Njáll, The Crimson
Born in the Lost Isles, Njáll rarely speaks of his home or how he came to be upon the mainland.
Those who break through his overly boisterous exterior often learn a short tale of rejection and woe. A story of the 'blessing' he was granted, and the price he paid for the Dark God's gifts. The words he speaks are vague, and to those who do not know the Nordwiir near the ravings of a madman.
Whatever his history, Njáll came to the southlands to seek refuge and quickly found work as a Mercenary. Traveling with a band of near brigands for nearly half a decade, Njáll found a level of acceptance he had never experienced before. Though more brutal than most, life among the mercenaries was almost calm in comparison to the existence he had once eeked out in the Lost Isles.
It was through this group that Njáll eventually came to join the Monster Hunters.
Hired to hunt whatever had been stealing children from a local village, The Mercenary band stumbled upon a Hakeri. A demon taking on the guise of an old crone. Not knowing what they were truly dealing with, the band found itself quickly outwitted and outmatched. Slaughtered until only one remained; Njáll.
Tearing flesh from flesh, the Nordwiir revealed the truth of himself and slew the crone. Her magic falling fallow, and her screams echoing only in the ears of the approaching hunters.
When they came to the Cabin, the Jaegers found no Crone but only Njáll the Crimson.
A monster more than willing to slay others.
Among his fellow hunters Njäll has the tendency to be the most loud and jovial. A spark of personality that often glows bright, and in direct opposition to the Crimson Demon that lurks within.
The Crimson

Though many receive touches of immortality or sparks of magic, Njáll's gift took on all together different form. Though the rending of ones flesh is almost common, with the Holdúlfu appearing as the most regular of gifts offered by the Gods; Njáll's transformation took on an all together different aspect.
Whether by Haraudur's touch, or Likami's cruel whispers, Njáll's transformation is one of demonic rent. When the Nordwiir tears the flesh from his body, he reveals the mask of a monster.
Njáll's 'gift' is not the curse of lycanthropy or the taint of any other disease. His transformations are a choice, though incredibly painful when enacted. He grows taller, stronger, faster. Becoming a different being and unleashing a force upon the world that is an echo of the Dark Gods who brought his blessing to this world.
Almost constantly, the other half of him whispers. Calling, demanding, aching to come forth and spill the blood it so desperately desires.
A pull that he most often resists.