Ruven Fenwraek
If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it.
- Toni Morrison
Ruven has shoulder-length white hair, pale skin, and light gray-blue eyes. He is tall and relatively slender for his height. His features are smooth but strong and his build displays more of an inner strength than outward strength.
His wings are a pearly white along the top but they deepen to a darker gray towards the bottoms of his wings. He has a thin, long scar arcing across his chest.
His wings are a pearly white along the top but they deepen to a darker gray towards the bottoms of his wings. He has a thin, long scar arcing across his chest.
Skills and Abilities
Flight: Obviously, Ruven can fly incredibly well. He has trained for centuries to perfect his flying technique and his ability to fight while mid-flight.
Bow and Arrow: Ruven is particularly skilled with a bow and arrow and can fire arrows quite rapidly and from long distances.
Spellcasting: Like all Avariel, Ruven is trained in spellcasting, more so perhaps because of his standing among his people. With some focus, he can harness and manipulate certain elements of nature (to an extent). His favorite is the wind.
Bow and Arrow: Ruven is particularly skilled with a bow and arrow and can fire arrows quite rapidly and from long distances.
Spellcasting: Like all Avariel, Ruven is trained in spellcasting, more so perhaps because of his standing among his people. With some focus, he can harness and manipulate certain elements of nature (to an extent). His favorite is the wind.
Ruven is stoic, prideful, loyal, and quickly jealous, but he is also extremely gentle and can be kind when he wants to. He is self-righteous but his sense of morals have left him with an intact conscience.
Biography & Lore
He was born to the current Elected leader, who sits in charge on the Council of Nine. His mother died in childbirth, an event that was not uncommon. What was uncommon, however, was that he had a twin sister- Essarae.
He has yet to mate with anyone. He was charged with travelling to the Sky Elves' kingdom, and marrying their young princess, in order to strengthen their alliance.
He has yet to mate with anyone. He was charged with travelling to the Sky Elves' kingdom, and marrying their young princess, in order to strengthen their alliance.
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