Reynard De Eramant
Description: Reynard is 5’10 and 185 pounds, fairly average in terms of his size and stature but his body is fit and well maintained from his mercenary life and training as a knight prior to the career change.
Reynard has short and straight brown hair. He has light blue eyes and is of a pale complexion. He has round facial features.
Markings: Reynard has a scar on his right shoulder, front and back from an injury sustained during combat.
Clothing/Armor: Due to his life of constant mercenary work and danger Reynard is almost always wearing his mercenary clothes. He wears a tight white shirt and black pants. He wears padded leather armor that covers all his vital areas while leaving room around the joints for mobility as well as leather boots and black gloves. Reynard favors movement and speed over defensive ability and thus prefers leather rather than steel or iron. Metals are far too heavy for his preference. The only difference in his clothing would be his sleep attire and a standard loose fitting tunic if he knows he has a day of no activity. Otherwise he’s always dressed for combat when he leaves the house.
Weaponry: Reynard uses a short sword, easy to wield with one hand but can use two hands if he needs extra strength. Reynard is a swordsman first and foremost and prefers the adaptability short swords provide. The sword is standard in nearly every way, chosen simply for its use and nothing more. Reynard carries a dagger, on the hip opposite the one he carries his sword on, for emergency use or whatever else.
Magic: N/A
Personal details
Personality: Reynard is a man who has decided that mercenary work is the life for him, to a degree that means he is far from a paragon of goodness. He does whatever pays and he does it well. Despite this he is a man of honor, living by a code that keeps him from crossing the line into irredeemability.
Reynard believes in justice. To hold up the weak and protect them against the strong. He doesn’t believe in bullying those who can't defend themselves. Reynard won’t take a job that conflicts with his morals and values, no matter how good the coin.
Reynard can sometimes let his emotions get the better of him, involving himself in situations that only serve to make life harder for him purely for the purpose of helping someone else. Despite this he does his best to carry out a contract once accepted.
Reynard is incredibly loyal and makes friends and allies wherever he gets the opportunity. He is quick to trust and has a bad habit of giving second chances.
Reynard is an honest and blunt person, rarely ever lying if he has the choice to not do so. He is incredibly passionate and never afraid to let his words be heard, often to detrimental effects.
Likes: Reynard likes Juice and sweets. Pastries. The way of the sword and helping people are his two greatest purposes.
Dislikes: Reynard doesn’t dislike people who drink but he is certainly not a drinker himself, preferring water or juice instead.
Fears: Dying alone and failure. Reynard doesn’t like to fall short, an obvious fear but it drives him.
Strengths: A talented swordsman, Loyal, Charismatic and has talked himself out of more than one dire situation. A deep empathy for others
Weaknesses: Involves himself in situation he shouldn’t, His personality can rub some people the wrong way since he can be incredibly vocal in any situation, It’s easy to manipulate his need to do good
Skills: Reynard has some light medical knowledge and survivalist skills as he’s spent many days alone and on the road. These skills have been incredibly necessary while on his own braving the dangers of the world.
Reynard was born in a small village with his mother and father, a baker and former knight. His father was long retired, deciding many years before Reynard's birth that he would never pick up a sword again. The reasons for this are still a mystery to Reynard, one he hopes to unlock throughout his journey.
Reynard's mother died when he was young, just at the age of 3. Reynard was far too young to really feel the devastating effects of the loss, his father was not so lucky. Reynard's father spent many nights crying and drinking himself numb to avoid the pain of losing the love of his life. After 2 years of this Reynards father witnessed his son being bullied by some local towns kids, children can often be cruel after all.
This was a turning point, a realization for Alberon, Reynard's father. Alberon decided he needed to teach his son to defend himself, and though he swore never to wield a sword again that oath did not extend to his son. Alberon taught his son all that he knew of swordsmanship and fighting in the hopes of preparing his boys for the harsh realities of the world they lived in. Alberon knew he wasn’t long for the world, a world made so much darker without the presence of his wife.
14 years later Alberon passed away of natural causes, or some even say finally succumbing to the grief he held in his heart. At his deathbed he left a dying wish for his boy, nearly a grown man by this point. All he asked was that his son see the world, to explore it and truly experience living. His dying words spurned Reynard on, motivating him to do exactly that.
Reynard grieved for a week. Mourning the passing of his father with friends and the fine folk of his small community. After this, he gathered his small amount of gear, all that his father had left for him. A short short and leather armor with money that amounted to no more than pocket change. Whatever happened Reynard knew he would have to make success for himself.
After a year of off and on jobs, moving between other small villages and settlements Reynard wasn’t making the money he needed, he was no closer to truly discovering the vast world that lay before him. Just before he had all but given up he came across a job offering. It was a job to clear some wolves from the edges of a forest so that a farmer could protect his stock. Reynard took it and found he was still quite good at using a sword.
This gave him the idea of making himself a sword for hire. A mercenary. It meant he would have the freedom and opportunity he needed to accomplish his goal. Reynard continued to take up work as a mercenary and found he was beginning to gain ground in the career, this however was just the beginning of his journey.
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