A parasitic being whom is born from and feeds from magic.
Their appearance is often undetermined due to their ability to change the way they look to match whatever they have in mind. But by default they are a thin shaped humanoid lacking mouth nose and ears with slick silk like skin without texture nor hair. Their featureless body is often cloaked by armor made by the thick hide and teeth from the carnivorous creatures they live amongst.
Skills and Abilities
Phallendarr has a fair knowledge in craftsman, swordsmanship though not on the level of any master of those arts. As their species are leech like, they are able to slowly drain magic from other users.
They have telekinetic abilities ranging to rudimentary matter manipulation, elemental control, and physical enhancement. The strength of the abilities is based on the magical presence of the environment that includes magically strong opponents.
They have telekinetic abilities ranging to rudimentary matter manipulation, elemental control, and physical enhancement. The strength of the abilities is based on the magical presence of the environment that includes magically strong opponents.
Phallendarr is rather nonchalant and selfish, he has known no emotion but anger and loneliness.
Biography & Lore
Phallendarr is a kouzelník that has fed off the dark magic said to reside within Bayou Garramarisma for hundreds of years.They have slowly began to arise from their feeding slumber with a new found strength. With this they created a home out of their birth place creating a tunnel system under a mighty tree that resides in the lands.