"Isleta de Tarralbao? Tis a myth, or so difficult to find it might as well be one. I have heard the stories though and I do agree, t'would be a fine place to plunder. They say The Collector has been alive for thousands of years and has all manner of things on his island. The most beautiful woman to ever exist, the horn that will herald the world ending, enough gold and jewellery to make a dragon envious... Yes it would be a mighty fine thing to find his island wherever it is hidden but it can't be done lass.
Say we did find it by some miracle, The Collector 'imself ain't no push over from what I heard. He keeps a tight leash on his pets and they're loyal enough to him they'd probably sound the alarm themselves on you trying to make off with anything. And who knows what kind of magic a man with all those artefacts has at his fingertips?"
- Elderly Captain to a young Adventurer
As a human Phaedra does not outwardly show the curse she suffers every day. With coal-black, thick, curly hair that falls to the small of her back and contrastingly bright gold-green eyes set in an angular face, she possesses the common characteristics of her people. Despite her inability to enjoy the sun any longer, freckles dot her nose and cheekbones. Phaedra's job keeps her in overall good fitness and her slim and narrow form suits the parts of her career that require squeezing through narrow gaps to remain unseen. As a lover of art Phaedra possesses several tattoos. A tribal collar decorates her neck and her right arm is adorned with a full length floral sleeve.
During the day, however, Phaedra takes on an entirely different appearance. The curse put upon her forces her to take the form of the legendary bird the phoenix. Standing over 13 foot tall with a wing span over twice that length, there is no hint of the human she really is within.
During the day, however, Phaedra takes on an entirely different appearance. The curse put upon her forces her to take the form of the legendary bird the phoenix. Standing over 13 foot tall with a wing span over twice that length, there is no hint of the human she really is within.
Skills and Abilities
Transformation: As the sunrises, Phaedra is forced to transform into a phoenix. Whilst she is in this form she possesses all the abilities of this legendary fire bird including manipulation over the fire element and flight. As the sunsets however and Phaedra transforms back into a human she loses these gifts.
Artist: Phaedra was a professional artist before her cursed existence and still has a great talent for it.
Artist: Phaedra was a professional artist before her cursed existence and still has a great talent for it.
Phaedra is as fiery as the creature she spends half her life as. Her temper makes her tongue sharp more often than not and she is not one to shy away from saying what it is she thinks. Fortunately it tends to take a lot to provoke her anger, though it might not seem like it from her brash demeanour. She is quick to laugh and seeks out the thrills in life when she can during the twilight hours. Beneath the bravado she craves human contact and being in crowds to make up for the lonely hours of the day. Her temperament is a result more of her situation and sense of helplessness rather than any real wrath.
Biography & Lore
Phaedra was born on the island of Saurose, a beautiful city in Northern Malaketh, to rich merchant parents who monopolised the continents trade to the Far East. Often she would accompany her parents on their travels under the guise of helping them with their trade. In actual fact Phaedra volunteered to go with her parents in order to meet different artists. Her passion saw her study under everyone form cartographers, to royal portraitists.
As she grew up her parents turned to the more boring thoughts of marriage for their daughter to secure not only her future but their legacy and courted several worthy matches. One such courter was the royal Sorcerer famed for being the reason Saurose had not fallen to any invading force in a hundred years. His solemn and dark persona was at odds with Phaedra's creativity and desire to see the world so she rejected him outright. Spurned and angered, the sorcerer cursed her in her parents garden. She was to only be able to take her human form at night and for one single day every year where he would once again ask for her hand in marriage.
Dismayed, her parents tried everything in their power to remove the curse. They visited other mages across Malaketh and to the Far East but none knew the exact spell the Sorcerer had put upon her. When the first year rolled around, the Sorcerer asked and Phaedra once again refused his hand. During this time word had spread about her condition which attracted the attention of an eccentric gentlemen who called himself The Collector. Promising her parents a cure, he offered to take her into his care until he was able to uncover the secret of the curse.
As she grew up her parents turned to the more boring thoughts of marriage for their daughter to secure not only her future but their legacy and courted several worthy matches. One such courter was the royal Sorcerer famed for being the reason Saurose had not fallen to any invading force in a hundred years. His solemn and dark persona was at odds with Phaedra's creativity and desire to see the world so she rejected him outright. Spurned and angered, the sorcerer cursed her in her parents garden. She was to only be able to take her human form at night and for one single day every year where he would once again ask for her hand in marriage.
Dismayed, her parents tried everything in their power to remove the curse. They visited other mages across Malaketh and to the Far East but none knew the exact spell the Sorcerer had put upon her. When the first year rolled around, the Sorcerer asked and Phaedra once again refused his hand. During this time word had spread about her condition which attracted the attention of an eccentric gentlemen who called himself The Collector. Promising her parents a cure, he offered to take her into his care until he was able to uncover the secret of the curse.
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