Rysorian Kadje

Rysorian Kadje

Biographical information
The wilds of an arctic wildernes. 27 Where the hunt takes him, he goes. Rysorian prefers cold places or relatively cold wilderness areas, with trees and woods to hide in when stalking prey.
Physical description
A shapeshifter, Rysorian's preferred form is as a young human male. but his truer form is as a dire snow leopard, nearly as large as a young lion. Male 6' 1" 170 Black; in leopard form, white and black Bright green. pale gold
Political information
Rysorian takes on odd jobs that often involve stalking humans or other prey. He is talented at this, using his keen sense of smell and natural instinct to track down the target and eleminate it.
Out-of-character information
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Rysorian was born in the North, in the snow and ice of a land far away. He belonged to peaceful clan of dire snow leopard morphs, and would have stayed there his entire life until the hunters came. Humans of the worst kind slew and killed his clan; he watched his parents slain and skinned. Now, after a terrible life of slavery, he roams alone, with hate in his heart and mind. He has learned to trust no one, and love even less.


Rysorian is fairly tall, surpassing six feet with a lean, toned build. His black hair, hanging to his shoulders, make his bright green eyes stand out. Perhaps he would have been called handsome, but the dark, icy look in those eyes warn most away.

Skills and Abilities

A skilled hunter and cool in any situation, Rysorian can morph into a large dire snow leopard, as large as a small lion. His sense of sight, smell, and natural instincts make him a formidable fighter.


Due to his experiences with humans, Rysorian trusts them little, and trusts others only very minimally. He prefers to eat meat, though can and will indulge in more human, cooked meals. Other than finding food and surviving on his own, he has little interest in others. He will help another, but rarely for anything other than his own gain.

Biography & Lore

Born in the ice and snow, Rys is a dire leopard morph. His people were peaceful until hunting humans intruded on their territory, killing a skinning most of them, scattering the few who managed to survive. Rys is one of those survivors.


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