Average to slight. Lighter-than-usual eyes turn a dark black when she communes with the spirits. Often found wearing a mildly-too-large jacket that was her brother's.
Skills and Abilities
+Has a familiar that can take whatever shape she desires, if close enough, she can see and hear through the familiar's eyes and ears. The familiar can cause damage to others as to whatever shape it is. If destroyed, the familiar can be remade but it takes a long rest for Osha to do so.
+Can commune with the spirits and make offerings to get their help with things. But spirits can be finicky and devious, their help often resulting in not what was expected.
-Doesn't know how to swim
-Often hears and sees the spirits, which can make her confused as to what reality is
-Strongly driven by revenge
+Can commune with the spirits and make offerings to get their help with things. But spirits can be finicky and devious, their help often resulting in not what was expected.
-Doesn't know how to swim
-Often hears and sees the spirits, which can make her confused as to what reality is
-Strongly driven by revenge
Astute and operating on the edge of madness. Appears to be seen whispering and talking to herself quite often. A tendency to wear earplugs to drown out the spirit sounds. Alcohol and drugs also seem to help numb her magic.
Biography & Lore
Osha had an older brother one year ahead of her at the Academy. She and her brother grew-up in prominent homes in Vel Anir. From a young age, her parents thought she was mad, often playing alone in her empty room and talking to all her different friends that were over. She also had an animal at her side since she was born. The shapes and animal types changing as she grew. Her familiars are usually black in color and are often the forms of a wolf, cat, or mouse.
Her perceived madness tended to keep the others away, making it possible for her to survive the brutalities of the Academy. One year from graduating, her brother was murdered within the Academy walls. Osha vowed to find the killer and get vengeance. Making it to graduation, she found the killer. A group of dreadlords serving in House Weiroon. Upon graduation, she made sure she was recruited to that very house.
The day before she was set to kill those who had killed her kin, the revolution happened. They fled into exile and Osha quickly followed, trying to find their trail. She moonlights as a fortune teller when she isn't downright stealing or taking coin.
Her perceived madness tended to keep the others away, making it possible for her to survive the brutalities of the Academy. One year from graduating, her brother was murdered within the Academy walls. Osha vowed to find the killer and get vengeance. Making it to graduation, she found the killer. A group of dreadlords serving in House Weiroon. Upon graduation, she made sure she was recruited to that very house.
The day before she was set to kill those who had killed her kin, the revolution happened. They fled into exile and Osha quickly followed, trying to find their trail. She moonlights as a fortune teller when she isn't downright stealing or taking coin.