
Basic Details
* Name: Rysa Aegis
* Species: Elf
* Age: Roughly 300
* Height: 5'8"
* Weight: 126 lbs.
* Hair: Black
* Eyes: Green
* Skin: Pale
Personal Details
Rysa is short for an elf. She is often seen wearing commoner clothing such as long, colorful skirts and cotton, loose-fitting shirts. Occasionally, when she feels fancy, she will wear silk shirts or long gowns. She will also tend to wear hoods over top of her clothes as it can get quite cold in the inn.
Her skin is a pale white, but there is a slight flush on her cheeks and nose. Rysa's wavy, raven hair reaches her waist, so she sometimes pulls it back into a loose braid when working. She doesn't necessarily stand out, but she's wise and has an easy time forming relationships.
Her skin is a pale white, but there is a slight flush on her cheeks and nose. Rysa's wavy, raven hair reaches her waist, so she sometimes pulls it back into a loose braid when working. She doesn't necessarily stand out, but she's wise and has an easy time forming relationships.
Skills and Abilities
Rysa is an Innkeeper. And a good one at that. She is an amazing cook and is training a young human employee of hers, Silvan, all she knows of the skill in hopes that she won't have to do as much work as she does. She is also an exceptional singer and likes to play the lute while doing so. Sometimes, at late hours in the inn, she will lead those in the lobby in song and dance.
As a hobby, Rysa enjoys making jewelry. She has a small stand on her table in the lobby where she displays her work and sometimes sells.
Though Rysa's image is quite domestic, she is particularly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and has exquisite aim with a bow-and-arrow. During cold seasons, when the price of meat rises, she will hunt for her own food.
She also possesses the ability to do magic, but chooses no to indulge in it.
As a hobby, Rysa enjoys making jewelry. She has a small stand on her table in the lobby where she displays her work and sometimes sells.
Though Rysa's image is quite domestic, she is particularly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and has exquisite aim with a bow-and-arrow. During cold seasons, when the price of meat rises, she will hunt for her own food.
She also possesses the ability to do magic, but chooses no to indulge in it.
Rysa is very calm yet still fun and exciting. She seems to always have a new story about a strange character she's met or a drunken fight she had to break up. Despite seeming to be a homebody as she's most often seen in the inn, she is always ready and open for an adventure.
She's caring, and constantly looks out for her customers. She wants the best for all of those around her.
She's caring, and constantly looks out for her customers. She wants the best for all of those around her.
Biography & Lore
Rysa does not often talk about her past which is mostly due to amnesia she experienced from a traumatic event she can't even remember. The only information she recalls from her past is that she was born and raised in Falwood. Her family, friends, and childhood she has no memory of, though. She was, however, able to recall her skills and abilities from before the incident. After healing from the incident, she started an inn in the inner city of Alliria where she woke and promised herself to look toward the future and not search for the past.
Art is from: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GG5GW
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