Nydia Miecz

Nydia Miecz

Biographical information
Physical description
Human Female Slightly Above Average Lithe Gold Fair
Political information
Church of Zakon, Civilization Paladin of Zakon
Out-of-character information
Shade September 24, 2018 Eve of Rivia by thegameworld on DeviantArt

Nydia is, first and foremost, a Paladin of Zakon. As an agent of the Star Wolf, she roams the world fighting the darkness that presses in on civilization. Whenever possible, she seeks to thwart the plans of Menalus, and the city-state of Molthal, due to the bastards of the Fire Giant being responsible for the desolation of her families home and kingdom.


Physical Description

Nydia has stark white hair, and sharp golden eyes. Her form is lithe and athletic from a lifetime, albeit short, spent either training for combat, or partaking in actual combat. She normally can be found wearing armor of some sort. When she isn't expecting trouble, she usually wears a well maintained suit of leather and chain mail. When she is expecting trouble, she can be found in the same, with the addition of breast and back plates, pauldrons, vambraces, and greaves of plate as well. She always has at least one sword on her, a sword blessed by her church. Along with it, she may carry any assortment of other weaponry her current mission requires.


Nydia is the last heir to the conquered Kingdom of Awelon, formerly situated on the Crobhear River. It was a trading kingdom that made it's fortune from tolls of ships transiting the spine via river and road around Crobhear Lake. One morning, a band of marauders led by several members of the Bastard Council rode through the kingdom. The mercenaries and Blight Orcs that rode with the Bastards of Menalus made quick work of the defenses of the Kingdoms capital, Crobhear. All that is left behind are ruins manned by Blight Orcs and stories of the survivors who had been taken in by the nearby Dwarven holds, then filtering to other cities as the years passed.

Nydia was born into this diaspora, the last heir born to parents who remembered their home, but could only instill longing in their child. Nydia found refuge in the faith of her people and the Church of Zakon, the Star Wolf. From an early age, she learned the teachings and helped the priests and paladins of the Church to tend to the refugees of Awelon. Eventually, her band of refugees ended up in Alliria, and the Church of Zakon set up a small chapel attached to the residence of the now exiled royal family.


Personality Traits

Enmity - Nydia has a deep mistrust of the city-state of Molthal, and it's ruling bodies.
Faith - From a young age, Nydia has immersed herself in the Church of Zakon, and has a deep, abiding faith in the Star Wolf.
Good - Nydia, partially due to her faith, is an unabashed good person, and will often go out of her way to help those in need.

Skills and Abilities

Skills and abilities


Spells Known

Magic stuff

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    • Created by
      Nydia Miecz
      Last updated by
      Nydia Miecz

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