Penelope Callum Sitas

Penelope Callum Sitas

Biographical information
Falwood 23 Alliria
Physical description
Half-Dryad Female 5'6" 135lbs Blonde with varying colors depending on the season. Crystal blue Sun-kissed
Political information
Out-of-character information
Farren Mangle

Penelope was conceived from a dryad and a mortal, making her a rarity but not of an unheard creation. Born of a dryad mother and raised by a human father, Penelope hopes to find her 'roots' and reconnect with the fae half of herself.


Half-dryads closely resemble their paternal race more than their mother's. Penelope has her father's looks - golden hair and bright, clear blue eyes that are often filled with happiness and curiosity. By most standards, Penelope appears to be a person of normal birth and is often mistaken for an elf due to her somewhat ethereal appearance and slightly pointed ears. But her fey heritage always shows in one obvious detail - her hair.

A half-dryad's hair changes with the seasons; in the spring and summer, her usually golden hair has mixed shades of green; in the fall and winter, her hair changes to a varied blend of blonde and red with streaks of brown. Leaves and flowers from her mother's root tree occasionally grow within her hair, either mixed in among her normally golden hair or sitting atop her head in a crown.

Skills and Abilities

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Penelope is an excitable creature who likes to mingle with whatever crowd is at her disposal. A friendly face with a risk-taker heart, she is a headstrong individual who often allows her emotions to run freely while thinking of the consequences later. The sort to never leave a friend behind or be quick to judge, she has a soft soul who tries to look for the best in all, no matter their humble transgressions.

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