

Biographical information
Unknown estimated 14 years ao
Physical description
Human Nazrani halfblood Female 1.3m 90lbs Black Brown Dark
Political information
TBD Piracy TBD
Out-of-character information
Nadia original by unknown, avatar by Butters


Dark skinned, though not as dark as the Nazrani, Nina is Half cast. She lost an eye as a child and doesn’t recall how, she covers the worst of the scars with a headscarf though some of it sreaks across her nose and onto her other cheek. Her remaining eye is large and brown and can make most people uncomfortable with her stare. Her hair reaches past her shoulders in thick dreadlocks and she bears a tattoo from her shoulder to her chin.

Skills and Abilities

Nina fights like an animal, but that doesn’t mean she’s particularly skilful, just that she’s fast and ferocious and will use anything as a weapon. She can swim like a fish and is nimble, able to climb rigging just as easy as walking.


Nina is quiet, until she isn’t. If she doesn’t like something she’ll let you know and has the temper that matches that of a small cat. She’ll spit, bite and scratch if she’s no weapon to speak of. She is distrustful of everyone, for the only person she did, cast her out. She loves the sea and has only set foot on dry land twice, both times she was sick.

Biography & Lore

Nina knows only two things about her heritage, and by knowing, she makes assumption based on what she has learned of the world as a slave. She was by product rape and she was disposed of for this reason. She’s learnt that the colour of her skin comes from her mother, who at least saw fit to tattoo across her shoulder and neck before casting her into the seas. Any Nazrani who sees her, knows she is unwanted. An outcast.

The sea did not consume her, and for that, Nina is grateful but it took an eye, as payment for her life. She’s never been taught about gods so her beliefs are her own. She serves the sea, she goes where it calls her and she doesn’t fear its fathomless depths. She was plucked from the sea by a pirate named, Khayr who raised her, taught her to talk, to navigate to pickpocket and to fight.

Then he sold her, and for that she never forgave him, praying to the Sea that he be consumed by her. She’s passed from hand to hand and knows that even her current Captain won’t keep her for long, shackled with other slaves she waits below decks to be passed to the next ship.


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