there were none better suited to pass on the teachings of their people to their youth. Even before she became Istoneth, they could see it in the way her eyes smiled at the children who came to her, or how she knelt and lifted their chins with a caring touch.
That woman died in Nórë Sérë.
The woman who left from there would remember her..
That woman died in Nórë Sérë.
The woman who left from there would remember her..