Nacola Vargr

Nacola Vargr

Biographical information
Falwood 27 Falwood
Physical description
Human Female 5'10" A lady never tells Blonde Blue Pale
Political information
Out-of-character information
Snow 10/17/2021

Nacola is and always will be wild and free. She is made from a different mettle than her kin. She was born and raised wild, no sense of comadrie with others. If you meet her, you'll have to find out her secrets yourself. She will offer you nothing.


Tall and athletic, Nacola is fierce and mighty. There is a feral grace about her. She has blond hair and blue eyes, her skin pale and blemish free. She wears furs, her prey.

Skills and Abilities

Nacola has fighting and hunting prowess. She can wield a bow, or blade. She posses elemental magics, able to call upon the elements to aide her.She is adept in blood magic as well.


Nacola keeps to herself for the most part, tucked away in the quiet forests. If she comes across others, she is more likely to attack you than greet you. She is prickly and downright mean. However, if you become like a friend to her, you will see a softer side, and a loyalty that knows no bounds.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>


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