With her blonde bowl cut and freckles, Reinlinde is often mistaken for a young boy when she's not wearing her white and gold-trimmed coif. She fancies herself a tomboy but could pass for a pretty maiden if she wore lace dresses instead of her favored chain-mail and sword. She is a touch tall for a woman and is built athletically.
Skills and Abilities
Reinlinde is what you'd describe as fair with a sword, though she is young and still learning. She is incredibly devout to her deity, a winged white lion known as Esion, almost to the point of zealotry. Secretly she has dreams of this entity; dreams telling her what to do and where to go, though she speaks of them to no one for fear of persecution. She sometimes has trouble reconciling these visions with reality.
Reinlinde is what many might venture to call "uppity". She is pious to a fault, and perhaps the most devout among her order, so much so that she often manages to isolate herself socially. It's clear she came to the Order of Esion through some dramatic, life-shattering trauma, though whatever that may be, she keeps it closely guarded and walled off from all others. She is a private person and prefers to keep to herself, but she is also a good person. She is a champion of the poor, the weak, the downtrodden, and will stand up for them in the face of insurmountable danger. It's who Reinlinde is.