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Order of the Steel Coin
The Order of the Steel Coin is an organisation of magical assassins operating out of Elbion. Once, they were a branch of the College that worked for the city to deal with an increase in crime. A mage found a way to bind tracking spells to common objects – these would be used by the city as payment to mages that fulfilled their bounties.
Over time the order took a darker turn. Criminals were rarely brought back alive. As law was reestablished after a dark period it started to make the mages of the city uncomfortable to have such an organisation operating freely. Formerly disbanded, the Order continued to operate from the shadows, and to this day their business is as steady as it is lucrative.
There is little to distinguish a member of their rank from a passerby. They utilise different methods; success is their only measure. The coins are not what they were. A plain, worthless steel coin is enchanted. When the assassin accepts a coin it brings them a measure of discomfort. Over time this becomes increasingly painful, as a symbol of their conviction to see the task through. Being closer to the intended recipient of the coin lessens the pain.
When the coin is bathed in the blood of the intended recipient, the coin will turn a deep crimson. Sometimes the order is referred to as Crimson Coin for this reason. The coloured coin is returned as proof of a contract completed, but the Order must always be paid in advance.
To carry out the enchantment typically requires a lock of hair or a close personal belonging of the intended mark. The magic will eventually fade, but by this time the assassin has usually been driven mad by the agony of carrying the coin.
There are three levels of members. Only the most exceptional reach the second and third level, which permits them to carry a second and third coin at a time respectively. To be pursued by a third level member of the order is thought of as almost certain death.
Out of Place. Theassel Dorn, second grade of the Order of Steel Coin, attacks Hath and Scabhair in Elbion
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