

Biographical information
Small town near Dornoch 27 NA
Physical description
Human Female 5’8 athletically lean black dark brown tanned
Political information
Hunter for Suntory Market
Out-of-character information
silenceconspiracy 5/7/2023

“So our fathers have sinned? For how long must we suffer for them?”


Reika was a long and spindly girl, growing faster than all the boys her age in her village and teasingly called a bamboo shoot. Thin in her youth, Reika still maintains her lean physique although now she sports far more muscle than she had before (although it’s hard to tell for many). Her hair is cut short, one side longer than the other. Constantly sports a impervious expression that seems to suit her almond-shaped eyes.

Skills and Abilities

Uses a short sword to fight and with magic enhances it so it turns more into a whip. Her use of magic is minimal compared to the other hunters of the Suntory Market and truth be told, she loathes having to use it as it reminds her of the fae.


Strong and silent and deeply motivated through logic rather than emotions.

Biography & Lore

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