Songling farrow, so ombre thine heart, blanched of soul. Seek ever onward lest sight occlude thee. Oh! capricious one; hark now to thy mortal timbre. Cacophonous in its embrace. Wander forth to but stray from destined twine. Little manling, dance. For it is but through mirth ours hand lays stayed.
Ephemeral of nature, Ryiek is lithe; corded of muscle, taut. Unblemished skin embellishes his topography. Placid, often in lack of expression save explosive bouts of mirth. Amusement lights his eyes, a soft glow as that of a forest in a rising dawn (hooded in mist, fickle and temporal).
Skills and Abilities
-The spear and the shield; heartwood dances in his palms, and he is described as having a feral, serpentine grace. The spear comes easily to him, perhaps due to repetition. He is lauded an apt hunter of beasts. Wolves are a favorite game of his.
-The lark and the wren; an affinity for wildlife befits the mantle of his kin. Beasts (birds and domesticated cats in particular) pay favor to him, and he occasions a glance through their eyes. Endless is the perception of the land, though Ryiek boasts little in the way of foresight.
-The aerie and the fen; long years of exploration and woodcraft lends to peculiar habits. Adept in living out of doors, he often finds the way of men foreign and must temper his speech accordingly.
-The cycle and its end; as one who pursues the wild, so too does the wild pursue him. A barbarous magic, but one that allows Ryiek a measure of aptitude with the leylines and heart of nature. Subtle shifts in the breeze (a message), sudden growths in the vines (a skein). And with all, a price. For as nature bequeaths her bounty, so does it demand in repentance.
-The lark and the wren; an affinity for wildlife befits the mantle of his kin. Beasts (birds and domesticated cats in particular) pay favor to him, and he occasions a glance through their eyes. Endless is the perception of the land, though Ryiek boasts little in the way of foresight.
-The aerie and the fen; long years of exploration and woodcraft lends to peculiar habits. Adept in living out of doors, he often finds the way of men foreign and must temper his speech accordingly.
-The cycle and its end; as one who pursues the wild, so too does the wild pursue him. A barbarous magic, but one that allows Ryiek a measure of aptitude with the leylines and heart of nature. Subtle shifts in the breeze (a message), sudden growths in the vines (a skein). And with all, a price. For as nature bequeaths her bounty, so does it demand in repentance.
Loud of presence. While swathed in the appearances of stoicism, Ryiek's thoughts are seldom else but spoken.
Biography & Lore
Found a hatchling near the Eldyr Tree, Ryiek's journey began moments past awakening. A stirring hunger filled his heart, an emptiness that he could not describe; for indeed, at such a time he had no knowledge of language, no means to express the seedling thoughts within. It took some years to learn.
First came the language of trees. The beat of roots, the sway of leaves, it began as a lesson of place. To know one's position, to be firm of belief and of self. Steadfast. Quiet months granted perspective, perception.
In time, he came to plant his roots and turned to the language of the wind. Shapeless, empty, yet present. To sway and shape, and be. With such temper and grace did he become cognizant. In identity he spoke a name, "Ryiek." And through it formed the essence of himself.
But such theatrics debase the heart of it all.
Ryiek learned mirth and satisfaction. He learned expression. From that base, he came to treasure desire. An all encompassing measure of passion.
He can do nothing but pursue it.
First came the language of trees. The beat of roots, the sway of leaves, it began as a lesson of place. To know one's position, to be firm of belief and of self. Steadfast. Quiet months granted perspective, perception.
In time, he came to plant his roots and turned to the language of the wind. Shapeless, empty, yet present. To sway and shape, and be. With such temper and grace did he become cognizant. In identity he spoke a name, "Ryiek." And through it formed the essence of himself.
But such theatrics debase the heart of it all.
Ryiek learned mirth and satisfaction. He learned expression. From that base, he came to treasure desire. An all encompassing measure of passion.
He can do nothing but pursue it.
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