Oleg Orlov

Physical Appearance
Oleg's physique is nothing short of intimidating. He's tall, broad-shouldered, incredibly muscular, and highly conditioned. Oleg's face is angular, with accented jawline, pronounced cheekbones, and a small widow's peak. Growing from it is a mane of spikey, flaxen hair.
His eyes are sharp and slightly hooded, changing color depending on whether Oleg is or isn't using magic. Usually, they are somewhere between emerald green and bright yellow, turning viridian-ish under the influence of magic. Oleg's nose is somewhat large and pointy, with a straight nasal bridge.
His eyes are sharp and slightly hooded, changing color depending on whether Oleg is or isn't using magic. Usually, they are somewhere between emerald green and bright yellow, turning viridian-ish under the influence of magic. Oleg's nose is somewhat large and pointy, with a straight nasal bridge.

Day to day life: Leather jacket and leather pants, both maroon colored.
When in nature: Baggy pants and a sleeveless leather vest with a fur-outlined collar on nearly all occasions. He rarely walks barefoot, instead opting for military-style boots with metal toe-tips.
Oleg sports a jeweled pendant around his neck. Polished and cut to perfection. The brilliant gem bounces rays of rainbow light whenever its wearer feels joy or content. People will often stand there, transfixed by the enchanting jewel. Its surface is impossibly smooth. Its colors, impossibly bright. A magnificent rainbow aurora surrounds it, giving off an ethereal glow. Its shimmer overpowers other light sources with radiance of its own.
When in nature: Baggy pants and a sleeveless leather vest with a fur-outlined collar on nearly all occasions. He rarely walks barefoot, instead opting for military-style boots with metal toe-tips.
Oleg sports a jeweled pendant around his neck. Polished and cut to perfection. The brilliant gem bounces rays of rainbow light whenever its wearer feels joy or content. People will often stand there, transfixed by the enchanting jewel. Its surface is impossibly smooth. Its colors, impossibly bright. A magnificent rainbow aurora surrounds it, giving off an ethereal glow. Its shimmer overpowers other light sources with radiance of its own.
He is curious, strong-willed, spontaneous, and someone willing to die for his conviction. Oleg is a fiercely dedicated, fun-loving man, in and out of combat. He's almost always in a positive spirit. When deprived of "fun activities" for too long, Oleg becomes far more gloomy and irritable. He isn't necessarily cruel, nor seems to enjoy inflicting pain, especially on weaker opponents or civilians. He only wants to fight against warriors and soldiers, people who can protect themselves.
Oleg is lax and affable as a result of his upbringing. He's quick to get together with like-minded individuals and, in general, prefers smaller, tightly knit communities. Oleg prides himself as an honest and loyal man who rarely, if ever, goes against his word. The idea of killing averses Oleg despite his love of martial prowess and violence. As such, he'll purposefully handicap himself when faced with inferior opponents, both to save them from grievous harm and to prolong the experience.
Note: Oleg is an avid nature lover.
Oleg is lax and affable as a result of his upbringing. He's quick to get together with like-minded individuals and, in general, prefers smaller, tightly knit communities. Oleg prides himself as an honest and loyal man who rarely, if ever, goes against his word. The idea of killing averses Oleg despite his love of martial prowess and violence. As such, he'll purposefully handicap himself when faced with inferior opponents, both to save them from grievous harm and to prolong the experience.
Note: Oleg is an avid nature lover.

Father - Dragan Orlov
The two have a strong father-son bond. Dragan is both a father figure and a role model to Oleg. Oleg aspires to be just like his father, well, not entirely. He wants to be powerful and free. His father has both power and freedom. If imitating his father lead to that, Oleg would be thoroughly on board with the idea. It should be noted that Dragan likes to hawk around his son. Protective, but not to a degree where it suffocates Oleg's freedom. Dragan sees it as his fatherly task to prepare Oleg for independent life. He is proud of his son's current achievements and wants him to start a normal, healthy life. Because of that Dragan doesn't always help Oleg and will leave him to learn via trial and error method.
Mother - Ludomiła Balicki
A compassionate family woman. She gets worried sick whenever Oleg goes to travel alone or tries to conduct experiments related to the occult. Despite this, she loves her son dearly and doesn't allow for her motherly instincts to overrule her logical thinking. Ludomiła might coddle Oleg whenever she gets the chance to. But she is more than willing to let him go on his own and explore. It took her some time to accomodate to Oleg's curious nature. Ludomiła is a bit of a hypocrite. While she did a lot of the same dangerous stunts as Oleg in her younger days, she will still chastise him for undertaking risky voyages or indulging in harmful activities.
The two have a strong father-son bond. Dragan is both a father figure and a role model to Oleg. Oleg aspires to be just like his father, well, not entirely. He wants to be powerful and free. His father has both power and freedom. If imitating his father lead to that, Oleg would be thoroughly on board with the idea. It should be noted that Dragan likes to hawk around his son. Protective, but not to a degree where it suffocates Oleg's freedom. Dragan sees it as his fatherly task to prepare Oleg for independent life. He is proud of his son's current achievements and wants him to start a normal, healthy life. Because of that Dragan doesn't always help Oleg and will leave him to learn via trial and error method.
Mother - Ludomiła Balicki
A compassionate family woman. She gets worried sick whenever Oleg goes to travel alone or tries to conduct experiments related to the occult. Despite this, she loves her son dearly and doesn't allow for her motherly instincts to overrule her logical thinking. Ludomiła might coddle Oleg whenever she gets the chance to. But she is more than willing to let him go on his own and explore. It took her some time to accomodate to Oleg's curious nature. Ludomiła is a bit of a hypocrite. While she did a lot of the same dangerous stunts as Oleg in her younger days, she will still chastise him for undertaking risky voyages or indulging in harmful activities.
Biography & Lore
There isn't much to say. Oleg was born in Alliria, into a well-standing family. His father, Dragan Orlov, works as a regional merchant and a tutor with a base of operation in Alliria.
Oleg is endowed with the ability to not only control but also generate magic from his body. It is a gift manifested upon birth, growing more potent as the boy aged into his teenage years and early adulthood.
Oleg's capacity for the arcane can be chalked up to a genetic mutation within the bloodline but is likely to have more sinister, supernatural pretenses to it. The pathway through which magic flows is enmeshed within Oleg's body, transporting magic through the body and to each organ, tissue, and cell as the circulatory system does blood. The system is in some way involved in the creation of magic itself.
Enhancement: This particular arcane discipline manifests as an ability to enhance physical/physiological properties of people and objects through magical infusion. One can make themselves stronger, faster, more durable, more resilient to a specific type of damage, and so on by utilizing enhancement.
Likewise, the user has perfect control of their bodily energy, magical, potential, and kinetic energy. It means that a skilled user can apply an incredible degree of hardening over their body parts or achieve near-perfect fluidity and coordination of movement. Funnily enough, one can utilize augmentative magic to anchor body parts or the entire frame to a specific surface, making the user harder to move despite overwhelming force.
Drawbacks: Enhancement works much like stamina, and one's magical pool can run out, leaving them defenseless. To recharge, the user must rest or otherwise abstain from using magic. Severe physical damage can disrupt the flow of magic, leaving Oleg magicless until his wounds heal sufficiently.
Note: Enhancement offers passive resistance against exotic effects, as long as the attacker's mana pool doesn't significantly eclipse Oleg's. Effects such as: mind control, matter disintegration, reality-warping, perception-altering, soul-stealing, power negation, transmutation, enemy precognition etc.
Similarly, magically charged attacks of this nature bypass unconventional forms of toughness/damage dispersal.
Guardian entity - Tawrich: The blending of magical energies with those of the spirit and mind led Oleg to develop an entity whose consciousness is somewhat autonomous from his own. Tawrich is the name of this being. Tawrich may act independently and on a whim but will obey Oleg's commands nearly unquestionably unless they run against the duo's best interests.
Tawrich manifests as limbs and other assorted bodyparts conjured by Oleg for defense and offense. Tawrich has no set size, shape, or durability beyond the ones dictated by Oleg.
Drawbacks: Tawrich's manifestations deplete Oleg's mana, leading to the eventual weakening and breaking of his enhancement. Whenever Tawrich is out, Oleg's enhancement is either weakened or outright diminished, leaving him open for direct attacks. Said attacks may prove fatal if Tawrich fails to intercept them.
Oleg is endowed with the ability to not only control but also generate magic from his body. It is a gift manifested upon birth, growing more potent as the boy aged into his teenage years and early adulthood.
Oleg's capacity for the arcane can be chalked up to a genetic mutation within the bloodline but is likely to have more sinister, supernatural pretenses to it. The pathway through which magic flows is enmeshed within Oleg's body, transporting magic through the body and to each organ, tissue, and cell as the circulatory system does blood. The system is in some way involved in the creation of magic itself.
Enhancement: This particular arcane discipline manifests as an ability to enhance physical/physiological properties of people and objects through magical infusion. One can make themselves stronger, faster, more durable, more resilient to a specific type of damage, and so on by utilizing enhancement.
Likewise, the user has perfect control of their bodily energy, magical, potential, and kinetic energy. It means that a skilled user can apply an incredible degree of hardening over their body parts or achieve near-perfect fluidity and coordination of movement. Funnily enough, one can utilize augmentative magic to anchor body parts or the entire frame to a specific surface, making the user harder to move despite overwhelming force.
Drawbacks: Enhancement works much like stamina, and one's magical pool can run out, leaving them defenseless. To recharge, the user must rest or otherwise abstain from using magic. Severe physical damage can disrupt the flow of magic, leaving Oleg magicless until his wounds heal sufficiently.
Note: Enhancement offers passive resistance against exotic effects, as long as the attacker's mana pool doesn't significantly eclipse Oleg's. Effects such as: mind control, matter disintegration, reality-warping, perception-altering, soul-stealing, power negation, transmutation, enemy precognition etc.
Similarly, magically charged attacks of this nature bypass unconventional forms of toughness/damage dispersal.

Guardian entity - Tawrich: The blending of magical energies with those of the spirit and mind led Oleg to develop an entity whose consciousness is somewhat autonomous from his own. Tawrich is the name of this being. Tawrich may act independently and on a whim but will obey Oleg's commands nearly unquestionably unless they run against the duo's best interests.
Tawrich manifests as limbs and other assorted bodyparts conjured by Oleg for defense and offense. Tawrich has no set size, shape, or durability beyond the ones dictated by Oleg.
Drawbacks: Tawrich's manifestations deplete Oleg's mana, leading to the eventual weakening and breaking of his enhancement. Whenever Tawrich is out, Oleg's enhancement is either weakened or outright diminished, leaving him open for direct attacks. Said attacks may prove fatal if Tawrich fails to intercept them.