Namidre Dhendizad
She is a shy, kind hearted but stubborn and powerful woman. She is lonely and wants friends more than anything, but thanks to her shyness, her race and her practices, she is shunned by most people. She is physically attractive, and she is quite meek when it comes to decisions, unless she has her heart set on something, then there is no stopping her. If one were to befriend her, they would find that she is a little clingy, and doesn't want to depart from her friends for long periods of time, which has lead her to annoy some people.
She is a moderately sized woman, usually wearing a strapless leotard with flat boots that come halfway up her calf, elbow-length gloves and an ankle-length blue cloak that mimmics the night sky, much like her hair does. She is always carrying a staff topped with a sapphire, and a small, curved dagger at her hip.
Skills and Abilities
Divination: Her connection to the stars makes her able to predict the future, albeit without details and often cryptically. Some say she is an Oracle in Training.
Nebulous Fire: Her connection to the cosmos allows her to use her cosmic powers to creat fire of great heat, though this requires a great deal of energy and focus from her, and she can't do a lot of it at once.
Cosmic Chill: A more basic spell used by her people's mages is a spell that paralyzes a target with extreme cold, it has been known to cause heart attacks and to make breathing difficult.
Comet: Her people have long been able to use cosmic magic, one of the easiest and most immidiately threatening spells would be that of the Comet, where they lauch a chunk of conjured ice at high speeds, which moves so fast that they look like blue fire.
Magnetic shield: Just as the planet's magnetism protects it, so too can the Star Elves use its magnetic field to protect them. This deflects oncoming magic, and metals that contain iron, nickle or cobalt. An arrow that doesn't have any of these metals will go unhindered towards the caster.
Nebulous Fire: Her connection to the cosmos allows her to use her cosmic powers to creat fire of great heat, though this requires a great deal of energy and focus from her, and she can't do a lot of it at once.
Cosmic Chill: A more basic spell used by her people's mages is a spell that paralyzes a target with extreme cold, it has been known to cause heart attacks and to make breathing difficult.
Comet: Her people have long been able to use cosmic magic, one of the easiest and most immidiately threatening spells would be that of the Comet, where they lauch a chunk of conjured ice at high speeds, which moves so fast that they look like blue fire.
Magnetic shield: Just as the planet's magnetism protects it, so too can the Star Elves use its magnetic field to protect them. This deflects oncoming magic, and metals that contain iron, nickle or cobalt. An arrow that doesn't have any of these metals will go unhindered towards the caster.
She is a lonely, shy and nervous woman, capable as she may be in combat or with magic, she is completely helpless when it comes to making friends. She will often stutter, or just not be able to talk at all, when among people she is easily startled and her nervousness is always obvious to anyone who bothered to look at her. But she is a force of nature when she is determined, or if something truly means something to her. She doesn't like saying goodbye and will often try to convince those who are leaving to stay if they are her friend.
Biography & Lore
Namidre was young when she was apprenticed to a Cosmic Sorcerer, the sorcerers of her people. Not only were they sorcerers and mages, they were also religious leaders, as her people worshipped the stars, the moon and other things that appeared in the heavens. So from her young age, she moved into the temple of Nebulae, and learned of the known cosmos, it's magic and it's praise. She was a talented mage, but not so good at hand to hand combat, even in self defense.
When she earned her staff, she was excited, too excited, and went further than she was ready for in her haste, and for it she was not allowed to advance any further up the ranks of the clergy, staying an apprentice for the rest of her days. She continued to study though, much more careful this time, until she discovered a way out of their hidden valley, and to the outside world. So her adventure begins.
When she earned her staff, she was excited, too excited, and went further than she was ready for in her haste, and for it she was not allowed to advance any further up the ranks of the clergy, staying an apprentice for the rest of her days. She continued to study though, much more careful this time, until she discovered a way out of their hidden valley, and to the outside world. So her adventure begins.
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