

Biographical information
Aberresai Savannah. 7 - 9 Years old. None.
Physical description
Human. Female. 1.34m (4'4 ft). 28kg (62lbs). A Off-White color. A Light green hue. Slightly tanned.
Political information
Out-of-character information
PocketSizedFaye. 29/11/2020. Credits to Fireflyness.

Taken from her tribe 2 years after birth Risa was chained up to be experimented on for the curiousity and ambition of her captors.
Five hard years passed when she got freed along with some others by some people who had great dislikings for the experiments her captors had been doing for years and years on end.


Risa is a small human girl with a slightly tanned skin tone, off-white hair and light green eyes. She wears a thorn and ragged filthy shirt which is too big for her, which makes it hang down over her shoulder. She has manacles around her wrists and one around her neck.

Risa has the ears, tail and eyes of a wolf...


Strengths and Weaknesses


Enhanced Strength (passive):
Risa has the physical strength of a normal adult due to her demon blood.

Heightened Senses (passive): Risa's eyes, ears and sense of smell work exceptionally well.


Curse bound:
Because of her demon blood Risa is unable to wield magic or magical items, any magic cast on her such as healing or enhancement magic is less effective.

Unstable mind: At any given time Risa can break down and turn into a big mess of tears, be it during a normal conversation or even during battle. (She can get better at controlling this the longer a RP goes.)


Risa is a quiet girl, she tries to avoid other people as much as she can and hardly ever makes eye contact. Due to what happened to her she developed a rather cautious nature and is often seen as a coward. Despite all of that she can be pretty curious given the right motivation for it.

Biography & Lore

Risa was used as a guinea pig most of her tiny little life for the sake of experiments, at the age of 2 she was taken from her tribe as she was playing with some branches by herself. The people that took her were a rather peculiar group of dark mages who call themselves "The Ravens".
She was brought across the waters to a place called Crossroad Mire where The Ravens had vested their base of operations, here they experimented on people of all ages.

Risa was one of the chosen few to have demon blood forced into their body, each person a different type of demon blood (The blood forced upon Risa was that of a demon wolf). Most people died from this experience since demon blood is much stronger than that of a human, it would force people to go berserk, have them turn into a monster completely or having their heart or mind completely destroyed. If that were the case, The Ravens would take their captives lives.
Surviving this would make the person a valid subject for the next step in The Ravens their plans, they would start breaking the mind of the survivor(s) by use of magic such as hypnosis or dark magic used for torture. The Ravens were looking to make an army of puppet half demons and/or monsters to strengthen their numbers.

Learning of their plan a group of people send by a large guild from Alliria attacked The Ravens, destroying their base and freeing the survivors. The Ravens however were not defeated, when they were attacked they simply vanished in the fog surrounding the lands of Crossroad Mire, though now little in numbers all they had to do was... Start over.

Risa now roams the lands around Alliria and sometimes the streets within the city surviving on what little game she can catch herself.



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