Paranth Lorum
"What point is there in living if we don't learn from it? There's a greater truth out there, something more fundamental. I've had a taste, and now I can't get enough..." - Paranth
Paranth "Perry" Lorum is a Male Human magic user from the city of Alliria. He is known for penning and proposing a thesis entitled the "Fundamental Postulate" better known as the "Mathematician's Heresy" or the "Theory of Arcane Calculation". One of the results of his theory, that any being could learn to practice magic given the appropriate time and study, was deemed worthy of reproach by those within his academic circle. Furthermore, his conceptualized "Magical Formulae" were reduced to nothing more than a fringe theory despite his evidence to the contrary. As a disgraced magic user and scholar, he spends much of his time on the open road plying his trade for those in need and searching for the deeper truth behind his discovery.
Paranth is a meticulous person, taking great pains to stick to a strict regimen of personal hygiene. He bathes and cleans his clothing often which often wears out the fabrics. As a result, much of his clothing is threadbare when he is on the road and he is forced to trade for proper clothing when he can. His clothing style changes regularly and he has little interest in maintaining one particular look over another, preferring to go with what options he has.
As a Male Human he is just around average height and maintains a healthy if not fit build as he exercises regularly and sticks to a beneficial if 'flexible' diet. His hair is jet black and despite his cleaning habits only has it cut when he can afford it. His eyes are a deep murky brown that have been described as black on occasion. Paranth possesses a youthful visage with a thin face, tapered jaw, strong nose, and thick (maybe a little bushy) eyebrows.
As a Male Human he is just around average height and maintains a healthy if not fit build as he exercises regularly and sticks to a beneficial if 'flexible' diet. His hair is jet black and despite his cleaning habits only has it cut when he can afford it. His eyes are a deep murky brown that have been described as black on occasion. Paranth possesses a youthful visage with a thin face, tapered jaw, strong nose, and thick (maybe a little bushy) eyebrows.
Skills and Abilities
"There are things you can't learn in a book, I know that. I'll learn, that's one thing I am good at." - Paranth
Though considered disgraced by the wider academic community, Paranth is exceptionally perceptive and capable of tremendous insight. This has aided a great deal in his development as a wielder of magic. His exceptional intelligence is focused predominantly on book learning and study of the world as a science and list of general facts. This has left him limited when it comes to knowledge of those informal things such as the deeper truths about society, how to interact with others, and how to handle himself in a real fight.
Though considered disgraced by the wider academic community, Paranth is exceptionally perceptive and capable of tremendous insight. This has aided a great deal in his development as a wielder of magic. His exceptional intelligence is focused predominantly on book learning and study of the world as a science and list of general facts. This has left him limited when it comes to knowledge of those informal things such as the deeper truths about society, how to interact with others, and how to handle himself in a real fight.
Fundamental Postulate
The Fundamental Postulate, otherwise known as the "Mathematician's Heresy" or the "Theory of Arcane Calculation" is a proposed theory of the nature of magic based on the first two Laws of Magic and developed by Paranth Lorum at the College of Magic in Alliria. The Postulate states;
Since then Paranth has carefully studied the runic script to divine its deeper meaning and how it can be applied to produce more effects.
- 'In as far as the nature of magic, though the methods of production may vary in consequence or in somatics, magic demands a source of energy and produce effects that can be replicated regardless of the origin through different practices and disciplines.'
- 'All magic fades from the mortal realm and ceases to be. Contrarily, since the dawn of magical study no mage has been without the use of magic should their body be strong enough. It could, therefore, be surmised that magic itself is not finite.'
- 'If magic were to be unique between disciplines and arts the results would vary. The sources of many magical disciplines, such as nature, the divine, or the soul, can be argued as a form or compound, not a pure element.'
- 'It must, therefore, be argued that magic or "mana" is, in fact, a singular energy that is in fact infinite. If mana is indeed infinite and the true form of the various forms of magic, natural innate talent, therefore, has no relevance on one's ability to perform magic. The effects produced by magic are instead a consequence of the stimulation of mana.
- 'As Mana is a form of energy, it can be measured, if it can be measured it can be predicted. Energy that is predicted can be used in a controlled way. It is thusly arguable that within the bounds of the five immutable laws, a form of magic could be developed that is accessible even to the most common man.'
Since then Paranth has carefully studied the runic script to divine its deeper meaning and how it can be applied to produce more effects.
Despite the tremendous benefits provided by 'perfectly predictable' magic. The very source of energy that allows one to cast such spells is equivalently dangerous to the caster as it would follow with the First Law. Magic in it's purest form is "an infinite sea of raw power" that can be drawn upon without limit. There is no maximum amount of mana one can open oneself to. Instead, the physical body of the caster proposes the final limitation of the Fundamental Postulate. Mana in it's purest form is toxic and can taint or poison a body. Paranth has noted that his fingertips sustain burns when drawing on mana directly and that he grows tired and sickly when using too much. Though he has yet to attempt to draw beyond his physical limitations he has estimated that doing such a thing could result in irrevocable consequences such as disease, organ failure, self-immolation, or death.
Conversely, Paranth has found that the body is more than capable of enduring mana and will 'heal' from mana use given time, rest, and self-care. He believes that the physique of the average scholar or mage would not be conducive to using mana and insists that any who heed the Postulate would find that a healthy and fit body are the keys to success and greater power.
Paranth's notes point out that drawing on mana is not difficult once you understand it's nature and are open to it. Paranth's first interaction with mana was achieved after entering a trance-like state while adjacent to an inactive portal stone. He believes that now that one person has opened themselves to the use of mana it should be easier to open others without such extreme measures.
Conversely, Paranth has found that the body is more than capable of enduring mana and will 'heal' from mana use given time, rest, and self-care. He believes that the physique of the average scholar or mage would not be conducive to using mana and insists that any who heed the Postulate would find that a healthy and fit body are the keys to success and greater power.
Paranth's notes point out that drawing on mana is not difficult once you understand it's nature and are open to it. Paranth's first interaction with mana was achieved after entering a trance-like state while adjacent to an inactive portal stone. He believes that now that one person has opened themselves to the use of mana it should be easier to open others without such extreme measures.
Paranth is relentless in his pursuit of knowledge, even to his own detriment. He has been known to experiment on himself on occasion in order to deduce the veracity of his own theories. He will often hesitate to interrupt a situation if it means that he can acquire more information for his studies though he has never allowed a person to die for his own curiosity. Since his banishment, Paranth has become insular and pensive around others. He rarely reveals the nature of his study or power and is cautious not to overextend himself in front of others. Despite his overt caution, Paranth is an innately social creature that craves companionship. He has taken to keeping cats and has developed a deep, if a little unhealthy, love for the creatures.
At his core, Paranth is a decent person who does what he can to help within the scope of his own ability and his desire to preserve his own life in order to continue studying the Postulate. To Paranth, proving the postulate and developing a new style of magic for all is his greatest dream and he will not surrender or cast aside his goal for anyone, no matter the cost.
At his core, Paranth is a decent person who does what he can to help within the scope of his own ability and his desire to preserve his own life in order to continue studying the Postulate. To Paranth, proving the postulate and developing a new style of magic for all is his greatest dream and he will not surrender or cast aside his goal for anyone, no matter the cost.
Biography & Lore
Up until his departure from Alliria, Paranth's life was one completely grounded in study and research. Born to a minor noble family and reported to be receptive to magic enough to study at the college, his parents enrolled him with high hopes for his future. There he studied under the various masters and dove deep into the intricacies of magic and magical theory. It was during his studies that he was exposed to a user of "nature magic" for the first time. The caster produced magic that in Paranth's mind, shouldn't be too difficult to reproduce with the magic he himself was learning. This encounter lead him to question just how different the various forms of magic were and formed the foundation of his own exploration of magic. In the coming years he would work toward the drafting of his thesis to be presented before his graduation into the rank of Mage. Unfortunately, his controversial paper was openly condemned by the few masters privy to it and he was expelled from the college for heresy. A trial was held and Paranth's views were deemed dangerous for public order in Alliria and he was banished for his theory.
Now on the road, Paranth travels from place to place, never entering major cities and avoiding settlements overseen by the various colleges. Paranth lives a simple travellers lifestyle, studying the world and reveling in nature while he seeks what he believes is the ultimate, fundamental truth of magic.
Now on the road, Paranth travels from place to place, never entering major cities and avoiding settlements overseen by the various colleges. Paranth lives a simple travellers lifestyle, studying the world and reveling in nature while he seeks what he believes is the ultimate, fundamental truth of magic.
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