Noiraeve Talastra
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Noiraeve is reasonably tall for her gender at 174cm, and generally slender. Despite her reliance on magic, she has not neglected the realm of the physical. An exercise regimen gives her a core of strength to her frame. She has long hair of dark brown and large pale eyes, appearing grey-blue. Her pale skin is mostly devoid of blemishes, save for the beginnings of frown-lines around her mouth, thanks to the natural down-turn of her lips, and a few scars -- mostly keepsakes from when her trading expedition was attacked in her youth, but a few more recent.
She tends to dress simply in dark shades, but Noiraeve has been known as a chameleon when the situation calls for it. She is willing to change her dress and appearance as needed for the good of her mission or her order.
She tends to dress simply in dark shades, but Noiraeve has been known as a chameleon when the situation calls for it. She is willing to change her dress and appearance as needed for the good of her mission or her order.
Skills and Abilities
For nearly two decades, Noiraeve has been a scholar in a magical order in the Ixchel Wilds. She specializes in harnessing the power of water and air, although she has also spent time among other schools, including one each in fire and earth, earning a reputation as a well-rounded mage.
Aside from magic, Noiraeve has a penchant for social stealth, occasionally being tasked by the order to visit other places to obtain something -- information or otherwise. She is adept in the changing of her appearance for the sake of subterfuge as needed and decently skilled in the use of a rapier or a dagger.
Aside from magic, Noiraeve has a penchant for social stealth, occasionally being tasked by the order to visit other places to obtain something -- information or otherwise. She is adept in the changing of her appearance for the sake of subterfuge as needed and decently skilled in the use of a rapier or a dagger.
Outwardly reserved, Noiraeve -- Rave to the few colleagues close enough to be counted as friends -- is an introverted observer. There is little that escapes the placid grey-blue gaze of her eyes. She may not always understand what she sees, but she is certainly attentive to it. Her role in the Order necessitates it; every piece of information she can get is squirreled away in the back of her mind to report back later.
Noiraeve is deeply loyal to the Order that, in her earliest memories, rescued her from a bandit attack, took her in, raised her, and unlocked the magical potential within her. Her loyalty to the Order is almost blind, and on the rare occasion that she has been confronted with any potentially unsettling information about it, she has found ways to rationalize it to herself.
She is a curious type of person and, though reserved, generally good natured. Noiraeve's wit tends to be dry and she appreciates similar styles of humor. She is kind where she can be, but is not so concerned with being kind as getting her job done by whatever means are necessary. She is an honest person, as demanded by the Order, and is characteristically economical with the truth, sometimes necessitating putting things in such a way that they are true from a certain point of view.
Noiraeve is deeply loyal to the Order that, in her earliest memories, rescued her from a bandit attack, took her in, raised her, and unlocked the magical potential within her. Her loyalty to the Order is almost blind, and on the rare occasion that she has been confronted with any potentially unsettling information about it, she has found ways to rationalize it to herself.
She is a curious type of person and, though reserved, generally good natured. Noiraeve's wit tends to be dry and she appreciates similar styles of humor. She is kind where she can be, but is not so concerned with being kind as getting her job done by whatever means are necessary. She is an honest person, as demanded by the Order, and is characteristically economical with the truth, sometimes necessitating putting things in such a way that they are true from a certain point of view.
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