Nasir Zyltris

Nasir Zyltris

Biographical information
Somewhere within Amol-Kalit 50 As a merchant, he wanders where the profit flows.
Physical description
Sand elf male 5'4 117 lbs Black Brown Tan
Political information
Out-of-character information
@dragonwielder 4/24/2021


Nasir is a tan elven fellow, standing at a height of 5'8. Though he's slightly less tan than his other abtati people due to mixed ancestry with another species of lighter skinned elf. Though, not having known his great grandparents, he's got no idea what mix his blood is. He's on the more lean and skinny side thanks to days of wandering the desert sands. Though he's far from unhealthy, and is quite sturdy from the life of a traveler. Though he could stand to drink more water. His hair is black, as most of his kind have, and brown eyes. A typical abtati look, though he's got soft handsomely shaped features. He's got some white tattoos dotting under his eyes, and then white tribal tattoos covering his arms that meet in a design at the center of his chest, and spread up to his neck and further down his body. It contrasts with his skin well. Though it's hard to tell if it's tradition or a fashion statement. He likes to leave people wondering which.

Skills and Abilities

Merchant: Nasir is a merchant by trade. This means he's got the skills that come with the occupation. He's a talented reader, writer, and is an expert in mathematical calculations.

Animal friend: He's got a talent for animals, and often has a herd of a few animals following him along for protection on his journey. In the deserts, he often brings large water containers on his cart, which he'll dispense into a nearby hole that he finds or digs out, for the local wildlife to drink from. This attracts various beasts, deadly or not, that come to drink from the temporary water hole. Their presence keeps bandits off his back. He did this so often with his parents and on his own as he travelled all over the deserts that some of the creatures in the desert follow along to give him an escort until he stops to camp, knowing that he is the giver of water. They give protection, he gives hydration.

Persuasive: Being a merchant, Nasir has a silver tongue. He needs to in order to make sales and haggle the prices for restocking his shop. Not to mention selling the occasional rare magical item he gets at a nicely marked up price.

Crafty: Nasir is far from the most talented fighter. Though he makes up for that by always having a plan. He's rarely caught unaware. He knows how to set traps, make a few different kinds of bombs. He also makes, uses, and sells various different kinds of enhanced arrows. (Poison, exploding, etc).

Basic combatant: Though Nasir isn't a warrior, as stated before, he's still learned some means of defending himself. He's able to make use of both bows and crossbows for hunting and combat, and prefers polearms for close range combat since they create distance between he and an opponent, and are the simplest to use of the weapon families. Though he carries a hand axe on his belt just in case a spear is not applicable.

Magical knowhow: Nasir is not a mage, but he's touched many magical objects and interacted with them throughout his life while he was growing up with his traveling merchant parents. Due to this, he's usually able to tamper about with magical objects such as scrolls, weapons, and amulets to figure out how they work for his own use and to appraise their ability for sales.


Nasir, at first glance, looks young and naïve. Many think they can trick the young merchant into making a deal that doesn't favor him the most, or swindle him out of some money. They mistake his age for naivety. He's a kind fellow by nature, and offers the best prices he can for those he sells to, with only having the tendency to markup magical items he gets ahold of and sells since he considers them his bonus. He's polite, courteous, and does business with a smile. Under this is a cunning salesman who will be cheated by no one, who plans to kill everyone with kindness and jerky sales so he can one day live the high life. Some say he's not cutthroat enough for business, but he plans to get rich without cheating a single soul that doesn't deserve it.

Biography & Lore

Nasir wasn't born with any specific tribe, which makes tracking down his life much more hard. He was instead born to two traveling aptati merchants, who wandered the sands making their keep by selling to the other wandering nomad. He was a child of the merchant trade, even as far as to having been born in the back of a cart. Though his parents had different skillsets. His father was the regular merchant sort. His mother was a fierce adventurer who fended off bandits, and explored ruins, finding treasure and magical items for them to sell alongside regular stock when they met with the other tribes. Due to them being Aptati, and being known to sell to all the tribes, aptati tribes left them be. It was other others that caused them trouble. Human bandit groups being a main example.

Most of his childhood was spent learning the ways of a merchant from an early age, following his parents through the sands. To make sure he was properly socialized, his parents would wander with the occasional group of aptati so he could interact with the other children, and live a somewhat regular life. He never stayed with the same people for long, but he made many friends with the surrounding groups, giving him connections later in life. His teenage years were spent learning the math behind the merchanting trade, and being taght all the tricks of the trade by his parents. He picked up on it rather quickly, having a natural knack for rhetoric and mathematics.

Once he reached the age of fifty, he said goodbye to his parents and set out on his own. His parents gave him some parting gifts. They stopped by the nearest merchanting center, and bought him a cart, and some stock to start off selling. His mother gave him a large egg, which she told him to nurture, as it would aid him later in life. Armed with his wits, and a cart full of goods, he set off into the sands. Has his life so far been uneventful? Sure, but he hopes that'll change soon.


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