

Biographical information
Alliria 54(appears younger) Nomadic
Physical description
Human Female 5'11" Severely underweight Black Black Pale, ashen
Political information
Out-of-character information


Nyx is tall and unnaturally pale, with long black hair that nearly reaches the ground. Her eyes are black and sunken from lack of sleep. She was born with normally colored skin and blue eyes, but her line of work rather seeped the life out of her. Her unhealthy weight is due to the fact that, being essentially half-dead, she hardly feels hunger and forgets to eat for weeks at a time. Flightless, black, winglike appendages sprout from her back, not unlike the skeleton of a bat's wing. She usually hides these under some sort of shawl. She is always dressed in a floor-length, high-collared, long-sleeved black dress with stockings, boots, and gloves of the same color. She shows as little skin as possible.

Skills and Abilities

She is a necromancer, but, in accordance with the Thread of Mortality, cannot return life to the dead without sacrificing a life in return, nor can she resurrect herself, though she will have an unnaturally long life, probably living well into her hundreds. These rituals are time and energy-consuming things. She is also skilled with shield spells and other defensive methods, which take less time to cast and are quite useful.


For a necromancer who has to ritualistically kill people, Nyx has surprisingly strong morals. If she attempts to bring someone back to life, she'll look for someone horrible; she avoids killing anyone who doesn't, on some level, deserve it. Though she'll never act on it, she can hold a grudge for an inordinate amount of time. She is nearly always calm and collected, but can be angry and protective over the people she cares about. True Neutral personality.

Biography & Lore

Nyx was born in the city of Alliria. Her father died when her mother was pregnant and her mother died in childbirth. She was raised in a very religious orphanage, where, in the library, at the age of thirteen, she found a few books detailing demonic rituals and necromancy, or, more accurately, how to avoid those who practice it. But the books intrigued her, and in one of them was a ritual meant for summoning and controlling Maniae(Greek mythological spirits of insanity). One of these spirits guided her to find, in another library, more books on necromancy. She studied for about a year and six months before a thought struck her: what if she used the magic she'd been steadily mastering to bring back her mother?
Unfortunately, the best time to easily resurrect someone is right after their death, and Nyx's mother had been dead for fourteen years. This didn't stop her from developing an obsession with resurrecting her mother. It took several years of failed attempts and concerned friends asking why she wasn't eating and why skeletal wings were growing out of her back(a deformity that was a result of attempting to sacrifice part of her own soul to speak with her mother's) before she finally decided to give up. She has been traveling the world since then, making a living performing favors for people in need: usually only helping people speak with deceased loved ones(which does not cost a human life), but occasionally bringing them back. She avoids working for anyone well-known, as she likes to keep a low profile.


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