Ormr is massive. Even among the Nordenfiir he stands a shoulder above the tallest man and his weight is comparable. His hair is long and graying or white, his eyes are also white making it appear as though he might be blind at first glance but in the aurora of the tundra, surrounded by the snow he sees better than most.
Skills and Abilities
Violence - Ormr embraces the aspect of Eogorath that encourages violence and warfare. This is not mindless killing but it is the ecstasy of the kill, the thrill of ripping a foe limb from limb and the joy only felt by feeling the bones of an enemy cracking in your bare hands or watching as an army is routed. Extreme violence is never beyond Ormr and no one is safe from his bloodlust if his ire is roused.
A Killer, a Slayer... - In battle Ormr prefers the Sword however he is also adept with the Spear, Warhammer and other weapons he can use to inflict as much damage as possible. Fear is only a word to Ormr. He is a Slayer of beasts as well as men and would not shirk from a challenge, even if that came in the form of a Dragon.
A Cold Lineage - His father was a Frost Giant, his mother some unfortunate soul. Icy blood runs through his veins ensuring he is almost immune to extreme cold. Even during the coldest winter nights Ormr barely feels the chill. In temperate lands he is fine however extreme heat makes him uncomfortable, the Desert of Amol-Kalit would likely see him only capable of travel comfortably at night when the environment is coolest and the Jungles of the Ixchel Wilds would leave him exhausted and unable to cope with the tropic heat.
The Divine Source - Eogorath has blessed Ormr, granting him access to Divine Magic in line with his aspect of worship. Blessings that aid Ormr in battle, increasing his physicality are the most common however he also has access to other abilities that make him a more potent foe.
A Killer, a Slayer... - In battle Ormr prefers the Sword however he is also adept with the Spear, Warhammer and other weapons he can use to inflict as much damage as possible. Fear is only a word to Ormr. He is a Slayer of beasts as well as men and would not shirk from a challenge, even if that came in the form of a Dragon.
A Cold Lineage - His father was a Frost Giant, his mother some unfortunate soul. Icy blood runs through his veins ensuring he is almost immune to extreme cold. Even during the coldest winter nights Ormr barely feels the chill. In temperate lands he is fine however extreme heat makes him uncomfortable, the Desert of Amol-Kalit would likely see him only capable of travel comfortably at night when the environment is coolest and the Jungles of the Ixchel Wilds would leave him exhausted and unable to cope with the tropic heat.
The Divine Source - Eogorath has blessed Ormr, granting him access to Divine Magic in line with his aspect of worship. Blessings that aid Ormr in battle, increasing his physicality are the most common however he also has access to other abilities that make him a more potent foe.
Ormr is a wildcard. He seeks bloodshed and the chaos of battle. An Oath of Loyalty from him is only good for as long as the individual he has pledged himself to can fulfill his needs. Only defeating him in battle, even if trickery is involved will secure his loyalty for good. He will take coin to kill a man or woman if he believes the fight would be good.
Biography & Lore
The Son of a Frost Giant and a Nordenfiir Woman through violent means. Ormr never knew his mother and was never accepted by his father. The Icy Peaks of Nordengaard raised him, Eogorath himself stoked the rage in his heart until he returned with the blessings of the God and slew his father by cleaving him in half in a bloody rage.
The Highest Peaks are Ormr's home, his lair and even Frost Giants avoid it. He is a myth, a rumor. Occasionally he will entertain a guest, someone brave enough to seek him out in the cold though he offers no sympathy when he is found. An annoyance is ignored then killed if it persists, a threat is given no mercy. If Ormr ventures down from the mountain peaks it is usually only for a battle or a quest. Battle has called him as far west as the Spine and southward to the Isles of Sheketh, as has killing.
The Highest Peaks are Ormr's home, his lair and even Frost Giants avoid it. He is a myth, a rumor. Occasionally he will entertain a guest, someone brave enough to seek him out in the cold though he offers no sympathy when he is found. An annoyance is ignored then killed if it persists, a threat is given no mercy. If Ormr ventures down from the mountain peaks it is usually only for a battle or a quest. Battle has called him as far west as the Spine and southward to the Isles of Sheketh, as has killing.