Short in stature, Crocus seems little more than a child to the eye, and one would not be entirely wrong. Her build and physique are that of a young adult rather than of an adult woman. Her brown eyes hold the glint of mischief and though warm, her smile promises equal amounts of sincerity as well as trouble.Her hair is well kept for someone that calls the wilds home, part of her caretakers wishes to be earnest. Though not nearly as long as it once was, it comes to the bottom of her shoulder blades now, tied into lazy braids with an arrangements of Sweetbrier and Baby’s breath tied in.
Though diminutive in build, she is quite healthy and readily able. When not chasing food, or exploring the vast wilds, she is typically napping bound in furs and cloth in a nook of a tree or small den.
Her father has brought her numerous gifts overs the years to adorn herself with. Ranging from jewelry, beads, necklaces, earrings to a number of different styles of clothing for her to choose from. Having no sense of human decorum, she finds the baubles endearing and entertaining, adorning herself with an ungodly amount of them.
Her feet are typically bare to the elements, having a touch of magick in her step that keeps her from feeling the chill so common in the lands her caretaker keeps her in.
She keeps a reed mask handy whenever she means to scare people off.
Skills and Abilities
Fae Magick - Quin’el is a changeling by nature. Stunted in growth by her caretaker for their own amusement at having a forever child. This tacit bond of fae parent and human child has granted her a connection with the fae magicks, though not nearly as outstanding as her fathers connection.Enhanced Senses - Whether her nordenfiir blood is to blame, or her time in the wilds has connected her to a more base part of her being. She is at home in the wild woods alongside the animals that call it home.
Floriography - Either a way to pass the time, or another part of her connection to the fae magicks granted to her, Quin’el uses arrangements of flowers as wards and blessings, while her knowledge of others uses for them are near limitless as well.
Music - Her caretaker finds her playing to be quite enjoyable now that the pair have moved past instruction and into refinement of her ability. Her favorite is the flute or pipe, least being the drums.
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Curious is the word to best describe Quin’el with. From how the squirrel can climb so quickly, so easily; to how a doe can fly through the air as graceful as a bird while running so steadily. Her curiosity of the nature around her is near boundless. Her caretaker on the other hand has made sure to place a wary fear of other humans into her however. Stating that she would be taken away if she were to be found by those that settle in the towns outside the woods.Even with the immense distrust she feels for humans, she stills finds them an oddity. Something to be observed silently and from a safe distance is what she is told, but she questions the safety her caretaker cautions more and more as the winters pass.
Biography & Lore
Some eighty years ago, in a small village bordering the woods, a mother wails as she realizes her babe was gone. Traded with another babe, lost to the creature that stalked the woods and had mistaken brushed her hand against when foraging for food. It had come for her babe in the nightTaken at the age of three, Quin’el remembers nothing of her human family. She does not know of their name, who they were, or where she came from. Only that her father has given her a longer life than what most humans would be capable of. She was their blessing against the loneliness that plagued his life. Their shining sun in a dark world, and they have cherished her as such.
She was taught the language of flowers, how to survive in the wilds, and how to speak faerie, common, and nordenfiir. She grew up wild, unrestrained, freely giving and taking with the land.
For a time she was happy with that, being able to wander the wilds, wanting for naught and growing wild among the forests in the tundra. But humans travelled the land outside the woods, and other beasts both on two and four legs. And curiosity is a fickle thing.