Ras Sorane is a vagabond rogue, performing heists and contract killings across the continents while on the run from those who wish him dead in his hometown. A former torturer under the service of the cruel Baron Hadric Cleamond, Ras was directly involved in the baron's demise, leading him to the life of a wanted criminal. Though quiet and smart in his actions, Ras Sorane seeks power, and is willing to go to great lengths to achieve it.
Ras Sorane is a fit, yet lean man with a messy head of black hair falling to the back of his neck, piercing green eyes, and the faintest amount of stubble dotting his jaw and cheeks. Preferring darker clothing to lighter shades, Ras wears a deep blue cloak at almost all times, which conceals his black trousers, leather boots, piecemeal leather armor, and bandolier of throwing knives. A long, steel dagger rests on one hip, a hatchet on the other. A bundle of flash and smoke grenades hangs from his belt along with these weapons, and a pouch on his front contains 15 feet of rope, along with a grappling hook on one end.
Ras' body sports several deep, jagged scars, most of which came from his time as a captive within Olwin Keep's dungeon. However, several also came from his time in the wilds. Bags often rest under his eyes from lack of sleep, and his hands are roughly calloused, with chipped and cracked fingernails on each hand. Ras rarely smiles, however, when he does, one could spot a few silver dental implants towards his molars. Ras has one tattoo on his left forearm of a dove wrapped in red hot chains, a morbid symbol common of torturers and executioners alike.
Ras' body sports several deep, jagged scars, most of which came from his time as a captive within Olwin Keep's dungeon. However, several also came from his time in the wilds. Bags often rest under his eyes from lack of sleep, and his hands are roughly calloused, with chipped and cracked fingernails on each hand. Ras rarely smiles, however, when he does, one could spot a few silver dental implants towards his molars. Ras has one tattoo on his left forearm of a dove wrapped in red hot chains, a morbid symbol common of torturers and executioners alike.
Skills and Abilities
While not a man of magic or brute strength, Ras is an agile sort, and is quick on his feet in combat. Utilizing fast, light weaponry and armor, he fights defensively and with great strategy, and isn't afraid to fight dirty in order to win in a confrontation. Hiding and hitting from behind is always on the table for him, and he cares not for honor, often aiming for vulnerable spots on an enemy's body to take them down.
While the dagger is a go-to weapon for Ras, due to its small size and light weight, he's well-versed in several weapons, including longswords, curved blades (such as falchions and scimitars), and light axes. The throwing daggers that Ras uses are often meant as a distraction or stunning maneuver, as their blades don't impact with enough force to kill, nor are they long enough. With these, Ras aims for soft, exposed body parts, such as the eyes. Ras also utilizes flash grenades to stun opponents, and smoke grenades to make a quick escape, or buy himself time to hide.
Ras doesn't pride himself on his physical abilities, but rather his wit to succeed in encounters. Ras knows how to talk his way out of a bad situation, and is able to play mind games in order to deceive and charm others into doing his bidding. Ras has relative experience in survival both in wild and urban environments, and isn't afraid to use his surroundings to his advantage, turning the terrain into his weapon.
While the dagger is a go-to weapon for Ras, due to its small size and light weight, he's well-versed in several weapons, including longswords, curved blades (such as falchions and scimitars), and light axes. The throwing daggers that Ras uses are often meant as a distraction or stunning maneuver, as their blades don't impact with enough force to kill, nor are they long enough. With these, Ras aims for soft, exposed body parts, such as the eyes. Ras also utilizes flash grenades to stun opponents, and smoke grenades to make a quick escape, or buy himself time to hide.
Ras doesn't pride himself on his physical abilities, but rather his wit to succeed in encounters. Ras knows how to talk his way out of a bad situation, and is able to play mind games in order to deceive and charm others into doing his bidding. Ras has relative experience in survival both in wild and urban environments, and isn't afraid to use his surroundings to his advantage, turning the terrain into his weapon.
Ras in an ambiguous individual, neither good or evil, in his own mind. Ras believes that the world owes him for the things he's had to endure, and he doesn't stick his neck out for any cause that won't pay him back in return. While he does feel great empathy for the suffering of those around him, he's learned to focus on his own needs and goals, and never put others' troubles before his own. However, times come where he finds a way to tie another's issues into his own business and motivations, simply because deep down, he wants to do the right thing.
Ras wears several masks around people, especially those he doesn't trust. He's found a way to paint himself as charming, jovial, intimidating, and innocent depending on whose company he finds himself in. When completely alone however, he drops these facades, coming off as a somber, deeply troubled individual with several demons to hide. Trying to find a way to distance himself from the past, Ras refuses to speak of his life as a torturer, and actively avoids anything that brings him back to those days. Being forced into one of these troubling situations leads him to blind outbursts of rage, no matter how often he attempts to veer away from such impulses.
Ras isn't all doom and gloom, however. He enjoys the simple aspects of life among all else. Art, music, and even the untapped outdoors bring him great pleasure and relaxation, helping to push him away from the darker aspects of civilization and offering a great distraction, for some time. Though dry and stoic most of the time, Ras cracks sarcastic and witty remarks, and isn't above a morbid joke or two to lighten a bad situation when the time calls for it.
Ras wears several masks around people, especially those he doesn't trust. He's found a way to paint himself as charming, jovial, intimidating, and innocent depending on whose company he finds himself in. When completely alone however, he drops these facades, coming off as a somber, deeply troubled individual with several demons to hide. Trying to find a way to distance himself from the past, Ras refuses to speak of his life as a torturer, and actively avoids anything that brings him back to those days. Being forced into one of these troubling situations leads him to blind outbursts of rage, no matter how often he attempts to veer away from such impulses.
Ras isn't all doom and gloom, however. He enjoys the simple aspects of life among all else. Art, music, and even the untapped outdoors bring him great pleasure and relaxation, helping to push him away from the darker aspects of civilization and offering a great distraction, for some time. Though dry and stoic most of the time, Ras cracks sarcastic and witty remarks, and isn't above a morbid joke or two to lighten a bad situation when the time calls for it.
Biography & Lore
Ras was born in Olwin, a logging village 3 miles northeast of Alliria. Ras' parents were poor cobblers, barely able to rake in enough money for consistent meals, and therefor, Ras turned to less than savory habits. Stealing food from the local inns and marketplaces, along with fresh clothes for his family, his parents never asked where Ras was getting the supplies from, but deep down, they knew. Ras' poor upbringing was his first step towards nihilism, developing spite for those that rested above in the class hierarchy.
Eventually, he was inevitably caught while trying to steal from Olwin Keep during one of Baron Cleamond's famous feasts. When grabbed by the guards, many figured that the baron would have the child killed, but Cleamond saw something in the boy's eyes. He licked his lips with a wicked glint in his eye. He had other plans. Ras' parents were executed without his knowledge, the boy tossed in the dungeon for several days, with only one visitor. the baron himself.
Every other day, the baron would come down to question the boy, asking him questions of his life, the things he enjoyed, the things he wanted... He was asked if he desired punishment on those more fortunate than him, those who used their good fortune for wicked gain. Ras was disturbed by the questions at first, but as the baron played with his head... He warmed up to the idea, and soon relished for the chance at such a lifestyle. There was no hesitation. After a month, Ras was released from his cell, and given an extensive tour of the torture chamber.
Taught how to use several instruments of pain and suffering under the baron's tutelage, Ras began his experiments on the dungeon's rats, learning unique ways to make them squeal before moving onto human subjects. The first man Ras ever tortured was a wealthy merchant convicted of murdering his wife. Ras was at first unable to administer the torture methods he was taught, not able to bear the weight of causing another person so much pain. However, the baron coaxed him, easing him into the process. After a grueling 30 minutes, the merchant confessed to the crime in utter agony, and the baron was pleased.
Ras grew to call the keep as his home, and the torture chamber as his domain of expertise. He began his work on higher profile individuals, going from basic thieves and bandits to political rivals and traitors of the crown. He got better at his work, and was able to make his victims talk in far less time. Ras began to enjoy the work he did, watching the wealthy and mighty of society crumble in his hands through pain and intimidation. It was a comfortable life, for some time.
The process began to weigh on him, mentally. He began to hear their screams in his nightmares. He began to see their faces each time he closed his eyes. Had he really become an administer of torture, out of everything he could have been? The turning point came when he was set to torture Clade Frans, the warden of Olwin Dungeon, who was believed to be conspiring against the baron. Though it took much to convince the torturer, Clade got through to him.
"He's a tyrant, Sorane... Have you ever wondered what happened to your mother and father? Why you've received no letters, no word?"
He stopped in his tracks, and began to listen. The men and women he'd been harming were no criminals, no monsters in human form... Many of them simply opposed the baron's rule. Many admonished his cruelty. He was told that Cleamond's personal mage had used magic to offer the baron a view of the torture chamber, just so he could bear witness to Ras' work on several occasions. He was a glorified, morbid entertainer. A puppet to a demon.
Ras freed Clade from his shackles, and demanded to know everything. A coup was in order, throughout the keep with several of the baron's courtiers. A plan was laid out to have the baron, the treasurer, the guard captain and the baron's two sons killed, and for his political advisor, Lena Lyswell to take his place. Ras met with the conspirators in private at midnight while the village slept, and planned their course of action. It was to be a lightning fast mission, with each aiming to strike their various targets during a change in the guard rotation. Ras' position was simple, provide supplies from his own chamber to be used as tools during the coup.
Ras did as was requested of him, crafting makeshift weapons and tools to execute their plan, and then, he was positioned outside the keep to ward off any guards from providing reinforcements. However, the coup did not go as planned. Lena Lyswell was a traitor, and cancelled the guard rotation at the last minute, leading to the deaths of several conspirators at the hands of those still loyal. As chaos unfolded within the keep, Ras refused to scrub his hands and disassociate from the event. He was going to finish this.
As he caught wind of Cleamond's evacuation through the tunnels leading beneath the keep, Ras moved quickly to meet him on the other side. Hiding in the dark corners of the passage, he silently dispatched of Cleamond's escorts, then darted forward to finally finish the job. Knocking his former mentor to the ground, he held his dagger to the baron's chest, Cleamond holding Ras' wrists in an attempt to fight off the attack and save his own life. It was no use. Stamina running out, Cleamond gasped and choked as the blade sank into his sternum. With his dying breath, he simply smiled.
"There's no changing what you are. I'll always be with you, street rat."
Standing, hands coated in his victim's warm blood, he looked back down the tunnel leading towards the keep, hearing shouts and spotting the flicker of torches. With nothing left to lose, he simply ran. Far from the village, where he'd live the rest of his life as a broken exile without home. Cleamond wasn't wrong. There was no changing what Ras became. He would go on to kill again, to steal as he had when he was a child, and deep down, he would become just as hungry for power as the man he ended.
Eventually, he was inevitably caught while trying to steal from Olwin Keep during one of Baron Cleamond's famous feasts. When grabbed by the guards, many figured that the baron would have the child killed, but Cleamond saw something in the boy's eyes. He licked his lips with a wicked glint in his eye. He had other plans. Ras' parents were executed without his knowledge, the boy tossed in the dungeon for several days, with only one visitor. the baron himself.
Every other day, the baron would come down to question the boy, asking him questions of his life, the things he enjoyed, the things he wanted... He was asked if he desired punishment on those more fortunate than him, those who used their good fortune for wicked gain. Ras was disturbed by the questions at first, but as the baron played with his head... He warmed up to the idea, and soon relished for the chance at such a lifestyle. There was no hesitation. After a month, Ras was released from his cell, and given an extensive tour of the torture chamber.
Taught how to use several instruments of pain and suffering under the baron's tutelage, Ras began his experiments on the dungeon's rats, learning unique ways to make them squeal before moving onto human subjects. The first man Ras ever tortured was a wealthy merchant convicted of murdering his wife. Ras was at first unable to administer the torture methods he was taught, not able to bear the weight of causing another person so much pain. However, the baron coaxed him, easing him into the process. After a grueling 30 minutes, the merchant confessed to the crime in utter agony, and the baron was pleased.
Ras grew to call the keep as his home, and the torture chamber as his domain of expertise. He began his work on higher profile individuals, going from basic thieves and bandits to political rivals and traitors of the crown. He got better at his work, and was able to make his victims talk in far less time. Ras began to enjoy the work he did, watching the wealthy and mighty of society crumble in his hands through pain and intimidation. It was a comfortable life, for some time.
The process began to weigh on him, mentally. He began to hear their screams in his nightmares. He began to see their faces each time he closed his eyes. Had he really become an administer of torture, out of everything he could have been? The turning point came when he was set to torture Clade Frans, the warden of Olwin Dungeon, who was believed to be conspiring against the baron. Though it took much to convince the torturer, Clade got through to him.
"He's a tyrant, Sorane... Have you ever wondered what happened to your mother and father? Why you've received no letters, no word?"
He stopped in his tracks, and began to listen. The men and women he'd been harming were no criminals, no monsters in human form... Many of them simply opposed the baron's rule. Many admonished his cruelty. He was told that Cleamond's personal mage had used magic to offer the baron a view of the torture chamber, just so he could bear witness to Ras' work on several occasions. He was a glorified, morbid entertainer. A puppet to a demon.
Ras freed Clade from his shackles, and demanded to know everything. A coup was in order, throughout the keep with several of the baron's courtiers. A plan was laid out to have the baron, the treasurer, the guard captain and the baron's two sons killed, and for his political advisor, Lena Lyswell to take his place. Ras met with the conspirators in private at midnight while the village slept, and planned their course of action. It was to be a lightning fast mission, with each aiming to strike their various targets during a change in the guard rotation. Ras' position was simple, provide supplies from his own chamber to be used as tools during the coup.
Ras did as was requested of him, crafting makeshift weapons and tools to execute their plan, and then, he was positioned outside the keep to ward off any guards from providing reinforcements. However, the coup did not go as planned. Lena Lyswell was a traitor, and cancelled the guard rotation at the last minute, leading to the deaths of several conspirators at the hands of those still loyal. As chaos unfolded within the keep, Ras refused to scrub his hands and disassociate from the event. He was going to finish this.
As he caught wind of Cleamond's evacuation through the tunnels leading beneath the keep, Ras moved quickly to meet him on the other side. Hiding in the dark corners of the passage, he silently dispatched of Cleamond's escorts, then darted forward to finally finish the job. Knocking his former mentor to the ground, he held his dagger to the baron's chest, Cleamond holding Ras' wrists in an attempt to fight off the attack and save his own life. It was no use. Stamina running out, Cleamond gasped and choked as the blade sank into his sternum. With his dying breath, he simply smiled.
"There's no changing what you are. I'll always be with you, street rat."
Standing, hands coated in his victim's warm blood, he looked back down the tunnel leading towards the keep, hearing shouts and spotting the flicker of torches. With nothing left to lose, he simply ran. Far from the village, where he'd live the rest of his life as a broken exile without home. Cleamond wasn't wrong. There was no changing what Ras became. He would go on to kill again, to steal as he had when he was a child, and deep down, he would become just as hungry for power as the man he ended.
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